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Elliot Condon { Using the Advanced Custom Fields Plugin to create a custom home page in WordPress. Here’s a simple tutorial showing how you can create a professional quality custom home page for your WordPress website using the free “Advanced Custom Fields” plugin. In this tutorial we will look at how the Advanced Custom Fields plugin can be used to create a professional home page fit for your client.

What will I need? General knowledge of making a WordPress theme General knowledge of PHP The Free WordPress plugin: Advanced Custom Fields 1. A template file is a php file within your theme folder which a page or post uses to display it’s data on the website. Template_home.php as you can see, this template file is blank. 2. Now it’s time to use the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to create our home page’s custom fields. Heading Text (text) Hero Image (image) Column 1 (wysiwyg) Column 2 (wysiwyg) Featured Article (post object) To create these fields, we need to install and activate the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.

Give the ACF a useful name like “Home Page Fields” and add in the custom fields. 3. SpritePad - Create and edit css sprites. Improve your Wordpress Navigation Menu Output. WordPress 3 has gone gold and ships with an amazing new menu manager that can be used to control the navigation menus of your website. This tutorial will teach you how to change the default output of this manager, since getting a custom output can heavily improve the style of your themes. So first of all here is an example of the wordpress menu we want to build. How to display the content of the wordpress menu description field As you can see, instead of a simple list we got the menu item name and below that name is a small description of that menu item.

This is currently a rather popular style that unfortunatley can’t be done out of the box by wordpress. As you may already know, once you have created a menu at your wordpress backend at Appearance > Menus you can use a wordpress function called wp_nav_menu() within your template files to display those menus. The problem is, the basic output would look something like this: Preparing the backend Editing the output by using a custom walker. “Wir haben echten Patiententraffic und zahlende Ärzte” – Bjoern Keune von im Interview. Den Arzttermin online buchen – verschiedene neue Plattformen wie ( machen es möglich. Im Interview spricht Mitgründer Bjoern Keune über die Abgrenzung zu den Mitbewerbern, erste Zahlen und welche Fachärzte sich am schnellsten überzeugen lassen.

Es hat erstaunlich lange gedauert, bis Menschen ihre Arzttermine übers Internet buchen können. Warum kommt die Online-Terminvereinbarung erst jetzt? Ärzte akzeptieren neue Technologien traditionell etwas später, das ist auch richtig – bei Ärzten darf nichts schief gehen. Unser Maßstab ist es, das Verabreden von Arztterminen so einfach zu machen wie das Bestellen einer Pizza. Mit doxter gibt es bereits einen populären Mitbewerber in Deutschland. Gibt es Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Start-ups? Wie will sich überhaupt gegen die wachsenden Mitbewerber durchsetzen? Außerdem verfügen wir über ein starkes Team. Was bezahlen Arztpraxen, um das System von bei sich zu implementieren? How to Zoom and Pan with SVG (Preliminary) This topic shows you how to use Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) to zoom and pan, and ends with an example of a complex organizational chart that can be zoomed and panned.

Basic HTML and JavaScript knowledge are assumed, as well as access to a browser that can render inline SVG in HTML5, such as Windows Internet Explorer 9 and later. Introduction In this topic we’ll first discuss how to zoom and pan in SVG using a detailed SVG test graphic. We’ll then describe how to use Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Visio 2010 to create a complex SVG organizational (org) chart, which can be displayed by an SVG-enabled browser. Creating an SVG Test Graphic One of the key features of SVG is the ability to "infinitely" zoom in on a detailed graphic.

An acceptable SVG test graphic, appropriate for both zooming and panning, might resemble the following graphic. This graphic was created using the following example: HTML5 Inline SVG Test Graphic. <! Transform="translate( -400*(0.9-1), -300*(0.9-1) ) scale(0.9)" <! Interactive Things. Datavisualization.


ProjectStacey. Pure CSS Shapes: Triangles, Delicious Logo, and Hearts » CSS/HTML » Russell Heimlich. Android niceties. 31 Free Clean Icon Sets For Minimal Web Design. All clever things are usually very simple. Sometimes you just want to stay with the old valuables and keep it subtle. These icons will look great with clean and minimal web designs and also notice since almost all of them are monochromatic you can put different colors, create your own letterpress and different effects without spending time to create your own actual icon.

I think minimal and letterpress effects currently are very popular in webdesigns and many designers will find this collection useful and worth bookmarking! Note: We just created new icon set collection, edition 2012, check it out here, 25 more icon sets! 1. Editable PSD file with Illustrator vectors. 2. Free icon set from 16×16 GIF. 2.1. 3. 108 gray 32×32 PNG icons. 4.

