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Physical computing

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LittleBits. SENSEable Shoes. Created by Huaishu Peng and Yen-Chia Hsu at the Computational Design Lab at Carnegie Mellon comes the SENSEable shoes project.

SENSEable Shoes

The shoes can identity and transmit information for 10 different gait patterns (standing, sitting, turning left, turning right, walking left, walking right, walking forward, walking backward, going upstairs, and downstairs). Suggested applications for the shoes include being used in gaming platforms (think Wii Fitness) or detecting abnormal gaits in health care patient monitoring. Project Description: "The goal of this project is to build a foot-computer interface: a newly hand-free and eye-free interactive technology designed for the growing pervasive computing environments.

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Connecting To The World with Danger Shield -

You can also access those readings yourself, on the web, wherever you go. How? Main Page - Firmata. Interactive Matter — Tinkering with electronics & ambient interaction. Association for Robots in Architecture - Limor. Arduino Tutorials: Everything Arduino!