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The 7 Natural Laws of the Universe « Path to Enlightenment. The 7 Natural Laws of the Universe The Law of Attraction is just part of one of the 7 natural laws of the Universe: the Law of Vibration.

The 7 Natural Laws of the Universe « Path to Enlightenment

Of the 7 Laws, it may be the most important in how our everyday lives play out, but all of the laws are in effect whether we are aware of them or not. Knowing what the 7 laws are and how they work can make a significant difference in applying them to create the life you truly desire. The 7 natural laws are in no particular order, but since the Law of Attraction has been discussed so much in The Secret, we’ll start with it. The Law of Vibration states that everything vibrates and nothing rests.

Vibrations of the same frequency resonate with each other, so like attracts like energy. What is Kundalini and how to Activate it? I can recall in my spiritual journey a time of inner purification, which steadily integrated and unleashed soul through my being.

What is Kundalini and how to Activate it?

Each step was like a home coming - a remembrance of who I was and where I really came from. But nothing was quite like the power of Kundalini Reactivation: the unification of higher and lower self, which I experienced as the top of my head lifting off and a fountain of light connecting me deep into the cosmos. Pineal Gland Activation Video 2013 Brainwave Binaural Beat Full Length HD Meditation. The Peaceful Warriors Way. Two Keys for Regulating Your Breathing and Circulating Qi. The keys to regulating the breathing and transporting Qi (energy) are in two places: the Huiyin cavity located between the genitals and anus, and the palate of the mouth.

Two Keys for Regulating Your Breathing and Circulating Qi

The Huiyin cavity is the connecting point of the four Yin Qi vessels and is the controlling and releasing gate for the four Yin Qi reservoirs. When the Huiyin is pushed out, the Qi in the Yin vessels is released and when the Huiyin is lifted upward, the Qi in the Yin vessels is contained and condensed. For example, when you laugh out loud, your exhalation is longer than your inhalation, and when you exhale, the Huiyin is pushed out naturally, the entire body’s Yang is manifested and the Guardian Qi is strengthened; consequently, the body gets warmer and begins to sweat. 8 Ways To Cut Toxic Energy Cords. We all are guilty of it!

8 Ways To Cut Toxic Energy Cords

Every single one of us at one time or another has been affected by allowing ourselves to be energetically corded (connected) in an unhealthy way to another person, place or thing. By using any of my 8 ways to cut toxic energy cords, you will be free of those unhealthy emotional, physical, mental and spiritual cords of energy. The Forbidden Secrets of Water: How Water Can Raise Your Frequency. Flickr Commons: Image provided by Frédéric Dupont Is there more to water than meets the eye?

The Forbidden Secrets of Water: How Water Can Raise Your Frequency

If you study water beyond conventional methods, you may realize that water is intelligent in nature and has its own way of communicating with other elements. Do you need proof of this? The YouTube video below will show you evidence that water isn’t a dead element, but it’s alive in its own ways and even has the ability to store memory! Do These 5 Things Before Bed & Wake Up Happier. Wanna get happy?

Do These 5 Things Before Bed & Wake Up Happier.

Just do this one thing. Noooooooooooo. Of course not. Happiness—or a consistent state of contentment—is very much something we can enjoy striving for. [SHOCKING NEWS] The Pineal Gland - The Greatest Cover Up In History. The Flower of Life. The flower of life holds a secret through which one can discover the most important and sacred pattern in the universe. This is the source of all that exists; it’s called the Fruit of Life. It contains 13 informational systems. Each one explains another aspect of reality. Thus these systems are able to give us access to everything ranging from the human body to the galaxies. In the first system, for example, it’s possible to create any molecular structure and any living cellular structure that exists in the universe.

How to Stop Absorbing Other People’s Emotions. Emotions such as fear, anger, frustration, and immobility are energies.

How to Stop Absorbing Other People’s Emotions

And you can potentially ‘catch’ these energies from people without realizing it. If you tend to be an emotional sponge, it’s vital to know how to avoid taking on an individual’s negative emotions, or even how to deflect the free-floating negativities in crowds. 8 HOURS of Relaxing Music - Meditation, Sleep, Spa, Study, Zen.

Mindfulness Meditation Audio. 3D Sound DEEP SLEEP Cell Rejuvenation Vivid Dreams Energetic Rest Brainwaves ... Positive Thinking: Relaxation Meditation Music,Relaxing Nature Sounds, Zen Me... 3 Hour Reiki Healing Music: Chakra Balance, Relaxing Music. Meditation Music,... What Is Reiki? The International Center for Reiki Training A Brief Overview Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.

What Is Reiki?

It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.