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#ECEtechCHAT Weekly Topic 1.18.2012- Overcoming Resistance « 140+: In the Moment. #ECEtechCHAT Weekly Topic 1.18.2012- Overcoming Resistance The (temporary) home of the official Early Childhood Education Technology Chat on Twitter Wednesdays at 9 PM EASTERN TIME! Hey there #ECEtechCHAT tweeks. This week’s topic is overcoming resistance to integrating technology tools in early childhood settings. The questions for this chat are: A. B. C. Kinderchatplay - Google Earth Projects. Seeking Female Founders In The Tech Startup Scene. Hide captionThe founders of startup accelerator Women Innovate Mobile (clockwise from top right: Deborah Jackson, Kelly Hoey and Veronika Sonsev) aim to boost the profile of tech companies founded by women.

Lisa Tanner/Courtesy Women Innovate Mobile The founders of startup accelerator Women Innovate Mobile (clockwise from top right: Deborah Jackson, Kelly Hoey and Veronika Sonsev) aim to boost the profile of tech companies founded by women. More often than not, when we hear about hot tech companies, all the founders are male (see: Google, Facebook, Twitter and Zynga). But in an effort to change that profile, a new funding source is targeting companies founded by women. Kelly Hoey thinks a lot of investors may be missing some good business opportunities because they aren't coming from someone who looks like the next Mark Zuckerberg. "You're looking for a white guy in a hoodie, and that next visionary is ... going to be wearing a skirt and a great pair of shoes," she says. Great #GlobalEd Sites / Connecting classroom with Skype. EngVid · Free English Video Lessons. *Recently Added. Piazza - The New, Free Way to Q&A for Classrooms.

Tweetdoc. Search, plus Your World. Google Search has always been about finding the best results for you. Sometimes that means results from the public web, but sometimes it means your personal content or things shared with you by people you care about. These wonderful people and this rich personal content is currently missing from your search experience. Search is still limited to a universe of webpages created publicly, mostly by people you’ve never met. Today, we’re changing that by bringing your world, rich with people and information, into search. Search is pretty amazing at finding that one needle in a haystack of billions of webpages, images, videos, news and much more.

But clearly, that isn’t enough. You should also be able to find your own stuff on the web, the people you know and things they’ve shared with you, as well as the people you don’t know but might want to... all from one search box. We’re transforming Google into a search engine that understands not only content, but also people and relationships. Social Media & Tech / A great video explaining HTML5 in under 2 minutes. Pinterest: 13 Tips and Tricks for Cutting Edge Users. On Pinterest? Follow Mashable to check out our favorite infographics, tech news, internet memes and digital culture! Pinterest has been one of the hottest new social networks on the radar for a few months now. In fact, Pinterest has cracked the current list of top 10 social networks — and it's technically still invite-only. For many users, Pinterest serves as a comprehensive wish list of sorts. SEE ALSO: Pinterest: A Beginner’s Guide to the Hot New Social Network Like many new startups that experience an unprecedented spike in popularity, Pinterest has yet to streamline some of its features.

Still, the service is fresh, relevant and entirely different from any social network we've encountered thus far. Some Tech Goals for 2012. Last week, I wrote some reflections on 2011 and after looking back on the past year, I decided it would be good to also think about 2012 and some of the tech goals I hope to accomplish. The first one is to keep up with this blog and to start adding more pictures to my posts! I think I got a good start with this goal in my last post. :) I want to learn more about coding this year. I was excited to discover the free Javascript coding lessons at Codeacademy. I recently finished their “Getting Started with Programming” course and until they release new lessons, I plan to start exploring Ruby. Another tool I’ve been exploring and want to begin using more frequently is Google Reader.

After recently receiving an invite, I just started to poke around on Pinterest and I would like to explore the site more. One other fairly new tool/site that is on my list is Google+. Like this: Like Loading... Related Thinking Forward Into 2013 In "Thoughts" New Goals for a New School Year! In the Bronx, a New School Combines Tech Skills and Cultural Literacy - Education. Digital literacy is a required skill for the 21st century, but in today's globalized economy, knowing how to work with diverse groups of people is just as critical.

So Tech International Charter School, a new middle school campus set to open this fall in the Bronx, hopes to give the area's low-income students an edge in both technology and cross-cultural understanding. The school's founders, Steve Bergen and Adjowah Scott—both former teachers at some of New York City’s most elite private schools—say their goal is to give kids from the Bronx kids (including immigrants still learning English, and those with special needs) the same technology and cultural literacy opportunities as the wealthier students they've worked with. They hope that setting high academic standards and "clear expectations of international responsibility through experiential learning" will help put the students on the college track and build an understanding of our "shared humanity and cultural differences. " Visualize your resume in one click. Infographic: Get More Out Of Google. 1:1 iPad use in Full Day Kindergarten. Background This is the first year of 1:1 iPads in my kindergarten classroom. In October 2010 I received one to use with my class of 26, and by the end of May 2011 I had 11 and my class had dropped down to 22 children. I absolutely loved that half the class could be working on the iPads completely independently, at various levels, while I worked with the other half of the kids. The ability level of the children in last years class was more varied than typical.

