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The world seen by ... Puerto Rico. Collaborative network. A collaborative network, is a network consisting of a variety of entities (e.g. organizations and people) that are largely autonomous, geographically distributed, and heterogeneous in terms of their operating environment, culture, social capital and goals, but that collaborate to better achieve common or compatible goals, and whose interactions are supported by computer networks. The discipline of collaborative networks focuses on the structure, behavior, and evolving dynamics of networks of autonomous entities that collaborate to better achieve common or compatible goals.[1][2] There are several manifestations of collaborative networks, e.g.:[1] Virtual enterprise (VE).Virtual Organization (VO).Dynamic Virtual Organization.Extended Enterprise.VO Breeding environment (VBE).Professional virtual community (PVC).Business Ecosystem.Virtual manufacturing network Applications[edit] Elements[edit] The seven essential elements of collaborative networks: Reference models[edit] Challenges[edit]

Dialogr. Social Media y la teoría de necesidades de Maslow. Hola: Os presentamos una infografía realizada por Lombok Design y Social Media TIC’s and Training, sobre el Social Media y la teoría de las necesidades de Maslow. La hemos realizado en español y en inglés. También hemos incluido sus versiones en PDF en alta calidad para que podíais descargarlas e imprimirlas. Esperamos que os gusten. Un saludo VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Social Media y la teoría de necesidades de Maslow Bájalo en PDF Código para insertar la imagen en tu blog o web VERSIÓN EN INGLÉS Social Media and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs PDF Download Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando...

The Data-Driven Life. Lift your mood with a little help from your friends. Dopplr | Travel planning, advice & tips for the smart traveller. PodcastAlley. Quiz Scorer - fun learning | Plan Rehearse Deliver. The 45 Minute Meeting. Basic Technology Made Easier, Volume One - _ State of the Art. Change Quotes, Sayings about Changes and Changing. He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery. ~Harold Wilson If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it. ~Mary Engelbreit It is not necessary to change. All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. Without accepting the fact that everything changes, we cannot find perfect composure. The man who looks for security, even in the mind, is like a man who would chop off his limbs in order to have artificial ones which will give him no pain or trouble. You must welcome change as the rule but not as your ruler. Change is inevitable — except from a vending machine. If you're in a bad situation, don't worry it'll change. When you are through changing, you are through. Instructor Excellence Summary | Bob Powers. SWOT Analysis - Download SmartDraw FREE to easily create SWOT analyses and marketing visuals! Easily create SWOT diagrams and other business diagrams with SmartDraw. Download Our SWOT Analysis Software FREE! Start with the exact SWOT analysis template you need—not just a blank screen. Add your information and our SWOT analysis software does the rest, aligning your text and applying professional design themes for great results every time.

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A Translator's Long Journey, Page by Page. On Gregory Rabassa's crowded bookshelves is a first edition of ''Rayuela,'' the experimental 1963 novel by the Argentine novelist Julio Cortázar. Mr. Rabassa had just finished his Ph.D. in Portuguese in the mid-1960's when an editor at Pantheon -- who had noticed his work editing a failed literary magazine at Columbia University -- asked him to translate Mr. Cortázar's book from Spanish into English. Without having read what has been called a ''fiendishly esoteric'' novel, Mr. ''I've got 50 of them behind me,'' Mr. Now, at 82, Mr. ''My thesis in the book is that translation is impossible,'' Mr. If that is true, then Mr. Yet for all the accolades, translation is still a difficult and poorly understood art.

Walter Benjamin, the German literary critic, once wrote, ''No translation would be possible if in its ultimate essence it strove for likeness to the original.'' Mr. But Mr. ''When I talk about it, I say the English is hiding behind his Spanish. In the case of Cortázar, Mr. Yet Mr. Mr. Writing/organizational-intelligence-talk.pdf. Pages - Homepage. ​L’Associazione Prospera, acronimo di PROgetto SPERAnza, è un’associazione senza fini di lucro nata a settembre 2009 con l’obiettivo di formare una classe dirigente basata sui valori dell’impegno responsabile, della trasparenza e dell’onestà intellettuale.

