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Activist music... Music Pearls. Musician pearls. New music - Listen & Judge Country, Christian, Rap, Rock & More. Music Generators. Projecttwo.swf. Soundation — Make music online. Skilled at visual learning? Measure your musical-visual intelligence online! While working at the music and neuroimaging lab at Beth Israel/Harvard Medical School in Boston, I developed a quick online way to screen for the tonedeafness.

Skilled at visual learning? Measure your musical-visual intelligence online!

It actually turned out to be a pretty good test to check for overall pitch perception ability. The test is purposefully made very hard, so excellent musicians rarely score above 80% correct. Give it a try! In our research, we were looking for neuro-anatomical correlates of tonedeafness (called "congenital amusia" in the scientific literature. The test you are about to take was used as a screening test to roughly characterize a patient’s pitch discrimination and musical memory abilities. Flash is necessary to take the tonedeaf test. KEYBOARD WIZARD . NET. Button Beats Make Music online. Play the Virtual Piano With Your Keyboard. Beatlab - make music together. Hamache.pdf. Voici Melomics, le meilleur ordinateur-compositeur de musique.

Comme l’écrit Philip Ball sur la BBC, qui consacre une chronique aux travaux de Francisco Vico, «aucune tentative de composer de la musique par ordinateur –et il y en a eu beaucoup, datant des premiers temps de l’informatique– n’a été autant prise au sérieux».

Voici Melomics, le meilleur ordinateur-compositeur de musique

Certaines compositions de Iamus ont été enregistrées en 2012 par les musiciens du London Symphony Orchestra, et le compositeur et pianiste espagnol Gustavo Diaz-Jerez prévoit d’utiliser le programme pour la création d’un opéra en 2015. Iamus, spécialisé dans l’écriture moderniste et atonale, a également un petit frère, Melomics 109, qui oeuvre lui dans la musique pop instrumentale. Ces deux programmes sont issus du même programme de recherches de l'université de Malaga, Melomics. Le site du projet Melomics renferme l’immense base de données de morceaux qu'il a générés, et des applications de musique libre de droit et de musicothérapie ont également été développées autour du programme d’origine: Partagez cet article. Melomics - landing.

Theremin - A Playable Touch Synthesizer Using Web Audio API. ✖Update: 7 February 2014 Thanks to everyone for sharing!

Theremin - A Playable Touch Synthesizer Using Web Audio API

Over 100,000 people have played on the theremin in the last 3 days which is absolutely amazing. Due to a large number of requests, we've began working on a record function as well as an offline version of the app which will be available soon. Feel free to either subscribe at the bottom of the page or follow us on Facebook & Twitter for updates and future toys. More info The web audio theremin is a touch friendly & responsive audio synthesizer built in javascript using the Web Audio API with HTML5 canvas. Feel free to get in contact with me here: If you are using Safari or Chrome, please update your browser to the latest version. - Nudge.

Google Research project turns 64 years of music into a rock rainbow. Google has compiled the last 64 years of musical history in a large, rainbow-colored chart for both education and the hope that you might buy some of it on the company's store.

Google Research project turns 64 years of music into a rock rainbow

Today Google's Research group put out a new project called Music Timeline that tracks the popularity of musical genres dating all the way back to 1950. Users can track each individual genre as time goes by, and both view and buy key albums along the way. No classical music, but there's a reason Instead of tapping Billboard charts, Google says the data is derived from artist and album information compiled from its Google Play Music service.

The prevalence of any given genre is determined by the popularity of artists found in the libraries of Google Play Music users. Lastfm graph_black_labels.png. Reconstructing the structure of the world-wide music scene with Reconstructing the structure of the world-wide music scene with Inspired by the Internet mapping efforts of the Opte Project, I decided to investigate how does the network of musicians look like.

Reconstructing the structure of the world-wide music scene with


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Lyrics Mania. Lyrics, Song Lyrics – Portal:Music. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Niandra Lades and Usually Just a T-Shirt combines avant-garde and stream-of-consciousness styles, with guitar, piano and various effects and synthesizers on a four-track recorder.


The album's first half, Niandra Lades, was recorded before Frusciante left the Red Hot Chili Peppers in 1992; during the tour for Blood Sugar Sex Magik. The second half, Usually Just a T-Shirt, was recorded while the band was on tour in the months leading up to Frusciante's departure. Big Data Visualization Example: History of Rock Music. A-Z Lyrics Universe.

Mood search

Music Online. MusicBrainz - The Open Music Encyclopedia. New study shows different brains have similar responses to music. Do the brains of different people listening to the same piece of music actually respond in the same way?

New study shows different brains have similar responses to music

An imaging study by Stanford University School of Medicine scientists says the answer is yes, which may in part explain why music plays such a big role in our social existence. The investigators used functional magnetic resonance imaging to identify a distributed network of several brain structures whose activity levels waxed and waned in a strikingly similar pattern among study participants as they listened to classical music they'd never heard before. The results will be published online April 11 in the European Journal of Neuroscience.

"We spend a lot of time listening to music—often in groups, and often in conjunction with synchronized movement and dance," said Vinod Menon, PhD, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and the study's senior author. Musicians spot mistakes more quickly and more accurately than non-musicians - Science - News. The study, led by Dr Ines Jentzsch for the University of St Andrews, tested the cognitive abilities of musicians and non-musicians, with the research concluding that learning an instrument could “slow or even prevent” the mental decline associated with aging.

Musicians spot mistakes more quickly and more accurately than non-musicians - Science - News

The research, published in the journal Neuropsychologia, draws particular attention to the skills learnt in musical performance. Relaxing music, sleep-aids, anxiety reduction, relaxation tools. How music changes our brains. Music has never been more accessible.

How music changes our brains

Just a decade ago, we were lugging around clunky portable CD players that weighed as much as a hardcover book and would skip whenever we made any sudden movement. Now our entire record collection (and thanks to new companies like Spotify, almost any other song on the planet) can fit into our phones. We can listen to music nonstop — on our commute, at work, at the gym and everywhere else we might want to. But what is this explosion of sound doing to our brains?

In their new book, “Healing at the Speed of Sound,” Don Campbell, an author who has written extensively about music and health, and Alex Doman, a specialist in technology in brain function, take an extensive survey about what the latest neuroscientific findings tell us about music and the brain. Healing at the Speed of Sound: How What We Hear Transforms Our Brains and ... - Don Campbell, Alex Doman - Google Books. Can Music Be More Effective Than Drugs? The OTS Foundation. Ancient Man Used “Super-Acoustics” to Alter Consciousness (... and speak with the dead?) A prehistoric necropolis yields clues to the ancient use of sound and its effect on human brain activity.

Ancient Man Used “Super-Acoustics” to Alter Consciousness (... and speak with the dead?)

Scientist Proves DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies. © Adam Scott Miller We came across this article today and thought that it would be a great read for our viewers. It’s awesome information showing the true nature of our reality and how science is changing everyday, opening up to the possibilities of this reality. AllMusic : Music Search, Recommendations, Videos and Reviews. Music Video Awesomeness. Taste of Indie - Photos de concerts.

Music and Movie Reviews.