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Wholesome Homemade Baby Food Recipes | Make Fresh Baby Food, Healthy Homemade Baby Food is easy with new baby food recipes, solid food tips, baby nutrition & more! Make Your Own Ketchup, Mustard, Mayo … Why spend a lot of money this summer on condiments from the grocery store that are, in most cases, loaded with corn syrup, artificial flavors, and preservatives? It’s easy to make your own ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, and more right at home with ingredients you probably already have. Here are a few simple recipes for these favorite summer cookout staples: Homemade Ketchup Ingredients: 1 (28-oz) can whole tomatoes in purée 1 medium onion, chopped 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon tomato paste 2/3 cup packed dark brown sugar 1/2 cup cider vinegar 1/2 teaspoon salt Directions: Blend tomatoes and purée from the can in a blender until smooth.

In a heavy 4-quart saucepan, cook onion in oil over moderate heat, stirring, until softened (about 8 minutes). Homemade Mustard Ingredients: 1/2 cup dry mustard 1/2 cup cider vinegar 1/2 cup water 2 egg yolks 1 cup sugar 3 teaspoons cornstarch Directions: Dissolve mustard in vinegar. Oreo and Peanut Butter Brownie Cakes. So, after being gone all last week, this has been catch up on the house week. Mostly laundry actually. Man, who knew that a weeks worth of laundry from 5 people could be so daunting. Yikes!! But I am kind of behind on my cooking and baking as well since I've been gone and cleaning. Not to mention, I needed an Oreo fix! So here we are. Oreo and Peanut Butter Brownie Cakes 1 box brownie mix, 8x8 inch size 24 Oreo Cookies 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line a 12 muffin cup baker with paper liners.

Prepare brownie mix according to package directions. Makes 12 servings Recipe from Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake. Butternut Squash Pie - Delicious Butternut Squash Pie Recipe. This is a delicious butternut squash pie with the flavors of brown sugar and cinnamon, and it's sure to bring a smile to your face. Try it instead of pumpkin pie at the next holiday dinner or get-together. Large Photo of Butternut Squash Pie Ingredients: 1 unbaked and chilled 9-inch pie shell1 large butternut squash, cooked and pureed, about 1 1/2 cups pureed squash1 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed3 large eggs3/4 cup evaporated milk or half-and-half1 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg1/4 teaspoon ground ginger1/4 teaspoon salt2 tablespoons all-purpose flour1 tablespoon melted butter1 teaspoon vanilla Preparation: To cook squash: Cut the squash in half lengthwise; remove stem and scoop out the seeds.

Place the squash, cut side down, on a foil-lined oiled baking pan; add about 1/2 cup of water to the pan. Reduce oven to 350° F and position an oven rack in the center of the oven. Beef Stew VI Recipe. Pumpkin Recipes. 3xSgR.jpg (JPEG Image, 476x9300 pixels) - Scaled (6. Fall Recipe Roundup - All Things Apple.

Sunday Night Football Recipes. Homemade Bread: Cheap, Delicious, Healthy, and Easier Than You Think. Over the last year, I’ve gradually moved more and more towards making my own food at home. There are several reasons for this: it tastes better, it reduces preservative intake, it’s more nutritious, and it’s often substantially cheaper than what you find in the store. It does take time, but once you get used to it, most food preparation doesn’t take much more time than going to the store, buying it, taking it home, popping it out of the package, and following the directions.

Breadmaking is a prime example of this phenomenon. Homemade bread is substantially tastier than store-purchased bread, isn’t laden with preservatives, is very inexpensive to make, and doesn’t take all that much time, either. The Problems With Industrial Bread Most people in the United States today view the bread purchased at the supermarket as what bread should be. There are two big explanations for this. The other bothersome part of industrial breadmaking is the appearance of a healthy dose of preservatives.

Italian Bread Bowls Recipe. Buffalo Chicken Dip Recipe. Recipe: How To Roast Vegetables Simply | One Green Generation. We’re addicted. There is nothing like a bit of roasting to bring out the sweetness in summer and winter veggies. And… um… I have a confession to make. Sigh. Sometimes… I do not love cooking. I’m not bad at it, but it’s just not my favorite thing. Fortunately Matt loves it, he is a fantastic and trained cook, and… well, this is one of the reasons why I’m the luckiest woman around! But for those days when Matt works late and it’s my turn to cook, I use Matt’s oh-so-perfect and oh-so-easy recipe for roasting vegetables. Ingredients.

Seasonal Vegetables Cooking Oil (we prefer olive oil) SaltPepper Steps. Preheat the oven to 400. Total roasting time is between 30 minutes and 1 hour, depending on what you’re cooking. That’s it! Variations are plentiful. Veggies That Are Good For Roasting Similar Posts: How to make and can homemade spaghetti sauce from fresh tomatoes - easy and illustrated! How to make and can homemade spaghetti sauce from fresh tomatoes - easy and illustrated!

