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Pearltrees videos. Ice Cream Men Go To War. MyLifeIsAverage - Life is pretty normal today. Your source of daily updated funny pictures and gifs. Listen to Music Curated by Music Experts. If historical events had Facebook updates... Silly Mind Tricks.

Keith Barry does brain magic. Mental_floss Blog & Strange Geographies: the Forgotten High School of Goldfield, Nevada. At the turn of the last century, Goldfield was a mining boomtown -- prospectors were pulling millions of dollars worth of ore out of the ground each year, and with a population that ballooned to more than 30,000 by 1904, it was the largest town in the state of Nevada. It was a classic Old West success story: gun-slinging heroes like Wyatt Earp trod its wooden sidewalks, and in a society where the real measure of a town's worth was its bar-and-whorehouse scene, Goldfield had the rest beat: Tex Rickard's Northern Saloon had a bar so long it required 80 bartenders to run it. Of course, I wouldn't be writing about Goldfield if everything had kept going like gangbusters. By 1920s, the gold mines had started to peter out, and in 1923 a moonshine still exploded and started a fire that took most of the town's wooden buildings with it.

One of those buildings is Goldfield High School, built during the boom years in 1907. The second-floor hallway, and one of many open or broken windows. Get inspired. Get motivated. Practice. Improve your drawing skills! How to Draw Celtic Knotwork. The old method These instructions can be followed with pencil and paper or using any computer based drawing or drafting program. I have used Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, and AutoDesk AutoCad for various projects, but my favorite is Corel Draw.

In the tutorial below I show the method that I use in Corel Draw; however, I have deliberately left out program-specific instructions. I did this to make the instructions more broadly applicable to work with as many drawing and CAD programs as possible. This method, like most, begins with drawing the grid. The second step is to draw in the diagonals. Next draw in the connecting curves that will become the edges of the knotwork. This is the step that most people have the most trouble with: deciding where to "Break the Grid". So, where do we put these spaces to make an aesthetically pleasing design? Here is how I do it:: I CHEAT! 1).

Or 2). But back to the tutorial. Follow the diagonals until you come to a red line. We're almost there! Funniest Japanese Girls Prank. Little Ballerinas Get Into Fight. Misty carpathian forest by Tibor Rendek. Funny Avengers Pictures (24 Pics) How To Build A Fireball You Can Hold&Video. Guy's Opinion.