I begged and pleaded until I was assured I would most likely have a class set of iPads for the 2011-2012 school year. Getting started On the fourth day of school I introduced iPads to my class of 20 kindergartners. At the end of the day several kids started to put their iPad into backpacks- I had to explain that they were for class only- my, how their faces fell.

Sometimes I noticed children playing an app that utilized a skill I usually teach later in the year, such as telling time to the hour, or addition and subtraction. New Course-Management Software Promises Facebook-Like Experience - Wired Campus. Three University of Pennsylvania students who recently dropped out to start an upstart course-management system today unveiled their software, called Coursekit, after having raised more than $1-million in venture capital. The trio, frustrated with the systems offered by universities, such as Blackboard, decided to team up and design their own online course platform, which emphasizes social networking and an easy-to-use interface. By May, the founders, Joesph Cohen, Dan Getelman, and Jim Grandpre, had raised so much start-up cash, from sources including the Founder Collective and IA Ventures, that they decided to quit school to focus on developing Coursekit.

Thirty universities tested Coursekit this fall, including Stanford and the University of Pennsylvania. Coursekit offers a platform for hosting discussions, posting grades and syllabi, sharing calendars and links, and creating student profiles. Return to Top. The Year in Education: Seven Innovations Changing the Way the World Learns - Education. Another Year Gone By. Wow, another year has gone by and we’re already three days into 2012! With the start of a new year, I wanted to take some time to reflect back on 2011 and things that I learned, accomplished, and hope to carry with me into the new year. I think one of the most memorable things of 2011 will always be my first trip to Africa. As part of one of my master’s courses at American University, I traveled to Nigeria for two weeks in May to conduct research on the early childhood education available in the small town of Yola. I was amazed at the range of education practices and facilities I saw, ranging from mud buildings with a few tables and crayons to a fully-resourced, air-conditioned facility connected to the American University of Nigeria.

Aside from my international travels, I had some great developments in my professional life in 2011. I also grew a lot as a learner and educator in 2011 through my master’s courses. All in all, it was a pretty great year! Like this: Like Loading... Related. 11 Tech Factors That Changed Education in 2011. Michael Staton is the founder of Inigral, which develops social software for student recruitment and higher education retention. Inigral recently brought on the first PRI as a venture investment from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and has been named one of the top 10 innovative companies in education by Fast Company.

In 2011, entrepreneurs and startup activity sprouted up everywhere. Not coincidentally, the Bay Area, New York, Boston, Austin, Portland and every college town from Abilene to Gainesville is fostering young, eager minds. The millennial generation is proving it can create companies — and thus, jobs — that solve real problems. Trends like these are quickly impacting how young people relate to and absorb education. 1. Former CEO of PayPal and venture capitalist Peter Thiel maintains that entrepreneurship is best learned outside of higher education, through real-world experience. 2. 3. 4. 5. Providence Equity acquired Blackboard for $1.6 billion. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 10 Ways to Enable Student Collaboration. Well, another semester has come and gone.

As always, I’ve learned so much from my students. One of the things I have started doing in my classes (remember, I teach online) is to make just about every activity and assignment collaborative. That means that students sometimes work together, view each others’ work, and/or are included in all class conversations. There are many ways to share information and enable collaboration than ever before, but you need to use the tools and include instructions for your students. Google Docs: ( Yeah, by now you are probably using Google Docs a lot. What are some collaborative tools you use in your online courses?

Like this: Like Loading... Monday Matters: Lavaca Teacher, Class Embrace Social Media - The Times Record: News. Twitter as a Mobile Learning Platform. It’s been almost 5 years since Twitter came into existence and it has become quite the versatile platform. I remember when I first joined Twitter 4 years ago, there were heckling comments abound about ‘tweeting’ and how people didn’t care to know someone’s ever movement. Since then, and resulting from a series of key improvements to the service, we have a tool that can be shaped and molded to whatever the need may be. In the case of teacher PD, Twitter can be used as: - a networking tool to link with other educators to discuss ideas and issues with like minded colleagues around the world - an information gateway where teachers can stay current with the cutting edge as it happens and is discussed In the case of school communication, Twitter can be used: - as a communication gateway for teachers and school administrators looking to communicate with their parent community in a new and mobile way - a place to provide parents with links to resources or supports for their children.

