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The Wheels On The Bus Come To A Screeching, Jolting Halt. What Makes a Visualization Memorable? | Visual Computing Group. Citation: Borkin MA, Vo AA, Bylinskii Z, Isola P, Sunkavalli S, Oliva A, Pfister H. What Makes a Visualization Memorable?. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings of InfoVis 2013). 2013. Abstract: An ongoing debate in the Visualization community concerns the role that visualization types play in data understanding. In human cognition, understanding and memorability are intertwined. How Far is it to Mars? Eight papers by anti-terrorism professor retracted for plagiarism.

An anti-terrorism researcher at the University of Southern Denmark has had a number of papers in conference proceedings retracted for plagiarism. Debora Weber-Wulff, who has researched plagiarism for a decade, reports on her blog Copy, Shake, and Paste that eight papers by Nasrullah Memon have been retracted after the Vroniplag website revealed similarities between his work and that of other authors. According to a university website, Memon is an expert in the fight against terror networks on the internet and is one of the main forces behind the new ‘Counterterrorism Research Lab’ at the University of Southern Denmark.

Together with Professor Uffe Kock Wiil, he and their other colleagues from the research group join the fight against terrorism in several fields. Here are the others, whose notices say the same thing and also list the plagiarized papers: None of Memon’s papers has been cited more than a handful of times, according to Thomson Scientific’s Web of Knowledge. Update, 9:45 a.m. Data Journalism and Data Visualization: Hans Rosling's presentation | Aalto University1. Evolution of European Union legislation. Nominate analysis of the European Parliament 2009-2011. W-NOMINATE analysis of the European Parliament NOMINATE is a scaling method that are widely used to position legislators in a few dimensional space based on how they vote in an assembly.

Here the method is use to position members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in a two-dimensional space based upon their voting records in the first two years of the 2009-2014 EP setting. Read more about the method here. View Highlight MEPs from Show result of vote on Place your cursor on a point in the coordinate-system to view information on the MEP. MEPs are coloured according to their political group.PPE | S&D | ALDE | ECR | Verts/ALE | GUE/NGL | EFD | NI What is this?

Below the output of W-NOMINATE is shown. You can learn more about NOMINATE at Wikipedia or at Voteview. It's Your Parliament - Incom. Visualising risk: can we do better than heat maps? | News. The Micromorts concept of risk visualised. We recently attended an interdisciplinary visualization workshop hosted by Microsoft dedicated to visualising probability and risk. The scene was set by David Speigelhalter, Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk, who showcased a number of neat ways to communicate probability.

The micromort is a measure that allows you to compare the risks of different types of activity. Speigelhalter's team have a nice display comparing the risk of different things you would do in everyday life: To use the interactive click on the picture above or here. Speigelhalter is keen on displaying all possible outcomes to give a sense of possible futures. To use the interactive click on the picture above or here The funnel plot is a particularly good way to explore if data is displaying unusually high levels of variation or not. To use the interactive click on the picture above or here It begs the question: which one do you think is clearer?

Data summary More data. sScienceMap. How to do it in Excel. One common piece of feedback I get after presenting on the topic of data visualization goes something like this: Wow, that was super useful. I'm never going to use pie charts again. But when it comes to the graphs, how do you actually make them look like that? I'm not! Pretty much everything I do is in Excel.

I like to refer to it as "brute-force" Excel, because in many cases the graphing application doesn't make it so straightforward to get from plotting the data to the final product. So I thought I'd take a few minutes to walk step by step through an example to expose those who question their Excel expertise to some of my tricks. The following example may look familiar; it's from the FlowingData Challenge earlier this year (original blog post here). The full Excel file can be downloaded here. What you require most to get from Excel's original graph to the one you actually are proud to present is patience and time. Making Sense of Social Data: Visualization of Twit. Michael Wu, Ph.D. is Lithium's Principal Scientist of Analytics, digging into the complex dynamics of social interaction and group behavior in online communities and social networks.

Michael was voted a 2010 Influential Leader by CRM Magazine for his work on predictive social analytics and its application to Social CRM.He's a regular blogger on the Lithosphere's Building Community blog and previously wrote in the Analytic Science blog. You can follow him on Twitter or Google+. Hello and welcome back. It’s been 3 weeks since I last blogged. I’ve been very busy with the other half of my life (i.e. the engineer/architect side)--busy developing a framework for social analytics and doing some architecture work for that project. And I’m still working on it, so this will be a short piece. The Engagement Side of My Work As the end of the year approaches, I’m reflecting on my blogging and the more external-facing side of my work (the side of my life that most of you know).

Conclusion. The Popular Science Archive Explorer. Differential Tag Clouds. Life as Captured in Charts and Graphs. Regeringsgrundlaget 2011, Wordle tag cloud. Meteor Live View | Listen to meteors here Above Image and audio Credit: Merriot-Astro @nlospam on twitter Meteor Detection When a meteor strikes Earth’s atmosphere it decelerates rapidly. The friction created by the air causes the Meteor to burn up at extremely high temperatures creating the white “shooting star” that we are all familiar with. This process also ionises the air along the trail making it possible to reflect radio waves. Utilising a high-powered VHF radar signal sent into the sky, we are able to detect reflected waves from these ionisation trails. Our system translates the reflected wave into three main parameters - Amplitude (strength), Frequency shift (Doppler shift) and decay time.

You can see the output from our system above in real-time (approximately 1 minute delay on the Internet). Typical Meteor Strike Here you can see what a typical meteor strike looks like. N.L.O. G7IZU Radio Reflection Detection Page. Mapping Academic Tweets. Another day, another Twitter map- this time showing the global distribution of tweets that link to academic journal articles. I am always a bit skeptical of Twitter data (especially with location information) but as an academic seeking to publish in many of the journals that feature in people’s tweets I was prepared to make an exception when producing these maps. The data come from a cool service called Altmetric. I think mapping Twitter’s engagement with the academic literature is important as it echos the map below and provides another example of the dominance of researchers (both in terms of access and production) from a few countries in the academic literature.

You can see how the “hotspots” of collaboration allign with the hotspots of tweets below. One thing academics strive for is “impact”. This can mean many things, but one often applied criterion is the number of people outside of your immediate academic community that read your work. About the data from Altmetric: Regeringsgrundlaget 2011, Wordle tag cloud, stripped version. Project Management Graphics (or Gantt Charts) At the time of this posting I am a Project Manager for an owner for a medium sized hospital project in California, taking it from concept through to opening. I hate Gantt Charts. I loathe MS Project. I'm not that keen on Primavera. But I love this thread. I like tools, visuals etc. that are intuitive, that come close to 'just working'. The main problem that comes up repeatedly in projects I have managed is that the participants don't truly understand the dependencies between tasks. "Oh I forgot to order that! " "Oh I didn't realize you needed the VP to sign that form before you could get rid of this?

" "Oh I didn't know my ceiling height impacted the ability to get air conditioning installed above it! " "Oh I didn't realize that by moving the doorway there, I've made it impossible for you to maintain enough free space in front of that fire-line valve! " And on and on and on and on .... In projects you often have multiple many to few to many (again) relationships. -- Digby (email)