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Chen - #election Why would there ever be vaccine... Kelly Chen - Random Medical Shares. Kelly Chen - Random Medical Shares. Kelly Chen - Random Medical Shares. Kelly Chen - Random Medical Shares. Kelly Chen - Random Medical Shares. Free Viewing of Bought Movie. Free Viewing of Bought Movie. Healthy People Who Were Vaccinated for the Flu Continue to Die. Health Impact News Editor Comments More deaths among otherwise healthy people are being reported all across the United States among children and adults who received this year’s flu vaccination.

Healthy People Who Were Vaccinated for the Flu Continue to Die

22 medical studies vaccines cause autism. Chen - 86 Research Papers Showing that #Vaccines Can... Mercola : Dr. Palevsky on #Vaccination... Dr. Palevsky on Vaccination Issues. Mercola : The Greater Good - Free... Beware of Dangerous Vaccine Effects. Mercola : Your body responds to foreign... New Proof that Flu Shots are Unnecessary and Ineffective. By Dr.

New Proof that Flu Shots are Unnecessary and Ineffective

Mercola The 2010-2011 flu season is here. With it comes a mixture of good news and bad, but if you and I together spread facts instead of fear, we can once again tip the balance toward health in the US—and worldwide.Last year, the swine flu "pandemic"—warned to be catastrophic—was actually much milder than health officials warned. Mercola : The Latest Sneak Attacks in... Coordinated Effort to Eliminate Vaccine Exemption. Mercola : Find a Compassionate #Doctor... A Compassionate Doctor Helps Prevent Vaccine Injuries. Mercola : #H3N2: The New #SwineFlu... H3N2: The New Swine Flu. Mercola : A new “#smoking #vaccine”... Formaldehyde: Don’t Breathe or Touch – Injecting is Just Fine! The National Institute of Health finally declared formaldehyde a carcinogen yesterday after years of dragging its feet.

Formaldehyde: Don’t Breathe or Touch – Injecting is Just Fine!

This is the 12th cancer list released by the NIH through its subsidiary program, The National Toxicology Program. Formaldehyde is a very common chemical used in manufacturing and the risk of exposure to consumers is high due to its pervasiveness. That “new car” smell is really formaldehyde as is the smell in new homes. It’s a frequent ingredient in many if not most cosmetics. Workers in hair salons, mortuaries, particle board and plywood manufacturing typically have the most occupational exposure to formaldehyde. Evidence of Formaldehyde as a Carcinogen is High John Bucher, associate director of the National Toxicology Program, said that evidence of formaldehyde’s carcinogenicity is strong.

Formaldehyde Used in Vaccines. Mercola : #FDA Approves New #Vaccine... FDA Approves New Vaccine for Babies. Vaccines Combine to Produce Deadly Virus. Merck Accused of Lying about Vaccine Effectiveness. For related articles and more information, please visit OCA's Health Issues page and our Appetite For a Change page.

Merck Accused of Lying about Vaccine Effectiveness

Things aren't going so well lately in the litigation department for Merck, which stands accused of lying according to not just one, but two class-action lawsuits. In the first case, two former Merck virologists accuse their former employer of overstating the effectiveness of the mumps vaccine in Merck's combination MMR shot, which may have cost the US government hundreds of millions of dollars over the past decadei. Merck's mumps vaccine was originally licensed 45 years ago.

Since the 1970s, it's been part of the trivalent measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, which is part of the recommended childhood vaccination schedule. The case, which was initially filed in 2010, was unsealed late last month. HealthRanger : #Vaccine madness: New mump... Joanna-karpasea-jones.suite101. According to the California Teratogen Information Service (CTIS) Pregnancy Health Information Line, there are many factors that can cause a man to be infertile and as around half of all infertility cases result from the man, it is important to properly study the causes.


Previous studies have found that radiation and electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and computers have been linked to infertility or sub-fertility as well as chemicals, including heavy metals and solvents, heat and pressure (such as hot baths and tight underwear), environmental pollution, cigarette smoking and sexually transmitted diseases. But in their summary of different causes of infertility, they forgot one: vaccines. Fertility has been declining rapidly since the 1950s in all countries of the world and the start of the change coincided with the introduction of the first mass vaccination programs.

