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Should you pay for a verified MOOC certificate? A lot has changed since I last wrote a post on whether you should pay for a verified certificate from a MOOC.

Should you pay for a verified MOOC certificate?

If you’re just finding me now, my project is to use massive open online courses – MOOCs – to get an education equivalent to an MBA, at a fraction of the cost of a regular MBA degree. I don’t plan to receive any sort of credential for my studies, but I have sought to publicly demonstrate my efforts and my accomplishments, mainly through this website. Back when I started my No-Pay MBA, all certificates were free.

First Coursera and then edX introduced an identity-verified certificate for a fee, but these two major MOOC providers were still giving away honor-code certificates for free to anyone who completed all the requirements of their courses. Udacity Archives - No-Pay MBA. MOOCs: What Should You Pay For???

Udacity Archives - No-Pay MBA

As the MOOC providers search for viable revenue models, the number of things you can pay for in the MOOC world has exploded. From subscription sites like Lynda, to micro-credentials like Udacity’s Nanodegrees and Coursera’s Specializations, the array of options is dizzying. None is as expensive as regular college credit, but fees for MOOCs now range from free with an option to pay $50 for a verified certificate (Coursera, edX), to upwards of $900 for a single course (NovoEd), to $200 per month for access to as many courses as you can handle (Udacity, Lynda). In the early days of massive open online courses you couldn’t pay for a course or a certificate if you wanted to. In my opinion, the proliferation of non-free options is a good thing; it is only by having sustainable business models that the MOOC platforms will be able to stay in existence and continue producing high-quality content.

What is your goal and how much can you afford? Free Online Courses - FutureLearn. Arizona State, edX to offer freshman year of college online. (Poets&Quants) — It’s been four years since Harvard Business School’s Clayton Christensen, the father of disruptive innovation theory, warned that technology would bring large-scale change to higher education.

Arizona State, edX to offer freshman year of college online

Universities have since been rolling out hundreds of online degree programs and thousands of free MOOCs (massive open online courses). But one of most potentially disruptive initiatives in education launched on Wednesday at Arizona State University and edX, the online learning non-profit founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Arizona State will allow students anywhere in the world to take their entire freshman year of courses online and then use the college credit earned to complete undergraduate studies at either its campus or any other university willing to accept those transfer credits.

The new offering is sure to raise eyebrows in academia, where change takes place slowly and with great reservation. More from Poets&Quants: Première année d’université en MOOC EdX crédités à la Arizona State. Open Education. The aim of this scoreboard is to highlight the huge potential that European institutions have in the world of OER and to help visualize this potential by compiling the existing European-provided MOOCs available on different open websites.

Open Education

European MOOCs are those provided by European institutions, regardless of the platform that hosts them. All of the MOOCs accounted for in the scoreboard are also listed in the MOOC aggregator on this website. Please refer to our FAQ for more information about how this scoreboard is built, what are the sources of information and how the visualization works. Downloads Infographics To download a graphical version of the scoreboard in JPG Format click here.

MOOC et recrutement

Marché des MOOCs académiques français (1 semestre 2014) Marché des MOOCs académiques français (1 semestre 2014) Synthèse sur le développement des MOOC francophones ? Open Education. The aim of this scoreboard is to highlight the huge potential that European institutions have in the world of OER and to help visualize this potential by compiling the existing European-provided MOOCs available on different open websites.

Open Education

European MOOCs are those provided by European institutions, regardless of the platform that hosts them. All of the MOOCs accounted for in the scoreboard are also listed in the MOOC aggregator on this website. Please refer to our FAQ for more information about how this scoreboard is built, what are the sources of information and how the visualization works. Downloads Infographics To download a graphical version of the scoreboard in JPG Format click here. Institutions To download European Open Education Institutions click here Upcoming EU MOOCs To download Upcoming European MOOCs in our database per country and subject click here All EU MOOCs To download ALL European MOOCs in our database per country and subject click here Contact. Autour des MOOC. Une page autour des MOOC, cours de masse en ligne et ouverts (Massive Open Online Course) Une collecte de références initiée par Michel Briand, avec la participation de Delphine Keldermans, Telecom Bretagne, à compléter c'est un wiki ouvert !

Autour des MOOC

"" "voir aussi, site participatif sur les MOOC, lieu de partage et d’échanges dans l’enseignement supérieur francophone initié par Jean Marie Gilliot, Telecom Bretagne, Insitut Mines Telecom. Nous nous dirigeons vers un nouveau modèle radicalement ouvert, asynchrone et collaboratif. Cartographie des MOOC français. 2e baromètre trimestriel des MOOC Francophones. Une analyse de l’offre des MOOC Francophones de ce deuxième trimestre à découvrir et à rapprocher avec notre premier baromètre du mois de novembre… Vincent Datin Avant tout, je suis un insatiable curieux.

2e baromètre trimestriel des MOOC Francophones

Parlons MOOC sur Twitter : "#edX permet désormais l'ajout des certifications de #Mooc directement sur #LinkedIn... Le blog de Christine Vaufrey. Demain jeudi 28 juin, je vais animer un atelier aux Journées du e-learning de Lyon, organisées par l’université Lyon 3 et ses partenaires.

Le blog de Christine Vaufrey

Quatre témoins de pratiques « améliorées » de formation et d’apprentissage vont se succéder pour un débat avec la salle. Moi, je ne dirai pas grand chose, car je considère que j’ai dit tout ce que j’ai à dire (pour le moment) sur le sujet, dans le livre blanc L’apprentissage augmenté que j’ai coordonné pour Thot, à partir des articles publiés sur le site depuis quelques années. Tout, sauf une chose, que je partage ici. Je ne suis plus étudiante depuis longtemps. Etudiante, au sens de « inscrite dans un cursus de cours dans une université ou tout autre établissement d’enseignement ». MOOC Francophone. MASNI - Master de Négociation Internationale et Interculturelle. A complete list of Massive Open Online Courses (free online courses) offered by the best universities and entities.

MASNI - Master de Négociation Internationale et Interculturelle

Le site web « Mooc Francophone » est un portail destiné aux cours en ligne ouverts à tous, en langue française. Il a pour vocation d’informer les visiteurs des offres disponibles et de leur donner les moyens de choisir un cours en ligne selon un ensemble de critères. The OpenupEd initiative was launched on April 25th 2013 in an online international press event. OpenupEd is a quality brand and partners are collaborating on those MOOCs that really focus on opening up education for all. Although there’s a clear diversity of institutional approaches, the partnership has agreed on a framework of eight common features for its MOOCs in order to open up education to a maximum level. Infographie - Décryptage des MOOC francophones. Qui sont les champions des MOOC francophones ?

Infographie - Décryptage des MOOC francophones

Quel futur pour les cours en ligne massifs ? Veille pédagogie universitaire numérique Saida Mraihi Arts & Métiers ParisTec.