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Damiano Cerrone – Works on a timeline. Sidewalk Labs. Третий город. Local Code - Portfolio - Benjamin Golder. Urban Omnibus » Studio Report | The Speculation Studio: Governors Island, The Sixth Borough? The Future History of New York City | View of Manhattan Looking South | Muchan Park, Luc Wilson, Leigh D’ambra and Scott Hayner Late last year, Vishaan Chakrabarti, whose passionate rallying cries for infrastructure investment and urban density are familiar to regular readers of Urban Omnibus, unveiled a radical proposal (dubbed LoLo, as in Lower Lower Manhattan) to connect the Financial District to Governors Island through a land bridge made of landfill, replete with a new mixed-use, high-rise, green infrastructure community. The setting for his presentation was a conference called “Zoning the City”, convened by New York City’s Department of City Planning and Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, and Chakrabarti’s premise was how to zone for a modern Central Business District, for affordability, for livability, for energy and waste, and finally for resilience.

The Future History of New York City | Plan | Muchan Park, Luc Wilson, Leigh D’ambra and Scott Hayner. Local Code - Portfolio - Benjamin Golder. Big Bang Data: 6 проектов студентов «Стрелки», которые помогут преобразить Москву — The Village — The Village — поток «Big Data» Париж, Super-périphérique (80 км): 92 съезда на дороги, 12 нецелевых съездов (услуги, торговля). Пекин, Пятое кольцо (99 км): 64 съезда на дороги,11 нецелевых съездов. Москва, МКАД (109 км): 145 съездов на дороги, 192 нецелевых съезда. Вашингтон, Capital Beltway (102 км): 85 съездов на дороги, 2 нецелевых съезда. Город МКАД Джулио Марджери / Роэл ван Херпт Московскую кольцевую автодорогу (МКАД) построили в 1937 году, чтобы ускорить переброску войск и снаряжения на границы СССР. Новообразования в радиусе 500 метров от МКАД: офисы, развлекательные центры, кинотеатры, гостиницы, торговые центры, автомастерские, автосалоны и заправочные станции.

В советское время автомобильную орбиту Москвы не угнетали никакие коммерческие спутники — на всём кольце едва ли можно было насчитать десять заправочных станций. В городе МКАД есть жилые кварталы, коммерческие и офисные части, центры развлечений и ночной жизни. Система трансферных колец, соединяющих Москву, МКАД и область.

Liveable City. Invisible Cities. Blog Archives - MORPHOCODE. “I used to measure the Heavens, now I measure the shadows of Earth.” Johannes Kepler Observing Earth 2014 promises to be an exciting year for Earth Observation. From monitoring urban dynamics such as traffic patterns; urban sprawl or changes in land use, to the support of decision-making and planning processes for humanitarian crisis and emergency respond – the applications of remote sensing are wide. “The world’s first near-live HD video feed of Earth, from space.”; “The largest constellation of Earth-imaging satellites ever launched.”; “The world’s first commercial high-resolution, HD video from space” – These are some of the exciting bold statements that you might have come across by the end of 2013, when the hype for space commercialization and accessibility was at its peak.

First pictures of UrtheCast’s hardware on the ISS. November 2013 saw the launch of UrtheCast‘s cameras to the International Space Station. Mapping Urban Growth & Environmental Change Landsat 5 The Dallas-Forth area. German Unification: A Nation Divided. In the early euphoria following the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Germany moved quickly to erase the scars of its Cold War division. But East Germany’s legacy remains visible in statistics. This image taken from the International Space Station shows the nighttime division between eastern and western Berlin, which still had differently colored streetlights in 2012. Source: ESA/NASA What does Germany’s reunification nearly a quarter of century later look like? Can you touch it? See it? Germans worked hard to make their decades of division disappear. We sought images, graphics and statistics to tell the story of German unity – or its continued division. What a contrast to the reunified Germany we’ve come to know.

Even a quarter of a century later, differences both small and large divide Germans hailing from the two halves of their country. The most popular German holiday destinations Easterners also put their children in day care, and most get flu shots each year. Children per woman. Arbor.js » atlas. Isoscope | Exploring Mobility. Livehoods.