Gli associati di Prospera sono manager, docenti universitari, imprenditori e professionisti provenienti da diverse realtà aziendali impegnati in prima persona e a titolo volontario per sostenere la speranza e le ambizioni delle nuove generazioni. I progetti, originati e promossi direttamente da Prospera, che si occupa anche dell’eventuale finanziamento con contributori privati e partner, sono realizzati in collaborazione con Università, Pubbliche Amministrazioni, Associazioni di Categoria, Centri di Ricerca, e Ordini Professionali. Oggi Prospera è presente in tutta Italia con oltre 1000 associati. Improving Our Capacity to Manage - Gary Hamel’s Management 2.0. By Gary Hamel with Polly Labarre In my last post with Polly Labarre, I noted that few teenagers dream of growing up to be a manager. Prosaic it may be, but management is one of humankind’s most important inventions, encompassing the tools and methods we use to mobilize and organize resources to productive ends.

It is, quite simply, the technology of human accomplishment. Our capacity to improve the state of the world is ultimately bounded by our capacity to manage. That said, the management model that predominates in most organizations has its roots in the 19th century. It was built to maximize efficiency by minimizing deviations from standard practices. But today’s organizations must be more than well-oiled machines; they must also be endlessly adaptive and relentlessly innovative. So a couple of years ago I asked a small band of management thinkers to put their heads together—what could be done to multiply the impact of these would-be management renegades? A hack from Tory Gattis. Gary Hamel. The Value of Intellectual Property Assets. A crucial point about legal protection of intellectual property is that it turns intangible assets into exclusive property rights, albeit for a limited period of time. It enables your SME to claim ownership over its intangible assets and exploit them to their maximum potential.

In short, IP protection makes intangible assets “a bit more tangible” by turning them into valuable exclusive assets that can often be traded in the market place. If the innovative ideas, creative designs and powerful brands of your SME are not legally protected by IP rights, then these may be freely and legally used by any other enterprise without limitation. However, when they are protected by IP rights, they acquire concrete value for your enterprise as they become property rights which cannot be commercialized or used without your authorization.

Increasingly, investors, stock market brokers and financial advisors are becoming aware of this reality and have begun to value IP assets highly. Intellectual Property and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Intellectual Property for Business In the increasingly knowledge-driven economy, intellectual property (IP) is a key consideration in day-to-day business decisions. New products, brands and creative designs appear almost daily on the market and are the result of continuous human innovation and creativity. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are often the driving force behind such innovations. Their innovative and creative capacity, however, is not always fully exploited as many SMEs are not aware of the intellectual property system or the protection it can provide for their inventions, brands, and designs. If left unprotected, a good invention or creation may be lost to larger competitors that are in a better position to commercialize the product or service at a more affordable price, leaving the original inventor or creator without any financial benefit or reward.

Enhancing Competitiveness Through IP Protection Effective IP Management The Challenge Ahead Main Objectives. The IPR game is explored with Dr. Shaleen Raizada. SEPULTURA website oficial. Conferences @ HEC (video) - Download free content from HEC Paris. "Le brevet reste un instrument offensif, que Google nous aide aujourd'hui à traduire en chinois" How to embed a YouTube video - YouTube Help. Add YouTube videos and playlists to a website or blog by embedding it. Here’s how to embed a video: Click the Share link under the video. Click the Embed link. Copy the code provided in the expanded box. View full list Click the Share link under the video. Here’s how to embed a playlist: Click Playlists on the left side of your YouTube page Click the playlist title you'd like to embed. Embedding options HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) adds a layer of protection around information traveling between your computer and a web server.

Websites that use HTTPS might generate a “mixed content” warning if a video isn’t embedded with HTTPS since not all parts on the webpage are secure, which is why you might select the “Use HTTPS” option under the embed code. Enabling this option means that YouTube won’t store information about visitors on your web page unless they play the video. There are two styles of embed codes that are available for YouTube videos.

Here’s an example: E A R M A - THE EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF RESEARCH MANAGERS AND ADMINISTRATORS. Viltra Wastewater Treatments - a leader in the provision of advanced wastewater treatment solutions. Dirkse Milieutechniek. TRAITEMENT DES EAUX USEES ILE DE FRANCE - ASSAINISSEMENT ILE DE FRANCE. How Well do you Manage Change? How Good Are Your Change Management Skills? - Change Management Training from MindTools. Find out which change management skills you need to improve. © iStockphoto/alexsl For most organizations, change is inevitable.

Because of this, you'll most likely be involved in managing a change project at some point – be it a simple change to the way your team deals with customer complaints, or a major change in organizational policy or strategy. When you manage change effectively, you can move your organization into the new "business as usual" state swiftly, and you'll find that other people are quick to accept change. This means that your team and organization experiences minimum disruption, and projects succeed, rather than stall and fail. The quiz below helps you assess your change management skills. We then guide you through the key areas of change management, and give links to resources that you can use to further develop your change management skills.

