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All Natural Pore Shrinking Mask {Wanna Be Wednesday} [Recipe] A couple weeks ago, when I began my journey to Who I Want To Be, part of what I discussed includes my over-grooming tendancies.

All Natural Pore Shrinking Mask {Wanna Be Wednesday} [Recipe]

Basically, I have a compulsion when dealing with stress where I over critique and “groom” my skin. Usually by way of scratching/picking pimples and blackheads on my face. Sometimes until it hurts. Its shameful, and I’m reminded of my own bad choice for days afterward as the redness and puffiness subsides. Obviously, there’s a larger issue there. This all natural face mask is something I make up and use when I’m feeling particularly “groom”-y. Also- it works. What You Need: Oatmeal – According to my (rather limited) research, oatmeal contains healthy fats and polysacharides that help to moisturize and repair skin. How To Make It: Use a spice grinder, coffee grinder, or food processor to create a flour like powder from the oatmeal.

Rinse with warm water and pat dry! Bath Salts Recipe Easy Peeling Mask recipe All Natural Face Moisturizer Green Tea Repairing Face Cream. Clean and Healthy DIY Facial Moisturizer. For pretty much my whole teen and adult life I’ve been on some sort of skincare regimen.

Clean and Healthy DIY Facial Moisturizer

From acne to dryness, I’ve had a hard time finding my balance. Well, about a year ago I stopped using some of the super expensive subscription style face care products and decided to go all natural. Since then, I cleanse with only ground oatmeal (I grind oats in the food processor, then wet them in my hand and rub until they get slippery like soap. It exfoliates and absorbs oil, not to mention oatmeal is generally good for skin) and I’ve been moisturizing with this DIY facial moisturizer.

I promised myself after a few months of using this cream, that the next time I made it I would photograph the process so I could share it with you. This cream has only a few ingredients, no dyes, no chemical preservatives, no scents. And its really, really cheap. When I first decided to make this lotion, I started with this post from Frugally Sustainable. What You Need: 1 cup aloe vera gel (This bit is important.

Green Tea Repairing Face Cream Recipe - Sweet Anne Handcrafted Designs. A while back I posted my DIY Natural Face Moisturizer, because I use it and I love it.

Green Tea Repairing Face Cream Recipe - Sweet Anne Handcrafted Designs

That recipe focuses on being light and non-greasy, and I find it works perfect for my naturally oily skin type. However, the recipe might not be the perfect solution for someone with dry, chapping skin, or those who find their skin aging and unable to keep its moisture balance. My best friend, Amy (she’s doing well in Korea by the way. I miss her! ♥) gets wind burn. On my Lotion Texture and Feeling scale, this one is a little heavier than some of the others I’ve posted. This Repairing Face Cream is perfect for people like Amy. Oh, and did I mention it is easy? What You Need: .25 oz (by weight!) This Green Tea recipe has become a fan favorite, and I’ve been asked a lot of questions about it. Food for Healthy Skin. Are you truly what you eat?

Food for Healthy Skin

When it comes to the health of your skin, you certainly are. Just as food affects your heart, your cholesterol level and your blood pressure, food affects the health of your skin as well. Potions and lotions can do their best to help you look better from the outside in, but eating right can truly nourish the skin from the inside out. For a head to toe beauty boost, be sure to eat a wide variety of foods from all the food groups. Some particularly super skin standout foods include: Try This Combine as many good-for-your-skin foods as you can for tonight’s dinner. SeafoodYou probably know that omega-3 fatty acids are good for your heart — but did you know they’re good for your skin too?

“Omega-3s help the skin increase its ability to hold water, which leads to softer, wrinkle-free skin,” says Beth A. Fish high in omega-3s include salmon, mackerel, cod and tuna (particularly the albacore and bluefin varieties). QUIZ: How Healthy is Your Skin? — by Leslie Pepper. DIY skin remedies. Brilliantly Easy Makeup Tips You Never Knew About. Makeup Tips For Each Occasion.