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Profs & Soeurs | Ressources Pédagogiques pour PROFS & Parents. Le générateur de certificats BRAVO. La classe de Mme Figaro - Désolée pour le chantier, ici on se construit ! Dragonflies in First: freebie. Although I can staple into every wall, classroom wall "real estate" is still limited. I didn't want a birthday chart to take up a bunch of room. So I reduced to this little cutie. It is so easy to change each year. All I do is print out a new list of names for each month and slip those little pieces of paper under the correct month.

In BT (Before Thirty-Kiddos) times I had a pretty large reading center in my room. I've discovered I'm kind of a lot of a minimalist. I'm at a fairly new school. I used to have all sorts of jobs. I MAY have a problem. We've used these all week long. Ok - first of all - I LOVE Monsters, Inc. This is not my room. That picture up in the top right is how she has labeled her "student squares" in her room. The bottom photo is a closeup of my cubbies. The cards are great for all sorts of other things: My bee classroom friend also uses those same labels as desk nameplates for her kids. So there you have it... a glimpse into my room. Faux Technology. This week my students will be texting their sight words on iPhones. They will be typing their sight words on iPads. And they will organize playlists on their iPods in alphabetical order.

Expensive? Absolutely not. It's low-tech. And faux-tech. {Did I mention they're freebies?} Impressive? You bet! iPhones Using washable overhead markers, students print sight words into the fields at the top of the 'phone', and then 'text' them. iPods I've written my students' names on small discs. Using washable overhead markers, students print the names on the playlist in alphabetical order. This can also be done with sight words. Sight word discs are included in the download. iPads Students print sight words on the screen {there's room for ten}. Then they practise typing the words using the keyboard. Crapouilleries.

À la petite école. -- LE COFFRE À IDÉES -- Capture-d’écran-2012-09-06-à-02.08.28.png (631×311) 25 Clever Classroom Tips For Elementary School Teachers. Des activités pour la rentrée.pdf. ACELF. Activités pédagogiques. Planète-éducation - Ressources pédagogiques pour l’enseignement et l’apprentissage. Mille Merveilles - Bibliothèque de ressources éducatives. Carrefour éducation. L'@telier - Ressources pédagogiques en ligne. Coloriage magique : coloriages magiques gratuits en ligne et à imprimer Accueil.