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Winkegasssydorenko. La Principessa Sul Pisello. Your report has been submitted.

La Principessa Sul Pisello

There was a problem submitting your report. Please contact Adobe Support. Report Abuse If you feel that this video content violates the Adobe Terms of Use, you may report this content by filling out this quick form. *@@vadertest@@* To report a Copyright Violation, please follow Section 17 in the Terms of Use. I Video nella Didattica - Seconda Parte: Creare e Gestire Lezioni, Quizzes, Discussioni con i Video. Un repertorio Didattico Pronto per l'Uso L'enorme quantità di video pubblicati sul web offre enormi opportunità dal punto di vista educativo.

I Video nella Didattica - Seconda Parte: Creare e Gestire Lezioni, Quizzes, Discussioni con i Video

La visione in presenza o online di video a supporto del processo didattico, è solo la più elementare e ovvia di queste. Accanto alla possibilità di realizzare da soli e a partire da zero i propri video, vi è anche quella di sfruttare i video già presenti in rete e che costituiscono un repertorio didattico dall'enorme potenziale, basterebbe poterli modificare e adattare alle esigenze di docenti e studenti, per poterli utilizzare con profitto nel processo formativo. 14 vídeos sin palabras para clases de idiomas – Un Lugar Cada Vez. TheLearnia Offers a Good Way to Create Video Lessons. TheLearnia is a free service that I reviewed about four years ago when it was primarily a social network built around video lessons.

theLearnia Offers a Good Way to Create Video Lessons

This week I took another look at theLearnia and learned that the site is now focused on helping teachers create video-based lessons. On theLearnia you can create video lessons up to fifteen minutes in length. Your video lessons can be simple whiteboard style instructional videos or they can be videos based on slides that you either create on theLearnia or upload as PowerPoint files. I gave the service a try this afternoon. I simply uploaded a set of PowerPoint slides then hit the record button to narrate what was shown on my slides. theLearnia also provides tools for drawing on top of your slides and or writing additional text.

Applications for EducationtheLearnia could be a good way for teachers who already have a bunch of PowerPoint slides to turn those slides into flipped video lessons. Six Styles of Classroom Video Projects - A Handout. Non solo video: trasformare la visione di un video in una esperienza comunicativa interattiva. 1.

Non solo video: trasformare la visione di un video in una esperienza comunicativa interattiva

I video nella didattica online L’introduzione di nuovi modelli e tecniche didattiche incentrate sul web ha posto in primo piano la funzione dei video nell’e-learning: documentari, video lezioni, videoclip musicali, tutorial, screencast, sono solo alcune delle tipologie di video su cui si concentrano Blended Learning e Flipped Classroom. Tuttavia la fruizione di video didattici online da parte degli studenti non fa altro, se non supportata da altri strumenti, che trasferire i limiti della didattica tradizionale trasmsissiva, incentrata sulla lezione frontale, dall’aula al web.

Si potrebbe anzi argomentare che la situazione sia comunicativamente anche peggiore della tradizionale lezione frontale, in cui la possibilità dell’interazione comunicativa è comunque garantita e la discussione sempre possibile. 2. 3. Filmare una lezione – spiegazione e pubblicarla sul web significa passare da una lezione frontale in presenza a una lezione frontale online. 4. Tutto su YouTube: Come usare le annotazioni di ... Teachers TV: Videos.

Geopedia - A Map & Wikipedia Mashup. Geopedia is a nice combination of a map and Wikipedia entries.

Geopedia - A Map & Wikipedia Mashup

Search for a location on the Geopedia map and you will be shown a bunch of map placemarks around that location. Click on any of the displayed placmarks and you will see a corresponding image and Wikipedia entry. To change locations you can either right-click on a new area of the map or enter a new search term. Applications for Education Google Earth has a Wikipedia layer that does essentially the same thing as Geopedia. Unfortunately, Google Earth will only work on a Windows or Mac computer. The Geopedia map offers students a good way to see the correlation between places and events.

H/T to Maps Mania. A Must Have Tool for Creating Educational Video Presentations. Using Interactive Video for Learning – EdTech & eLearning. EDpuzzle. 3 Powerful Apps for Creating Green Screen Videos with Students. June 8, 2015 Green screen is a cinematographic technique that allows video editors to add a variety of visual effects to their videos.

3 Powerful Apps for Creating Green Screen Videos with Students

These effects include : adding virtual backgrounds, superimposing subjects over animated backdrops, placing a subject on another shot and many more. Green screen technology has been widely used in weather and movie industry. But now with the emergence of apps such as the ones below, everyone can use this technology to create engaging clips and presentations. As Do Ink explained “ Green screen technology is used in the movies to make it look like the actors have landed on an alien planet, and it's used on TV to make it look like your local news announcer is standing in front of an animated weather map.

The green screen effect works by combining images from multiple sources into a single video. Watch this short video to learn more about what Green Screen is all about. There are a wide variety of ways you can use Green Screen apps with your students.