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Existential Hope. "Il fallait trouver 5% de mauvais salariés, coûte que coûte" : un ancien DRH témoigne des méthodes de sous-notation forcée en entreprise. VUCA 2.0: A Strategy For Steady Leadership In An Unsteady World. A Crash Course on Combat Leadership: Shut Up and Listen. Amp.businessinsider. Management visuel. Le TOP 6 des paraboles managériales. Dirigeants, managers, consultants, formateurs ou coach, vos missions sont généralement orientées sur l’annonce et l’accompagnement de changements.

Le TOP 6 des paraboles managériales

Si à votre niveau certaines évolutions vous semblent logiques, il n’en est pas toujours de même pour les personnes concernées. Expliquer le bien-fondé d’un changement ou la philosophie qui le sous-tend peut être facilité par l’énoncé d’une parabole. Raconter une petite histoire permet bien souvent de faire passer un message sans que cela soit forcément perçu comme une critique ou une remise en cause. Nous vous présentons 6 paraboles qu’il est opportun d’utiliser au regard des prises de conscience que vous voulez déclencher en douceur chez vos interlocuteurs.

Company culture

Drew Dudley: Everyday leadership. Teamwork on the Fly. Outil - la matrice d'Eisenhower expliquée. Socio-dynamique, cartographiez vos parties prenantes » Manager le changement. Ten strategic planning problems hoshin kanri can solve. FEATURE – Is your organization experiencing any of the strategic planning problems described in this article?

Ten strategic planning problems hoshin kanri can solve

If so, it might be time to tap into the potential of hoshin kanri. Words: Flávio Augusto Picchi, Vice President, Lean Institute Brasil Organizations on a lean journey experience a giant leap forward whenever leadership shows they understand that lean thinking is more than just operational improvements and realizes the enormous potential that applying it at strategic level can unlock. Lean-style strategy deployment is known as hoshin kanri (or simply hoshin) – a concept developed in Japan in the 1960s as part of Total Quality efforts and effectively incorporated into the lean approach.

Hoshin aligns leadership horizontally and vertically, connecting problem solving and improvement initiatives at different levels of the firm with organizational goals, thus avoiding dispersed efforts. Many organizations spend most of their annual planning cycles focusing on the budgeting process. Lean Roundup: 5S. Lean practice thrives at the convergence of principle and practice.

Lean Roundup: 5S

Many long-time veterans attribute their success to framing lean as a powerful improvement approach practiced mindfully by individuals with an eye towards both the immediate benefits, as well as the underlying thinking, which converts this from a one-time “fix” to an opportunity for learning. Seen this way, tools are both methods and principles; success rests on a thin edge of balancing technical and personal/social. - Emotion at Work. Overcome Resistance to Change (Here’s HOW using Theory of Constraints) By Dr Lisa Lang When we encounter resistance to implement our ideas or to go in a different direction we are delaying the results we expect to get from those changes.

Overcome Resistance to Change (Here’s HOW using Theory of Constraints)

So, it is extremely important to be able to convince others to move in a particular direction. This is true both at work and at home. With that in mind, I have crafted this post to help you to take your influence ability to a whole new level. MBAs as CEOs: Some troubling evidence. 22 February 2017 Business schools like to boast about how many of their graduates have become CEOs—Harvard especially, since it has the most.

MBAs as CEOs: Some troubling evidence

But how do these people do as CEOs: are the skills needed to perform there the same as those that get them there? MBA students enter the prestigious business schools smart, determined, and often aggressive. There, case studies teach them how to pronounce cleverly on situations they know little about, while analytic techniques give them the impression that they can tackle any problem—no in-depth experience required. With graduation comes the confidence of having been to a proper business school, not to mention the “old boys” network that can boost them to the “top.” Some Surprising Evidence This is one question that these centers of research do not research.

At LEGO, Growth and Culture Are Not Kid Stuff. Thank you very much for joining us today.

At LEGO, Growth and Culture Are Not Kid Stuff

It’s terrific to have you with us. Last night I was talking to my brother in Australia. He’s 58, and he was saying that he still has our LEGO box from 50 years ago in his attic so that he can play with it when he has grandchildren. The relationship between lean change and human nature. RESEARCH – Human behavior tends to make change even harder to attain than it already is.