Lingibli. How Educators Teach Geography with Tech Tools. In 2006, the National Geographic-Roper literacy survey showed that only 37 percent of college-age students could identify Iraq on a map of the Middle East. But U.S. troops had been in Iraq since 2003. And last week, student scores on the 2010 National Assessment of Educational Progress were released in a report on geography. Between 2001 and 2010, average scores for fourth-graders moved from 208 to 213 out of a possible 500.

Eighth-graders and twelfth-graders' scores didn't change significantly. "One of the challenges you see reflected in the NAEP data is the lack of attention to geography at the postsecondary level," said William Gaudelli, associate professor of social studies and education at Teachers College, Columbia University. Few colleges have geography departments, and the ones that do are often land grant universities like Penn State.

With each survey and report on geography that comes out, we talk about it for a few weeks, and then geography disappears from the spotlight. Create Your Own Space Program. Textbooks Finally Take a Big Leap to Digital. Light-bot-20-6061.


Welcome to My Resource Cloud. More pedagogic change in 10 years than last 1000 years – all driven by 10 technology innovations. Pedagogy - one of those words that’s used when people want to sound all academic. So let’s just call it learning practice. Of one thing we can be sure; teaching does not seem to have changed much in the last 100 years. In our Universities, given the stubborn addiction to lectures, it has barely changed in 1000 years. So what’s the real source of pedagogic change?

It’s not education departments who peddle the same old traditional, teacher training courses or train the trainer courses. Suddenly we had Google, then in the last ten years Facebook, Twitter, BBM, MSN Messenger, Wikipedia, YouTube, iTunes, Nintendo, Playstation, Xbox. 1. Education and training have been tied to the tyranny of time and location. 2. The simple hyperlink encourages curiosity and is a leap to more learning. 3. Google aren’t kidding when they state their mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. 4.

Jimmy Wales should get the Nobel Prize. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. My Wish List for Education in 2012. I’ve been blessed to be in a school district that has embraced technology, provided our staff with Macbooks and Smartboards, and just approved a Netbook 1-to-1 initiative. I’ve worked with fantastic educators in my school and abroad. My students have been a part of such global projects as ‘The Flat Classroom Project”, “Net Gen Ed”, and “Project: Global Inform”.

We’ve used Microsoft’s OneNote product to produce ePortfolios (I love it), Apple’s iMovie to create documentaries, and Google’s collaboration tools for a variety of project-based learning initiatives. It wasn’t just a good year for education in my classroom, the “EdTech” scene exploded in the past 12 months, with hundreds of new apps for learning and teacher collaboration (check out EdSurge). This is the most important time to be in education. Now, more than any other time in the past 100 years, education seems on the verge of a paradigm shift. 1. It’s no longer okay to do every project within the confines of a classroom. 2. 3. 9 in 10 Teens Have Witnessed Bullying on Social Networks [STUDY] Soundboard2. Embracing Continuous Improvement with EdTech. So Far, 27 States Sign On to Digital Learning Day - Digital Education. Richland Parish School Board.


Social Media in Ed. Google. Ipads. Ed Tech Tools. Exploring Ed Tech @ the Bi-Co. Journal of Technology Education. On Demand Learning Center. Examples of Student Innovation - home. Architect Studio 3D, from the Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Tr. Wallwisher: Free ESL | Websites | Lesson Plans. LESTER: Learning Science and Technology Repository : Browse Syllabi. Schoology learn.together. Next Textbooks are… QR Codes In Education. Interesting Ways. Many educators find Twitter a useful tool. Find shapes in clouds and draw them online / Klowdz. The NATURE OF SOCIAL NARRATIVE by @cumulusguy Gamified Transmedia. Geek.teacher » Blog Archive » Two week iPad trial: Part 1. Mothers Days ideas for the Classroom using Big Huge Labs.

Building the Backchannel: How to Use Twitter in Large Classrooms Part I. The New York Times’ R&D Lab has built a tool that explores the life stories take in the social space. Lafz̤ • Would you believe that there are some people out... Top 100 Social Media Colleges. James Gee: Assessment Drives Learning: How to Drive to a New Place. Tina Barseghian: Why Parents Should Both Monitor And Empower Kids Using Social Media. QR Codes in the Classroom. Blogging: Why Aren't You Doing It?

New online high school free to Ga. residents. What Does "Technology Integration" Mean? 28 Interesting Ways to use an iPod Touch in the Classroom. Should Cell Phones Be Allowed in Classrooms? Most Parents Say Yes. Va. Board of Education urges policy on social networks as teaching tools. Skype Launches a Dedicated Network for Teachers. Learning, Digital Media and Creative Play in Early Childhood. Five Skills for 21st Century Learners. Podcast Library. MIT World | Distributed Intelligence.