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Inbox (10,876) - dazester - Gmail. "Anti" Magnetic water and Levitating Graphite by Diamagnetism. Euronews: Measuring Earth's vital magnetic field / Observing the Earth. Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism - Page 49. The following is a long post: John W.

The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism - Page 49

Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. Marko Rodin - Vortex Based Mathematics. This is a very interesting look at events IMO.

Marko Rodin - Vortex Based Mathematics

They are making some mistakes but who doesn't. ie Rodin says matter can neither be created nor destroyed in the youtube video, I'd say that he meant to say that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. I'm haven't looked at the whole youtube video yet but I plan to. Haramein says that the infinite and the finite can be reconciled. He correctly notices that all events are finite. He notices that physics models only account for 4% of the matter in the universe and postulates that therefore the equations/ models are wrong. The Theory of Anti-Relativity 1/4 by Professor Dollard. Tesla's Round 2 by Eric Dollard (2 of 12) Westinghouse (Full Feature Documentary) "THE SECRET OF NIKOLA TESLA" - The rare 1980 Movie (2007 transfer)

Eric Dollard on Tesla Wireless Technology Interview. Theory of Anti-Relativity 3/4 by Professor Dollard. The Theory of Anti-Relatvity 2/4 by Professor Dollard. #338 Eric Dollard interview at Bedini-Lindemann 2013. Theory of Anti-Relativity (Full Video) by Professor Eric Dollard. Eric Dollard 2007 Presentation - Misconceptions of Electricity and More. History of RCA - Bolinas Station by Professor Eric Dollard. Exotic Metals vs. Magnet (including uranium) The almost perfect sphere with neocube. Amazing Physics. Tunguska catastrophe et Nikola Tesla. ScienceCasts: The Sun's Magnetic Field is About to Flip.

Wavelength frequency convert lambda Hz sound conversion acoustics acoustic audio radio speed of sound and radio typical waves wave length light vacuum equation formula for frequency speed of light color spectrum. Formulas and equations for sound: c = λ × f λ = c / f = c × T f = c / λ Conversion of period to frequency and back The top open range of the frequency spectrum for sound waves.

Wavelength frequency convert lambda Hz sound conversion acoustics acoustic audio radio speed of sound and radio typical waves wave length light vacuum equation formula for frequency speed of light color spectrum

Résonance et matière : Ça vous dirait de voir une extraordinaire expérience! Science — son : Voir le son ?

Résonance et matière : Ça vous dirait de voir une extraordinaire expérience!

C’est chose possible depuis plus de 200 ans… Même si depuis la cymatique a été créée et possède de meilleurs outils pour y parvenir ! La cymatique ? Homopolar Motor. Make Structured water using 528 Hz DNA frequency. Electro Photon Imaging - Himalayan Sea Salt. OM. The Luminous Egg! Thinking Magnetic Putty. WORKING MAGNET MOTOR? IS THIS REAL OR FAKE? Antigravity Mechanism - TR-3B Plasma Torus Anti-Gravity Centrifuge Engine. The formula for turning cement into metal. LEMONT, Ill. – In a move that would make the Alchemists of King Arthur’s time green with envy, scientists have unraveled the formula for turning liquid cement into liquid metal.

The formula for turning cement into metal

This makes cement a semi-conductor and opens up its use in the profitable consumer electronics marketplace for thin films, protective coatings, and computer chips. “This new material has lots of applications, including as thin-film resistors used in liquid-crystal displays, basically the flat panel computer monitor that you are probably reading this from at the moment,” said Chris Benmore, a physicist from the U.S. GDV - applications of Kirlian technology. GDV technique enables us to explore and quantify response of any person to any treatment.

GDV - applications of Kirlian technology

A typical procedure involves recording a person's initial state and the state after the treatment has been applied. In most cases it is obvious within a few minutes whether the treatment has a positive, disruptive or neutral effect for a given person. It is important to minimize all other influences during the test. 3. Estimating treatment effectiveness By recording the human state at some time intervals after a treatment has been applied (typically minutes or hours), it is possible to estimate if the treatment has a temporary or a systematic effect on the human state.

National Geographic - Is It Real? Superhuman Powers FULL HD. Kirlian photography. Kirlian photograph of two coins Kirlian photography is a collection of photographic techniques used to capture the phenomenon of electrical coronal discharges.

Kirlian photography

It is named after Semyon Kirlian, who in 1939 accidentally discovered that if an object on a photographic plate is connected to a high-voltage source, an image is produced on the photographic plate.[1] The technique has been variously known as "electrography",[2] "electrophotography",[3] "corona discharge photography" (CDP),[4] "bioelectrography",[2] "gas discharge visualization (GDV)",[5] "electrophotonic imaging (EPI)",[6] and, in Russian literature, "Kirlianography". Kirlian photography has been the subject of mainstream scientific research, parapsychology research and art. To a large extent, It has been co-opted by promoters of pseudoscience, fringe science and paranormal health claims in books, magazines, workshops, and web sites.[7][8] History[edit] In 1889, Czech B.

In 1939, two Czechs, S. GDV-USA - The Science of Measuring Human Wellness. Electrophotonic Imaging (EPI) an Overview- DVD Electrophotonic Imaging (EPI) an Overview is the gateway to the emerging science of biolelectrography.

GDV-USA - The Science of Measuring Human Wellness

It serves as a scientific bridge in our ability to observe, measure, and most importantly, to understand and reconnect the unfrayed connection between the subtle world of vital energy and the denser world of matter. EPI technology makes it possible to detect and observe the play of light around the human body, a drop of water or crystal, transforming analogue information into useful and vital data that can be analyzed, applied and shared toward the integral wellness of the whole globally.

The principal tool of biolectrographic observation, analysis, and verification is the EPI/GDV, developed by biophysicist Dr. GDV Source: Technology. Gas Discharge Visualization Technique (GDV) is computer registration and analysis of gas discharge glow (GDV-images) of any biological objects placed in a high-intensity electromagnetic field.

GDV Source: Technology

From Kirlian effect to the GDV Technique, by Professor Korotkov When, more than 70 years ago, the married couple Kirlians started to study high-frequency photography, it was regarded as just a scientific experiment. Modern technologies and the rhythm of our life, bringing hazards to health and leaving less and less time to take care of it, have changed this view. Now, instead of people relying on emergency medicine, wellness and preventive medicine are fast becoming more in demand. The Magnetic Engine and anti gravity propulsion system , an artistic view. Nikola Tesla.