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Periodic Table of Storytelling. Striking Photographs Of Wild Animals In Urban Locations. I will always remember the moment that I came into contact with a wild fox when walking a dimly lit street on the outskirts of my hometown.

Striking Photographs Of Wild Animals In Urban Locations

Writing with Color. Cosmic Train Schedule. Cosmic Train Schedule Schedule of Launch Windows for Hohmann Transfer Orbits - These schedules were made from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheetHohmann.xls The spreadsheet includes Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and NeptuneAlso included are trip times, delta V from user specified parking orbits, and altitudes of possible parking orbits such as GEO, EML1 for the earth, altitudes of Mars moons Phobos and Deimos, altitudes of larger Jupiter moons, etc..

Cosmic Train Schedule

-L1 and L2 distancesL1-2_distances.xls A spreadsheet giving sun-planet L1 and L2 distances for various planets as well as planet-moon L1 and L2 distances for various moons. -Hop's BlogNew Cartoon Delta V Map with an emphasis on EML1 and EML2.Catching an Asteroid parking a rock at EML2 can take surprisingly little delta V.What the Heck is Vinf? -Hop's Deviant Art Gallery - Fractal World Generator. Haus Von Felix - Alexander McQueen. Ratak-monodosico.tumblr. Random Aesthethic Generator. We flawless, ladies tell 'em. Writing Horses: Heights, Boats, and Travel.

Bubblegum bitch (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) File:Plutchik-wheel.svg. Cancel Edit Delete Preview revert Text of the note (may include Wiki markup) Could not save your note (edit conflict or other problem).


Please copy the text in the edit box below and insert it manually by editing this page. Upon submitting the note will be published multi-licensed under the terms of the CC-BY-SA-3.0 license and of the GFDL, versions 1.2, 1.3, or any later version. See our terms of use for more details. Add a note Draw a rectangle onto the image above (press the left mouse button, then drag and release). Save To modify annotations, your browser needs to have the XMLHttpRequest object. [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Adding image note]]$1 [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Changing image note]]$1 [[MediaWiki talk:Gadget-ImageAnnotator.js|Removing image note]]$1. The Ladies of Military Sci-Fi. This past week, we Book Smugglers read and highly enjoyed new novel Fortune’s Pawn from Rachel Bach.

The Ladies of Military Sci-Fi

A military science-fiction novel (albeit one with heavy romantic overtones), Fortune’s Pawn is the first in a trilogy starring a young, highly skilled mercenary. This mercenary is deadly, likes to drink whiskey and sleep with pretty young things, is singularly career-driven and aspires to become a Devastator (the most elite of all soldiers in the universe). Oh, and she’s a woman. Analog Science Fiction & Fact.

SERIAL LOCKSTEP, part II of IV, Karl Schroeder NOVELLAS MUSIC TO ME, Richard A.

Analog Science Fiction & Fact

Lovett. C ♡ N T. Medieval Demographics Made Easy. Fantasy worlds come in many varieties, from the "hard core" medieval-simulation school to the more fanciful realms of high fantasy, with alabaster castles and jeweled gardens in the place of the more traditional muddy squalor.

Medieval Demographics Made Easy

Despite their differences, these share a vital common element: ordinary people. Medieval Demographics Made Easy. I don't tell lies, I write fiction with my mouth!, Character Sheets and character creation → Cosmic Era. The Cosmic Era is the fictional timeline of the anime television series Gundam Seed and its spinoff projects.

Cosmic Era

This Gundam timeline is noted for its similarities with the Universal Century timeline started by the first Mobile Suit Gundam' series. With Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny, the Cosmic Era universe is the only other Gundam universe other than the Universal Century with multiple full-length TV series (though the AD timeline chose to split its 50 episode run into two seasons).

Before that, the second most developed universe was Gundam Wing's After Colony universe, with one TV series, one OVA series and a compilation movie. Behind the Name: Most Common Surnames in the United States. Random plot points. Every good story is just a test of conflict.

Random plot points.

What your character will do in a particular situation IS their character. What they do is what they're made of. This means your character is going to have to suffer. A lot. Codex/Humanity and the Systems Alliance. The Alliance is the government and military of humanity beyond Sol.

Codex/Humanity and the Systems Alliance

Primary Codex Entries Edit Councilor Donnel Udina Edit Anderson Chosen Councilor Edit. 10 Highest Paying Jobs in the Film Industry" One of the vaguest titles in Hollywood, a producer can be a writer, an investor, an idea man, a manager or all of the above.

10 Highest Paying Jobs in the Film Industry"

In film, the head producer is called the executive producer and is responsible for each and every phase of filmmaking: pre-production, production and post-production. In pre-production, the producer reads scripts and hears ideas from writers, directors and agents. After choosing an idea, the producer has to raise money to fund the project. One route is to get the backing of a major movie studio. Another is to go independent and seek funding from individual investors.

Maps of real and fantasy worlds. Modern Job Title/Occupation Selector and Random Generator. Tip of My Tongue - Chirag Mehta : We found each other hungry. Normandy SR-2. WriteTrack: milwordy. Landform.

Guide to Frost. World Family Names. Ensign (rank) The NATO rank code is OF-1 (junior). In Argentina, the rank of ensign is used by both the air force and the gendarmerie. It is, however, used differently in the two services. The air force uses the rank for newly qualified officers, while the gendarmerie uses "ensign" ranks as an equivalent for the army's "lieutenant" ranks. The other armed forces of Argentina have ranks equivalent to ensign: subteniente (which can be translated into English as "sublieutenant") in the army and guardiamarina (midshipman) in the navy".[3] In the army, the most junior sublieutenant in a regiment (or other unit) is also the flag carrier.

Enseigne de vaisseau de première classe Enseigne de vaisseau de deuxième classe. Starfleet ranks. Starfleet ranks were the identifying titles for the officers and enlisted members of Starfleet, under both United Earth and the United Federation of Planets. These ranks used the titles and positions adopted from earlier Earth naval forces. Creation and early usage Edit. Fandamned. HULK PRESENTS: THE MYTH OF 3 ACT STRUCTURE « FILM CRIT HULK! HULK BLOG! HEY EVERYONE! HULK HERE! PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS A FULLY RE-WRITTEN, UPDATED VERSION OF THIS COLUMN RIGHT HERE: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. A General Summary of Aristotle's Appeals . . . The goal of argumentative writing is to persuade your audience that your ideas are valid, or more valid than someone else's.

Family Tree Diagram of Greek Mythology. Hamadryad.