How Good Are Your Change Management Skills? Instructions: Score Interpretation Understanding Change (Questions 1, 7, 10, 14) Tip: Here's how I protected my idea with a trade mark (Flash video) Collaborative working | New opportunities | Networking | Invest NI. Strengthen your business, raise its profile and open up a world of new opportunities. How? By collaborating with other businesses and organisations within and outside Northern Ireland. We can link your business with other businesses, colleges, universities or organisations so that you can explore ways to exploit new market or research opportunities.

We run workshops about collaborative working and can signpost you to sources of advice and assistance. We can help you access the following collaborative opportunities: EU Collaboration Framework: The Horizon 2020 Programme is the main source of European funding for research and innovation. Technology Strategy Board: The Technology Strategy Board offers a range of opportunities for collaborative R&D through a competition based approach. Enterprise Europe Network: Competence Centres: Collaborative Networks: Knowledge Transfer Partnerships: Innovation Vouchers: Not sure that this support is right for you? related links: Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) - Accelerating Business Innovation. File35789.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Innovation and the Bell Labs Miracle. How Group Dynamics May Be Killing Innovation. To come up with the next iPad, Amazon or Facebook, the last thing potential innovators need is a group brainstorm session. What the pacesetters of the future really require, according to new Wharton research, is some time alone. In a paper titled, “Idea Generation and the Quality of the Best Idea (PDF),” Wharton operations and information management professors Christian Terwiesch and Karl Ulrich argue that group dynamics are the enemy of businesses trying to develop one-of-a-kind new products, unique ways to save money or distinctive marketing strategies.

Terwiesch, Ulrich and co-author Karan Girotra, a professor of technology and operations management at INSEAD, found that a hybrid process — in which people are given time to brainstorm on their own before discussing ideas with their peers — resulted in more and better quality ideas than a purely team-oriented process. “Manufacturers prefer 10 machines with good output over one very good machine and nine really defective ones. Allen curve. In Communication theory, the Allen curve is a graphical representation that reveals the exponential drop of frequency of communication between engineers as the distance between them increases. It was discovered by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Thomas J. Allen in the late 1970s. [A related and highly significant finding of Allen was his identification of the key role for information gatekeepers. Often such interlocutors were poorly recognized by management and yet conveyed vital concepts from just the right people to just the right other people in the organization.]

Discovery[edit] During the late 1970s, Allen undertook a project to determine how the distance between engineers’ offices affects the frequency of technical communication between them. This finding was originally documented in Allen’s book, Managing the Flow of Technology.[1] Recent development[edit] He further explains[2] Significance[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] Thomas J. Dunbar's number. Takeshi's Komanechi University Mathematics. I suppose some of you might already know Takeshi Kitano as a filmmaker, who shot great movies like Sonatine and Kikujiro.

Here in Japan, he is very famous, but not for his movies. More that a filmmaker, he is popular as a comedian and appears a lot on TV, know as Beat Takeshi. But what you might not know, even living in Japan, is the Math Kitano the mathematician. Indeed, during his childhood, Takeshi's mother was very strict concerning education. He went to the renown Meiji University and usually says that he would have liked to become a mathematician if he didn't become a comedian. Surprisingly, Math Kitano performs very well and sometimes outperforms Tokyo University students, especially in geometry related problems, which must be one of the reasons why the way he shots his movies is so geometric.On the other side, the team of four comedians always use very weird but funny ways to solve problems, and it is quite enjoying to watch, even from a mathematician point of view. SME Small and Medium Sized Enterprises - SME Policy Office. Understanding of University-Industry Relations: A Comparative ... pdf free download. Big Innovation Centre | About the Big Innovation Centre. How can universities and businesses work together better? - Richard Jennings - JISC Inform 30. A Look at 'How the University Works' - Advice. Education Eye - Mapping Innovations. Info 101: Web 2.0, the art of listening, learning and sharing - Washington DC government business.

GALA - Network of Excellence for Serious Games. (1) Principles & Practices of Online Course Creation & Instructional De... 7ème PCRDT. Home. 5-7 Mai_program_final si comitete stiintifice.pdf. Sesiune stiintifica la Dacia | Pitesti | Higher Bitesize - Business Management. Bite-Sized Learning. How to invite others to join a LinkedIn group « Linked4Ministry Blog. How I Make My Living as an Online Writer (And How You Could Too) 3 fascinating (and pretty) portraits of personal life through data — Cloud Computing News. Talkwheel wants to reinvent the way we communicate online — Online Collaboration.

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