The relationship between lean change and human nature

This brilliant research paper looks at change from a psychological, technical and leadership point of view. Words: Art Smalley, President of Art of Lean, author and speaker; and David Mann, organizational psychologist and author Attend any lean conference and you are bound to be impressed by the improvement stories you'll hear. The continued success of companies like Toyota Motor Corporation also functions as a source of inspiration to many. However, beyond these impressive achievements, there are also plenty of organizations that either fail to get off the ground or, at best, struggle to sustain results. Lean implementations, by definition, seek change for the better by eliminating wasteful activities. Le Paradoxe de la stupidité en entreprise. Www.wsj. After working at Theranos Inc. for eight months, Tyler Shultz decided he had seen enough.


On April 11, 2014, he emailed company founder Elizabeth Holmes to complain that Theranos had doctored research and ignored failed quality-control checks. The reply was withering. Ms. Holmes forwarded the email to Theranos President Sunny Balwani, who belittled Mr. Shultz’s grasp of basic mathematics and his knowledge of laboratory science, and then took a swipe at his relationship with George Shultz, the former secretary of state and a Theranos director.


10 Songs That Make The Ultimate Change Management Playlist - Change! - Change Management News & Tips. Music can be the backbone of inspiration for many.

10 Songs That Make The Ultimate Change Management Playlist - Change! - Change Management News & Tips

Whether you use music to de-stress or its just a way to distract yourself on your travels to work, I think these 10 songs might just be able to help make your day a little better. Change management is an important aspect in the business world, and implementing change can be a complicated process to which we constantly look for simple solutions.

This post may not recommend any tools or methods (for that you have pretty much any other post on our blog,) but it sure can help make your day a little better, and even give you some advice on how to become a better leader when implementing and managing change. Uk.businessinsider. Management. En entreprise libérée, « on partage le contrôle » Témoignage « L'entreprise libérée (1), c'est du management, mais autrement.

Management. En entreprise libérée, « on partage le contrôle »

Ça crée un environnement pour que les salariés se transcendent et que les talents se révèlent », analyse Fabrice Audrain, directeur de Dynalec, une entreprise d'ingénierie électrotechnique basée à Taden. Why do we tolerate invisible and unaccountable leadership? Welcome. Stop Serving the Feedback Sandwich. On sait enfin pourquoi il y a tant d’incompétents au pouvoir. Les valeurs d'entreprise - BusinessHarmonist. THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE BY STEPHEN COVEY - ANIMATED BOOK REVIEW. Lettre d'un salarié qui voudrait être digital à son PDG. Cher PDG, Tu te fends régulièrement de messages sur la transformation digitale de notre entreprise, dans la presse comme en interne.

Entreprise : organisation apprenante ? Management : 6 leçons des philosophes. Ils nous invitent à nous connaître nous-même, à douter de nos certitudes, à aimer les autres, à avoir du courage… Pour bien diriger et encadrer une équipe, inspirons-nous des philosophes ! L’entreprise libérée : entre utopie, calcul et imposture. Les - Actualité à la Une - Les Echos. Why people under 35 are so unhappy. Say hi to Lucy. Lucy is part of Generation Y, the generation born between the late 1970s and the mid 1990s. She’s also part of a yuppie culture that makes up a large portion of Gen Y. I have a term for yuppies in the Gen Y age group—I call them Gen Y Protagonists & Special Yuppies, or GYPSYs.

A GYPSY is a unique brand of yuppie, one who thinks they are the main character of a very special story. So Lucy’s enjoying her GYPSY life, and she’s very pleased to be Lucy. Lucy’s kind of unhappy. To get to the bottom of why, we need to define what makes someone happy or unhappy in the first place. Why Sweden Is Shifting To A 6-Hour Workday. The eight-hour workday hasn't changed much since Henry Ford first experimented with it for factory workers. Now, Americans work slightly longer—an average 8.7 hours—though more time goes into email, meetings, and Facebook than whatever our official job duties actually are. Is it time to rethink how many hours we spend at the office? In Sweden, the six-hour workday is becoming common. Best robot dancing ever unbelievable 2012. 7 'digital nomads' explain how they live, work and travel.