This month's notes: April 2014: Spring is just around the corner. Strawberries are here in Florida, Texas and California, next in late March and April for much of the South, then in May for most of the country and June in cooler northern areas. See how easy it is to make strawberry jam or strawberry-rhubarb jam! Organic farms are identified in green! See our guide to local fruit and vegetable festivals!. Please tell the farms you found them here - and ask them to update their information!! Subscribe to our: Email alerts; Follow us on Twitter Add this page to your favorites! Click here for a PDF print version! Making and canning your own spaghetti sauce is something families remember years later. Here's how to do it, in easy steps and completely illustrated. I've added free labels for your jars here, in a Word format!

Ingredients Yield: 7 pints Equipment Step 1 - Selecting the tomatoes then.... Step 7. How to make homemade canned tomato paste, from fresh tomatoes - easy and illustrated! How to make homemade canned tomato paste, from fresh tomatoes - easy and illustrated! This month's notes: April 2014: Spring is just around the corner. Strawberries are here in Florida, Texas and California, next in late March and April for much of the South, then in May for most of the country and June in cooler northern areas. See how easy it is to make strawberry jam or strawberry-rhubarb jam!

Organic farms are identified in green! See our guide to local fruit and vegetable festivals!. Please tell the farms you found them here - and ask them to update their information!! Subscribe to our: Email alerts; Follow us on Twitter Add this page to your favorites! Click here for a PDF print version Yield: About 9 half-pint jars Making canned tomato paste is something easy to do and will make your tomato dishes taste so much better.

Here's how to do it, in easy steps and completely illustrated. And if you'd rather can your tomatoes or freeze your tomatoes, see this page! Ingredients Equipment. Preserving Fruit Flavors in Alcohol: Homemade Liqueurs | Growing A Greener World. When we discuss food preservation, we are usually talking about canning, dehydrating, freezing or fermenting. But did you know that you can also preserve fruit in alcohol, such as brandy or vodka? It is a way of preserving the flavor or essence of the fruit for later use. This method consists of steeping fresh or frozen fruit in alcohol for several weeks. In the end, you end up with some “drunken fruit” (good as a dessert topping) and a flavorful alcohol that can be used to make dazzling cocktails, punch, deserts or sauces.

But if you take it a step further and add a little sugar syrup to the mix , you now have delicious homemade liqueur! WOW! Homemade Raspberry Liqueur: This little gem is versatile in the kitchen and so easy to make. Better than store bought and packed with flavor, these little liqueur gems are versatile in the kitchen and very easy to make. And guess what? Fruit: Alcohol: Spices: You can make your liqueur uniquely your own by including some spices in the steeping process.

Easy Lemon Pepper Scampi. World's Best Popcorn Balls. So, have you been on the lookout for an incredibly good caramel popcorn recipe? These ones are gonna knock you over! No – really! These are that good. And if they were that good and a pain to make – it still wouldn’t be worth the trouble. But the good news is that they are chewy and soft and have the best flavor I’ve ever tasted–for a popcorn ball–and they are fast and EASY.

I’m serious. I promise I wouldn’t make them otherwise. How to make Caramel Popcorn Balls: 2 cups packed brown sugar 2 cups corn syrup 1 cup butter 2 teaspoons salt Large bowl of popcorn (about 6-8 quarts) Heat brown sugar, corn syrup, butter and salt to simmering. Pour over popcorn and stir until all the popcorn is covered. Allow to rest until cool enough to handle. Cover hands with sandwich bags and form into balls. Cool completely. I always plan to give these away at the door to trick or treaters that I know–but it never happens. Get the handy print page and save this to your recipe box here:World’s Best Popcorn Balls.

Most favorited all-time. Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Pie- Perfect! — By Joan Robinett Wilson on July 16, 2011 perfect! Isn’t it amazing how procrastination works. Every year, I resolve to fight it, but by June my best intentions have been led astray. Currently, I have a load in the wash with roughly five more loads to do on top of the five loads that have been patiently waiting for weeks in the hallway to be folded.Ugggh! I was supposed to start this endeavor last night, but I would much rather be designing or reading or taking pictures or playing tennis or making a reeses peanut butter cup pie. Now, I have to admit, peanut butter is not my first choice for a pie. However, my friend, Rita, loves peanut butter pie and I succumbed to her peer pressure. The whole pie Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Pie Ingredients: Cooking Directions: For the crust - mix together flour, butter, peanuts and sugar.

Gardener’s Journal, the official blog of Gardener’s Supply. A basil seedling I had homemade pesto for dinner last night. And the night before, and last weekend, too. Now that this year’s crop is up and growing strong, I don’t mind using up the rest of last year’s batch of pesto, which I froze in Pesto Cubes. care not to use up my stash. For me, having pesto in the freezer is like having money in a savings account. It makes me feel secure — even wealthy. I realize how ridiculous this sounds, but it’s the truth. Some years I freeze homemade applesauce; other years I can tomatoes or make pickled beets. It’s not too late to plant basil. Have you seen the price of pre-made pesto at the supermarket? How to Grow Basil If you’re growing basil from seed, it will take three to four months for the plants to get large enough for a substantial harvest.

The standard basil used for pesto is called Genovese. You can sow basil seeds directly in the garden, but I prefer to sow them in cell packs or small flats so I can coddle them for the first four weeks or so. 50 Pancakes and Waffles (1 - 10) : Recipes and Cooking.