Iconic is a minimal set of icons consisting of 114 marks in raster and vector formats. 5 different sizes up to 32×32, nice flexibility. 5. 6. 100+ icons in various resolution up to 128×128. 7. 8. 9 GIF icon sets. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Home. Welcome. Swarm Creativity Blog. Zertifikate, Microsoft certified Partner, CMS Systeme, Kentico, contentXXL - chili. JSGB v.0.02: a JavaScript Nintendo GameBoy Emulator and Debugger. JSNES: A JavaScript NES emulator – Ben Firshman. Pirates Love Daisies: An HTML5 Tower Defence Strategy Game. Lean Project Management Software Tour – Improve | AgileZen. Find ways to improve AgileZen's project management software can grow and adapt with you as you find more efficient ways to work. By tracking some simple performance metrics, AgileZen helps you understand how well you're doing.

Track performance metrics AgileZen helps you understand how efficient your team is by tracking some lean performance metrics, like cycle time and lead time. On the Performance screen, the current values for each of these metrics are displayed, along with charts that let you watch how they've changed over time. These charts and metrics can guide you as you find new ways to work and become more lean and agile. Focus on the job at hand AgileZen also lets you limit the number of stories allowed in a given phase of your board. Although it might sound counter-intuitive, if you limit the total amount of work in progress, you're able to focus better on the task at hand, reducing wasted effort and getting things done faster in the long term.

GmbH | Münchner Werbeagentur für Werbekonzepte, Onlinelösungen und Designleistungen. Relaunch von Das Nachrichtenportal der Süddeutschen Zeitung wurde heute relauncht. „Schöner, schlichter, besser“ lautet das Motto und tatsächlich wird dieser Eindruck auch von Seiten der Stammleser bestätigt, die in einer SZ-eigenen Umfrage mehrheitlich (64%) die neue Umgebung als besser einstufen. Wer derlei Umfragen auf Nachrichtenportalen kennt, der weiß, dass solch ein positives Votum selten genug anzutreffen ist.

Erzeugt der vollzogene Relaunch, für den „Facelift“ wohl die passendere Bezeichnung ist, tatsächlich einen so viel besseren Webauftritt? Schauen wir uns die neue Umgebung einmal an. Am zweispaltigen Aufbau von Start- und Unterseiten wird auch weiterhin festgehalten. verfügt nunmehr über eine der längsten Startseiten im deutschsprachigen Nachrichtenumfeld. Der Auftritt wuchs um 40 Pixel in die Breite und misst nun 940 Pixel. Das bisher praktizierte Farbschema innerhalb der Hauptnavigation (Politik = blau, Wirtschaft = orange, etc.) wurde vereinfacht. DOM Basics: Einfache Vorgänge und Selektoren - JavaScript Framework Matrix.

Easy PHP Pagination. I’ve had a few pagination scripts over the years but I thought i’d share the one that i’m currently using as it’s a useful script to have in your toolbox. As a developer you’ll soon find a need to paginate data when displaying contents from the database, and rather than use JavaScript which could require all the data to be loaded into the page on load, we can use PHP to ensure that we’re only requesting the data that we need from the database.

For those who have no clue what i’m talking about. The Code To start with you’ll see that we have our database connection file which we’re including into the page. Here are the main bullet points of what this file does in the simplest form. A bit of style Here’s the css to style you pagination. Heygrady/textshadow - GitHub. Cross Browser Testing Tool - BrowserStack. Most useful tools for JavaScript developers >> Web Developer Geeks. Diva.js (Document Image Viewer with AJAX) is a Javascript frontend for viewing documents, designed to work with digital libraries to present multi-page documents as a single, continuous item. Only the pages that are being viewed at any given time are actually present in the document, with the rest appended as necessary, ensuring efficient memory usage and high loading speeds. Written as a jQuery plugin, diva.js requires the jQuery Javascript library, along with several jQuery plugins and the jQuery UI, all of which are included.

On the backend, the images will be served by IIPImage server after processing, and the image information will be sent, in JSON format, through an AJAX request by a PHP script (also included). Need a piece of code quickly? MicroJS is a brand new site which aim to provide JavaScript code snippet for most common tasks: Ajax, Json, DOM, Object-Oriented JavaScript, and more. Remember my article about adaptable layouts with CSS3 media queries? Modernizr.

Community Building and Social Media Tools. This is part ten of the One Week Blog Challenge series. Be a Social Media Enabler – Make it Easy for Your Fans to Share your Awesomeness One of the most important aspects of blogging is to build your community and make it easy for people to share your content. You want to give your fans the tools to do it easily and intuitively – without cluttering your site with distractions. There’s definitely an art to this – plugins like the “old school” version of sociable add too much visual clutter and cause “banner blindness.” When there are too many options, often people will ignore these elements altogether.

