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Framapad. - Visual Collaboration for Creative People. Online Whiteboard and Collaboration - Blimp Boards - Organize anything, visually. Boards. Tableaux blancs virtuels collaboratifs | Les Outils Collaboratifs. Boards est un système de tableaux blancs en ligne sur lesquels vous allez pouvoir afficher tout type d’élément multimédia seul ou en groupe et ensuite le partager facilement. Boards permet essentiellement de faire une curation collaborative dans une interface graphique moderne et agréable. L’outil propose une ergonomie sans véritables défauts dont la prise en main ne posera aucun réel problème quel que soit le niveau d’agilité numérique des collaborateurs.

Boards permet de conserver en ligne sous forme de petits fiches tout ce que vous voudrez. Images, Vidéos, sons, notes, liens etc. Boards fonctionne avec tout type de contenu et va vous permettre de les organiser facilement. Ce service de commentaires est une des fonctions de travail collaboratif offert par Boards. Boards pour faciliter le suivi propose un onglet “activité” qui permet de suivre toutes les modifications apportées par vous ou par vos collaborateurs. Boards séduit par son graphisme et sa simplicité d’usage. Lien: Boards. VISUAL THINKING. Loomio - An Occupy-Inspired App That Helps Groups Make Actual Group Decisions.

If you've ever tried to make a tough decision with a group of people online, then you've most likely done one of two things. You may have had a discussion over email, in which case the conversation has gotten very messy and it becomes difficult to suss out exactly where everyone stands. Or, you could have tried a poll, which doesn't give the opportunity for re-working proposals based on feedback. Neither of these options really unleashes the creative power of individuals working collaboratively to solve a problem. And there are no existing online tools that really fit the bill. Now a group of New Zealand Occupy Wall Street activists-turned-software developers is trying to remedy the situation with an app called Loomio. Loomio is an open-source app that allows people to propose their own solutions to questions raised by their community. The problem with those hand gestures is that they only really work in person.

[Image: Abstract via Shutterstock] 4 Principles of Information Architecture. The way you organize content on your site does a number of things. It gives immediate clues to what your site is about, it helps people find the information they’re looking for, and it anticipates how people want to interact with that information. It can even help people process your information deeper and better. Beyond usability, information architecture has implications for search engines. Just as your content organization tells people what your site is about, it tells search engines what your site is about.

It gives them clues as to what keyword themes the site is relevant for. Information architecture sits at the foundation of successful web design. Every design decision comes out of that architecture. Over the next few weeks I want to look at information architecture and how we can best organize our content so it’s more usable for visitors and so it helps instead of hinders your seo. 8 Principles of Information Architecture The Principle of Objects Many of you probably use WordPress. 280daily - Sum up your day in 280 characters.

Doodle : planification facile. Organize your resources in an online binder - LiveBinders. To do lists. Création de tableaux virtuels. Padlet - Tableau blanc virtuel. Pinterest - Tableau virtuel. Whiteboard. 3 tableaux blancs sur le web pour dessiner en ligne.

Les tableaux blancs virtuels sur le web sont parfaits pour dessiner en ligne ou réaliser des séances de brainstorming collectives facilement. De nombreux outils existent sur le net. En voici une petite sélection personnelle de trois d’entre eux. Ils ont tous les trois la particularité d’être simples, gratuits et collaboratifs. AWW App. Sketchlot. Draw It Live. Voici pour ces trois outils de dessin collaboratifs simples et gratuits. Sur le même thème. Stoodle. Create A Free Online Portfolio Website | Dunked. Cloud. Popplet. Wtree - Organize your web. Classroom organizer.

Trello. Videos, Common Core Resources And Lesson Plans For Teachers: Teaching Channel. Iomap - Visualize Evernote and Dropbox. LiveMinutes. Remember Everything | Evernote Corporation.