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Collection of Learning Resources run by Magazines, Newspapers and other institutions for free access
can be video series, page collections, content with suggested task ect

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences. Open Online Course on Transdisciplinary Research The course is not running right now but you can sign up on the e-mail list to get notified once the next run of our MOOC "Partnering for Change - Link Research to Societal Challenges" starts on the FutureLearn website.

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences

You can access the course material below. The course consists of six weeks totalling approximately 30 hours’ workload for learners but can be adjusted to your needs (find suggestions to integate the course into your lectures, seminars, projects and curricula here). The Economy: The Economy. is the World's Largest Education Resource. Beginner’s guide to visualization literacy. The Learning Network - The New York Times.

ZEIT für die Schule: Material für Wissenshungrige und den Unterricht. Die Lernplattform ZEIT für die Schule ist eine Einladung: An Schülerinnen und Schüler, Studentinnen und Studenten, Lehrerinnen und Lehrer.

ZEIT für die Schule: Material für Wissenshungrige und den Unterricht

Lernen Sie! Lassen Sie sich von unserer Themenvielfalt begeistern, machen Sie neue Entdeckungen und nutzen Sie unsere Sammlungen, um sich in Ihr Lieblingsthema zu vertiefen. Oder lassen Sie sich für Ihren Unterricht inspirieren. Wir bieten Sammlungen von Texten und Videos zu den Themen: Über einen Klick auf das gewünschte Themengebiet gelangt man auf unsere Übersichtsseiten. Franz Kafka: Ein Rätsel, das immer modern bleibt Kafkas Werk steht für sich: Es ragt aus dem Fundus moderner Literatur heraus wie kein anderes. Die harmlosen Garnelen und Kant Was kann ich essen? Literatur des Realismus: Weiche, schnöde Wirklichkeit! Nach dem Scheitern der Märzrevolution von 1848 muss sich das deutsche Bürgertum neu definieren: es schreibt.

Paul Boghossian: Wissen ist nicht verhandelbar Die Industrielle Revolution Jean-François Lyotard: Das postmoderne Wissen. Finanzlexikon: Was ist eigentlich..? - NZZ Video. 43 websites the world uses to learn – The Graph – Medium. With so much learning content available, exploring only the best stuff on the web is crucial for your time and sanity.

43 websites the world uses to learn – The Graph – Medium

We’ve saved you all those hours of painful Google searching with this list of great knowledge sources, inspiring blogs, tools, communities and course platforms that will help you discover fresh ideas or master new skills. Knowledge media TED/TED-Ed— spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks Curiosity — hundreds of thousands of quality videos for your interests Investopedia — largest financial education website in the world Open Culture — compendium of free learning resources HowStuffWorks — explains thousands of topics, from ESP to lock-picking Popular Science — magazine on current science and technology.

Technology Aeon. Notizie, foto, video di Scienza, Animali, Ambiente e Tecnologia - Genossenschaften machen Schule. Teachers' Corner - EUROPA. Die EU für Lehrer/innen - EUROPA. Startseite - Bio einfach erklärt. Was uns die Geschichte lehrt. Teach Yourself Graphic Design: A Self-Study Course Outline. An Introduction to the History of Graphic Design. Earth - Your life on earth. Explore BBC Earth's unique interactive, personalised just to you. Find out how, since the date of your birth, your life has progressed; including how many times your heart has beaten, and how far you have travelled through space.

Investigate how the world around you has changed since you've been alive; from the amount the sea has risen, and the tectonic plates have moved, to the number of earthquakes and volcanoes that have erupted. Grasp the impact we've had on the planet in your lifetime; from how much fuel and food we've used to the species we've discovered and endangered. And see how the BBC was there with you, capturing some of the most amazing wonders of the natural world. The Glossary of Human Computer Interaction. Dr Hatice Gunes is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), UK.

The Glossary of Human Computer Interaction

She received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia, in September 2007 for her multi-cue and multi-sensory approach to automatic recognition of emotions from face-and-body expressions, and their timing and synchronicity. Prior to joining QMUL, she was a postdoctoral researcher at Imperial College London, UK working on SEMAINE, an EU-FP7 award winning project that aimed to build a multimodal dialogue system which can interact with humans via a virtual character and react appropriately to the user's non-verbal behaviour, and MAHNOB that aimed at multimodal analysis of human naturalistic nonverbal behaviour. Boundlesscourses's Catalog Page. Login Lumen Menu This catalog contains educational content originally curated by Boundless. In collaboration with the Boundless team, Lumen Learning imported these OER courses to the Lumen Platform, to ensure they remain freely available to the education community after Boundless ceased operations.

Lumen maintains the Boundless content in the same condition it was provided to us, and courses may contain some formatting and accessibility issues.Except where otherwise noted, all material in Boundless courses are licensed under a CC BY-SA license.For services and support to edit and use these courses in your LMS, please visit Subject AccountingArtBiologyBusinessChemistryCommunicationEnglishHistoryMathematicsPhysicsPolitical SciencePsychologySociology Catalog, filtering by [x] Wikibooks.