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Columbia Traditional Music and Dance. Curvy in HTML5. Curvy is a HTML5 puzzle game using the canvas element. Just rotate the tiles so that like colors connect. Modernizr tells me you don't have canvas support in your browser. Sadly, this game uses technology that's only in browsers with HTML5 support. We've tested Chrome 12, Firefox 4 and Opera 11. Presented to you by FlamingLunchbox is a puzzle, originally for Android phones, using a simple idea. Each Curvy puzzle consists of a grid of hexagonal tiles.

Curvy allows a variety of different puzzle sizes, providing puzzles that can be quickly solved as well as more complex versions depending on the size you choose. Want it on Android? We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

Survive Nature - Techniques for Surviving in every Natural Environment. Your Daily Life in GIFs (3.19.12) How’s your Girl Scout cookie stash holding up? Well, no matter how long you hoard them, the sadness is inevitable… When you realize that was the last box of Girl Scout cookies: When you try to approach a girl at the bar: When someone asks, “Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?” When one of your jacket strings is longer than the other one: When you fail a test that you studied hard for: When you hear someone say your name in conversation, so you secretly try to listen: When you’re on the phone with your ex: When an online ad asks if you want to share it with friends: When you know the answer in class: When someone holds up a camera to you: When girls call their boyfriends, “Daddy”: When people look at your phone while your texting: When you realize you just locked yourself out of your apartment: When your friend asks, “What did I miss at the party?”

When you realize the weekend is over and Monday is almost here: When someone you don’t like hugs you: When you’re waiting for a page to load: 47 Mind-Blowing Psychological Facts You Should Know About Yourself. I’ve decided to start a series called 100 Things You Should Know about People. As in: 100 things you should know if you are going to design an effective and persuasive website, web application or software application.

Or maybe just 100 things that everyone should know about humans! The order that I’ll present these 100 things is going to be pretty random. So the fact that this first one is first doesn’t mean that’s it’s the most important.. just that it came to mind first. Dr. Susan Weinschenk is the author of Neuro Web Design: What makes them click? And 100 Things Every Designer Needs To Know About People.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Have you got what it takes? — PR Friendly, Brand Ambassador, Health & Fitness Mom Blog. DIY Hair Treatments. Country Studies. How to Make Cherry Blossom Lights.

50 Life Secrets and Tips. Memorize something everyday.Not only will this leave your brain sharp and your memory functioning, you will also have a huge library of quotes to bust out at any moment. Poetry, sayings and philosophies are your best options.Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions.Those who are heavy-set with material desires will have a lot of trouble when their things are taken away from them or lost.

Possessions do end up owning you, not the other way around. Become a person of minimal needs and you will be much more content.Develop an endless curiosity about this world.Become an explorer and view the world as your jungle. Stop and observe all of the little things as completely unique events. Try new things. Get out of your comfort zone and try to experience as many different environments and sensations as possible. Read “Zen and the Art of Happiness” by Chris Prentiss.This book will give you the knowledge and instruction to be happy at all times regardless of the circumstances. Stand to Reason: Tips to Help You Think Clearly. 10 Life-Enhancing Things You Can Do in Ten Minutes or Less. - StumbleUpon. Neighbor Doorknob Hanger & Candy Chang. Hang and share resources 2010 Thanks to good neighbors, Candy has shared a corkscrew, a ladder, an inflatable bed, an air pump, chairs, a bike, wi-fi, books, a drill, an iron, professional studio lights, a large pot, wine, and food.

And this was only amongst a few neighbors because she rarely bumped into most and had limited ways to break the ice. In a time where SMS has made phone calls seem invasive, a door knock feels nearly violating. Her neighbors could be in their pajamas, eating dinner, fresh out of the shower, or making out, and suddenly she’s banging on their door.

So when GOOD Magazine invited her to contribute to their 2010 Neighborhoods issue, she wondered if she could take advantage of the format and make something that could be torn out of the magazine and used as a tool. 2010, 3.5″ x 9″, Printed on card stock in GOOD Magazine’s April 2010 issue. Hold Close by =IngridTan on deviantART. The Hunt. 2 minute daily practices that will change your life. Photo by Down Town Pictures What if you know that 8 minutes a day or even less can change your life drastically for the better? What if you know that in less time that you buy and drink a latte you can practice yourself into a life of better mental performance, more serenity & happiness and more control over your life?

I know it sounds like a cheesy sales page of some ‘get empowered and conquer the universe in 7 days’ self-help program. I myself am totally unimpressed and disapproving of certain ‘quick simple techniques’ to master this or achieve that. However it’s not ‘techniques’ I am talking about here but practices or ‘good habits’ as simple and short as brushing your teeth or clipping your toe nails. The difference is that they are not that brain-numbingly mundane and of course they are ‘life-changing practices’ as against mere ‘grooming practices’. Can 2 minute long practices change a person’s life drastically?

Energy Breathing: Selectively Positive: Hint: Emotions are a key. Reboot your life: 20 mental barriers you should let go of. Photo by admitchell08 You are in an imaginary hot air balloon. It’s just you and all of your belongings in the wicker basket. Something went wrong and you are losing altitude fast. You will hit the ground in less than ten minutes if you don’t come up with something quick. The only immediate solution is to get rid of excess weight and throw off at least half of your belongings. It’s that or hit the ground in ten. This happens to all of us in less dramatic circumstances. Our mental life follows the same fate. Some of them are useless ideas that drag us down considerably.

So if you were in the hot air balloon situation, which of these mental barriers should we let go? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Related posts: 2 AM Chili | Comics. A4 Papercuts. Ogni scultura cartacea realizzata dall’artista Peter Callesen ha un unico punto di partenza: un candido e standardizzato foglio formato A4. Quello che accade dopo il “trattamento Callesen” lo potete vedere con i vostri occhi.

Uccelli in procinto di spiccare il volo, scheletri che prendono vita… “The negative and absent 2 dimensional space left by the cut, points out the contrast to the 3 dimensional reality it creates, even though the figures still stick to their origin without the possibility of escaping“. Chapeau. [Via] Comments comments.