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Social media news

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Network World. Agence strategies et formations reseaux sociaux, community manager, application Facebook. Build Your Empire. Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks. LiveGO - Messenger, Facebook, Twitter and Email. Les 50 chiffres à connaître sur les médias sociaux en 2012. L’heure est aux traditionnels bilans de fin d’année ! Même si elle n’est pas encore tout à fait terminée, on peut dire que 2012 aura été une année plutôt riche en ce qui concerne les média sociaux : le milliardième membre sur Facebook, la montée en puissance de Pinterest, les levées de fonds toujours plus énormes… Les chiffres traduisent l’engouement pour les médias sociaux, dont l’usage ne faiblit pas.

Mais que faut-il retenir de cette année 2012 ? Nous avons compilé ici 50 chiffres marquants, qui résument bien ce qu’il s’est passé sur les médias sociaux au cours des 12 derniers mois. En attendant 2013… Facebook Twitter Youtube 4 milliards de vidéos sont vues chaque jour935 millions : le nombre de vues de la vidéo Gangnam style aujourd’hui… Le milliard approche.Youtube a fêté ses 7 ans en mai 201272 heures de vidéos sont uploadées chaque minute sur Youtube700 vidéos Youtube sont partagées sur Twitter toutes les minutesEn moyenne, un visiteur de Youtube y passe 15 minutes par jour Pinterest. After social networks, what next? In digital media, as in fortune-telling, the future is pretty much treated as part of the present.

After social networks, what next?

"What is the next big thing? " is a question everyone who works with the internet asks continually. Nicholas Christakis: The hidden influence of social networks. Socialdigitalnews. Social Foraging. Panorama des médias sociaux 2011. English version can be found here: Social Media Landscape 2011.

Panorama des médias sociaux 2011

Les médias sociaux forment un écosystème riche et en perpétuelle évolution. Une bonne chose pour les utilisateurs qui bénéficient d’un large choix de services et plateformes sociales, mais un casse-tête pour les annonceurs qui doivent faire face à une fragmentation de l’audience. “Fragmentation de l’audience“, même avec Facebook qui culmine à près de 600 millions de comptes ? Oui tout à fait, car si Facebook est de loin le plus visible, les utilisateurs sont bien souvent actifs sur plusieurs plateformes sociales en même temps. List of 900+ Top Social Networks & Social Networking Sites. The Social Media Guide. Social media infographics... and more. Google, Facebook & More Search – Social News.

Social Media Video 2013. GlobalWebIndex. Jobs, classes, community and news for media professionals. Social Media Informer. Download VIP - The Social Media Guide. Home » Social Media Week. How to say stupid things about social media. Here are some suggested things to say if you want to sound like an idiot when you talk about social media: • It's inconsequential – most of the verbiage on Twitter, Facebook and the like is banal blather Yes, it certainly is.

How to say stupid things about social media

The reason for that is that most of it is "social grooming" – messages passed between friends and family members as a way of maintaining social cohesion. The meaning of the messages isn't "u look h4wt dude" or "wat up wiv you dawg? " That's merely the form. I don't call my parents in Canada and recount the latest additions to my daughter's vocabulary because they need to know that the kid can say "elephant" and "potty" now; I call them up to say, "all is well with your son and his family", and "you are in my heart", and "I love you".

Criticizing the "banality" of Facebook conversation is as trite and ignorant as criticising people who talk about the weather. Top 10 Social Networking - Social Media Marketing Agency. In the past several years, some networks have thrived, some vanished, while hundreds of new ones appeared.

Top 10 Social Networking - Social Media Marketing Agency

It has become a huge area to follow, and this article illustrates this well: a collection of over 350 social networking sites. We hope to have created an extensive and useful resource for anyone interested in social networking. Enjoy. Feel free to add more social networks in the comments. Books – One of the largest book exchange clubs across the US. - All About Technology. SociableBlog: Social Media News & Tips - Facebook, Twitter, Google, Startup. Les réseaux sociaux transforment nos vies.

The Shared Web. Social Media News and Web Tips – Mashable – The Social Media Guide. Best Social Networking. Compare reviews & ratings. Network Society - research project, collaboration, digital culture, communication, social media, new technology, ubiquitous computing. - Outils, Conseils et Actualité Social Media. BIENVENUE SUR PSST (opinions et tendances 2.0), la plateforme d'échange interprofesionnelle : innovation, marketing, communication, media, création, design - PSST : le réseau interprofessionnel 2.0. Chronologie-des-reseaux-sociaux-chrogeek.png (Image PNG, 1700x1340 pixels) - Redimensionnée (59%) This Is What Happens In Social Media In A Day In 2013.

Have you ever wondered what exactly happens during one day on social media and how profound it really is?

This Is What Happens In Social Media In A Day In 2013

It seems a lot of people do since there are all kinds of statistics published on the Internet these days. Not only is it interesting information, but it can be used to optimize online marketing and other sales-related endeavors. In order to know what happens in social media in a day, we need to have a look at each social networking service and collect all the metrics. We can of course start looking through the Internet for such information, but it is going to take quite some time to do so.

Why not consult a fresh infographic instead? Socialnomics: World of Mouth. iConference 2011 Wiki roles paper awarded best paper – University of Washington, Seattle, WA. April 24th, 2011 by Marc Smith · 3 Comments Our paper, Finding Social Roles in Wikipedia, about the variety of roles people perform in Wikis received the best paper award (along with 4 others) in a field of 86 papers.

iConference 2011 Wiki roles paper awarded best paper – University of Washington, Seattle, WA

The 2011 iConference accepted 86 papers, and had about 550 attendees. The paper is authored by: Howard T. Catégorie:Site de réseautage social. Professional Online Publishing: New Media Trends, Communication Skills, Online Marketing - Robin Good's MasterNewMedia. Jen's Social Network Directory and Social Network Creator Hub - Social Network Directory and Network Creator Hub - Ning, Spruz, SocialGO, etc... What is Social Media? [the 2010 edition] We’ve entered into a new year, the channels have been flooded with list upon list of 2010 predictions and trends, and now we’re laying the foundations for how we’d like to characterize the times – David Houle is calling it the Transformation Decade, a tweet from @RitaJKing mentioned The Imagination Age, and Seth Godin rang in the new year with a post titled “Welcome to the frustration decade (and the decade of change).”

What is Social Media? [the 2010 edition]

Organizations are still scratching their heads about how to implement a social media strategy into their business plan and how to measure ROI, educators are wondering how to bring it into the classroom, marketers want to spam the hell out of it, and the layperson just wants to connect and share. There are many levels of experimentation going on in the space, and there will be for years.