Dr. Mercola: Using the First Amendment... How to Legally Get a Vaccine Exemption. Dr. Mercola: The Dangerous Procedure Do... Where's the Compassion for the Victims of Vaccination? Dr. Mercola: RT @greatergoodfilm: Givin... School, parents, immunizations - Vaccination safety. As a new school year starts, public health and school officials are issuing their annual reminder to parents to make sure their children are up-to-date on their immunizations.

school, parents, immunizations - Vaccination safety

Some parents, however, will ignore the message. Compelled by any number of factors — their religious beliefs, medical evidence that their children can’t handle immunizations, concerns that the vaccines will cause more harm than good — they opt out of the recommended immunization schedule. The percentage of opt-outs is small. In 2009, the national immunization rate for children ages 19 months to 35 months was at or above the 90 percent goal set by public health officials, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Immunization Survey. In the area’s largest school district, Colorado Springs School District 11, 3.6 percent of its 29,400 students — about 1,058 — have received exemptions.

Then, in 1998, Dr. 300,000 doses of flu vaccine Preflucel withdrawn in alert over side-effects¿ By Sadie Whitelocks Updated: 12:55 GMT, 27 October 2011 Preflucel has been recalled amid fears it is making people ill A flu vaccine has been recalled from thousands of surgeries and pharmacies across Europe amid fears it is making people ill.

300,000 doses of flu vaccine Preflucel withdrawn in alert over side-effects¿

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has issued a warning over Preflucel, a popular influenza vaccine. Around 300,000 doses of the drug are to be immediately withdrawn following fears from health bosses that the most recent batch, issued last month, is causing side-effects. A high percentage of those vaccinated with Preflucel have reported fatigue, muscle pain and headaches.

Alternative products will now be made available to prevent any shortages. Profile of a Pertussis Vaccine Injury. Profile of a Pertussis Vaccine Injury. No Value in Any Influenza Vaccine: Cochrane Collaboration Study. A remarkable study published in the Cochrane Library found no evidence of benefit for influenza vaccinations and also noted that the vast majority of trials were inadequate. The authors stated that the only ones showing benefit were industry-funded.

They also pointed out that the industry-funded studies were more likely to be published in the most prestigious journals…and one more thing: They found cases of severe harm caused by the vaccines, in spite of inadequate reporting of adverse effects. The study, “Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults”, is damning of the entire pharmaceutical industry and its minions, the drug testing industry and the medical system that relies on them. In the usual manner of understatement, the authors concluded: The results of this review seem to discourage the utilisation of vaccination against influenza in healthy adults as a routine public health measure. U.S. Government Says Vaccines are Dangerous. By Dr.

U.S. Government Says Vaccines are Dangerous

Mercola As I have long stated, and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) now admits:"Vaccines are not free from side effects, or "adverse effects""This admission came after a review of more than 1,000 vaccine studies, which was intended to assess the scientific evidence in the medical literature about specific adverse events associated with eight vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella (MMR); varicella (chickenpox); influenza; hepatitis A; hepatitis B; HPV; diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (DtaP); and meningococcal. The adverse events selected for IOM review were ones for which people had submitted vaccine injury claims to the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

A convincing causal relationship was found for 14 adverse events and certain vaccines. 14 Dangerous Side Effects Linked to Vaccination, IOM Report Says Too Little Evidence Available to Effectively Evaluate Most Side Effects. Dr. Mercola: Vaccines Have Serious Side... Dr. Mercola: Warn Your Friends and Fami... Announces flu shot propaganda photo contest. (NaturalNews) As the fraudulent flu shot season is in full swing, retailers who profit from hawking deadly flu shots are resorting to the most bizarre and obnoxious marketing tactics yet devised to convince people to poison themselves with flu shots.

announces flu shot propaganda photo contest

As we've already documented here on NaturalNews, Walgreens stores are using incentive prizes like iPad awards for employees who push the most flu shots on customers ( A CVS pharmacy has been caught using life-sized grim reapers to promote its own flu shot vaccines ( Safeway stores are announcing 10% discounts on grocery purchases for those who agree to be injected with these flu shot vaccines, which admittedly contain toxic chemical adjuvants and neurological disruptors that can cause permanent neurological damage.

"Yeah, sure, I might experience random seizures and blurred vision now, but I saved 10% on my groceries! " The pictures must be TRUE and real -- no Photoshopped pictures are allowed, please, and no montages or other compilations. New Flu Vaccine for Seniors is Ineffective and Dangerous.