Below are some of the best social community and sharing tools for your blog. 1. Meebo bar in action 2. Flickr RSS in the sidebar 3. You can customize colors and how it works 3. Shows the number of tweets and allows for easy RT 4. Share button and Connect to Facebook Widget 5. Adds friends with Google accounts 6.

Wibiya toolbar sits on the bottom of your site in a small strip 6. Infographics. Form Follows Function – Ein allzu oft missverstandener Gestaltungsleitsatz. Form Follows Function – Ein allzu oft missverstandener Gestaltungsleitsatz Nur wenige Phrasen, die einem als Designer während eines Berufslebens über den Weg laufen, sind inhaltlich so aufgeladen und dabei gleichzeitig so unscharf wie der Ausdruck: „Form Follows Function“. Wie ein Schwamm scheint er alles in sich aufzunehmen, um es auf Verlangen auch wieder von sich zu geben.

Was steckt hinter „Form Follows Function“? Spielt dieser Gestaltungsleitsatz, der erstmalig im 19. Jahrhundert aufkam, heutzutage überhaupt noch eine Rolle? Diesen und weiteren Fragen will ich einmal nachgehen. Ursprung – Louis Sullivan Der Ausdruck „Form Follows Function“ geht auf den us-amerikanischen Architekten Louis Sullivan zurück, der als „Vater der Hochhäuser“ bezeichnet wird und Ende des 19. Für all diejenigen, die FFF bislang mit dem Verzicht auf Schmuck und Ornamente in Verbindung gebracht haben, dürfte überraschend sein, dass die Ornamentik in Sullivans Werken einen großen Platz einnimmt.

„Die gute Form“ Beautiful Slide Out Navigation: A CSS and jQuery Tutorial >> Web Developer Geeks. Today I want to show you how to create an incredible slide out menu or navigation for your website. The navigation will be almost hidden – the items only slide out when the user hovers over the area next to them. This gives a beautiful effect and using this technique can save your some space on your website. The items will be semi-transparent which means that content under them will not be completely hidden. The only thing we will need for the navigation is a simple unordered list with links inside of the list elements: Demo The list is getting an ID because we want to refer to it later in the JavaScript.

First, we define the CSS properties for the list: The navigation should always be approachable for the user, even if he scrolls down the page. For the links in the list elements, we define the following CSS properties: The margin-left is set to a negative value because we want to hide most of the icon and only reveal it when we hover over the list items. Installing Mercurial on a Shared Web Server without Root Access (HostEurope) SVN did a great job for me for at least four years now. Lately, I stumbled upon Mercurial and decided to have a closer look. It turned out that Mercurial (also called “hg”) comes with some great advantages, namely: Not a “Version Control System” (VCS), but a “Distributed Version Control System” (DVCS) enabling you to check in changes locally (offline, without an internet connection).

The advantages of this one are also discussed in detail in PEP 374 (Python Foundation).Available in pure Python, therefore installable on a standard shared web server without root access (not a virtual server, just a “web host”). Thereby cutting my costs of maintaining a root server on my own or being charged by a specialized host for an SVN/VPS plan. This post is a small guide on how to accomplish the mission of installing Mercurial (the pure Python version) on a shared web host. Requirements Installation (Step by Step) Setting up hgwebdir.cgi First of all, create a directory on your webspace for hg. Money. Agile software development. Agile software development is a set of principles for software development in which requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing,[1] cross-functional teams. It promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continuous improvement, and it encourages rapid and flexible response to change.[2] Agile itself has never defined any specific methods to achieve this, but many have grown up as a result and have been recognized as being 'Agile'.

The Manifesto for Agile Software Development,[3] also known as the Agile Manifesto, was first proclaimed in 2001, after "agile methodology" was originally introduced in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The manifesto came out of the DSDM Consortium in 1994, although its roots go back to the mid 1980s at DuPont and texts by James Martin[4] and James Kerr et al.[5] History[edit] Incremental software development methods trace back to 1957.[6] In 1974, E.

A. The Agile Manifesto[edit] Evolutions[edit] 25 Secrets of the Browser Developer Tools – ME | Tech. Download Details - Microsoft Download Center - IE App Compat VHD. Willkommen 2012: die kostenlose Erler Dingbats. Raphaël—JavaScript Library. Clean CSS - A Resource for Web Designers - Optmize and Format your CSS.


Pearltrees videos. Help.