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Watch - the encyclopedia of painting. Artist Profile: Michael Manning. Animated GIF via LH: For as long as I've been familiar with your work—starting on in 2010—you've been incredibly prolific. Back then, you were creating and sharing abstract animated GIFs. I remember you would post hundreds of variations on a single shape. I see that kind of preoccupation, or obsession, come up again and again in your work, with the Phone Arts series, the Microsoft Store Paintings, and most recently, the Sheryl Crow Pandora Paintings.

These expansive projects create a sense of repetition, ultimately a smooth rhythm, which appears to be so continuous as to not have a beginning or an end. MM: I don't like to take any single piece too seriously, I want to work on something without the pressure of it being perfect. From the series Microsoft Store Paintings. The Microsoft Store Paintings are all about self-imposed limitations and subverting the idea of an artist's studio. "oh word you got faux palette I can mix paint on, lemme try that" Age: 28 I build houses. But does it float.


Listen. Largehearted boy: a music and literature blog. Music, Style & Culture | News, Reviews, Video & More | DIY. I Like __ A Lot. I write small. When I set out to write something, I play a game. I think: what could make this simple thing complex? And so I give the writing a limit. I provide it with a constraint. I have been writing a novel, I think. A long time ago, before I ever dreamed of becoming a writer, I read. Kathy and I soon became lovers. Through Kathy I met all kinds of people. Sometimes, I still feel like I’m an anarchist. My fuck list (this is only a partial list):