Feel miserable working in a cubicle or living in a boring town? The Internet has revolutionized the term ‘work’ today, bringing new opportunities and employment that didn’t exist until recently. For many, the Internet is an opportunity to combine work and traveling the world. The term ‘digital nomad’ is frequently overused and often simply means hacking around in cheap accommodation with a small level of income to keep you going. But, there are some folks out there who have shown that you can combine a career with the freedom to travel on your own schedule.

To cut through the garbage, we caught up with seven bona fide location independent workers and business owners about what they do, how they do it, and what steps others aspiring to follow them can take. Read on for more. You probably don't want to work for Amazon. Amazon is known for its cutthroat efficiency and harsh tactics; it's what makes it possible to get a pack of toilet paper delivered to your door in less than 24 hours. But CEO Jeff Bezos' love of precision and data goes far beyond fulfilling orders and undercutting competitors' prices. It permeates every aspect of the workplace. And ruthless optimization, unsurprisingly, doesn't make for a very supportive workplace environment. The New York Times' Jodi Kantor and David Streitfeld interviewed over 100 former and current Amazon employees for a fantastic new report out today that reveals just how bad it can get. Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace. Amazon may be singular but perhaps not quite as peculiar as it claims.

It has just been quicker in responding to changes that the rest of the work world is now experiencing: data that allows individual performance to be measured continuously, come-and-go relationships between employers and employees, and global competition in which empires rise and fall overnight. Amazon is in the vanguard of where technology wants to take the modern office: more nimble and more productive, but harsher and less forgiving. “Organizations are turning up the dial, pushing their teams to do more for less money, either to keep up with the competition or just stay ahead of the executioner’s blade,” said Clay Parker Jones, a consultant who helps old-line businesses become more responsive to change.

On a recent morning, as Amazon’s new hires waited to begin orientation, few of them seemed to appreciate the experiment in which they had enrolled. “Conflict brings about innovation,” he said. Holacracy - Entreprise libérée.

Holacracy - Entreprise libérée - Part 2

François Dupuy : «Moins le sommet a d’informations, plus il lance d’initiatives en tous sens  !», Organigramme. Parlons d'agilité et faisons de la bureaucratie. We Love Entrepreneurs - Le film. Les - Actualité à la Une. How Old-School Management Kills Work Culture. L’intérêt de la négociation raisonnée en situation difficile et complexe. Travail : peut-on résister aux injonctions paradoxales sans péter un boulon ? Laisser une grande place au chaos constitue la ... Winning on the Field: The Critical Role of Managers in Driving Engagement Via Diversity & Inclusion. The Lean Thinker - The Kata of Leader Development.

Questions de Management. Gabriel Plassat. A Great Boss is Confident, But Not Really Sure. Wikilean - Le premier mode d'emploi du Lean Six Sigma. La méthode lean start-up : Le guide pour tous. Email Management: 10 Clever Tricks to Hit Inbox Zero - Wrike Blog. Votre satisfaction au travail dépend des compétences de vos supérieurs. It's an Interview, Not an Interrogation! How To Have A Successful Value Stream Walk. What "collaboration" really means (ThoughtFarmer blog) 5 Simple Office Policies That Make Danish Workers Way More Happy Than Americans. Scanning, ranking and sharing the best management ideas in the world. Why Lean Canvas vs Business Model Canvas? EP 07 VCM. Quand trop d'engagement mène au désengagement. Dérives du lean : pourquoi la méthode s’est écartée des principes originaux - Industrie. Why Intuit Founder Scott Cook Wants You To Stop Listening To Your Boss. L'entreprise du futur - 2 - L'avènement de l’ultra client.

Les pratiques managériales les plus innovantes du monde. The Most Logical Yet Underrated Employee Engagement Strategy. Portrait robot de l'entreprise du futur: durable dans l'instable. L’égo, frein majeur à l’intelligence collaborative. Mon bureau, ma bataille de Super Ego. Top 10 reasons why Darth Vader was an amazing project manager.


[SIS] The Psychology of Space. How Much Is the Noise in Your Open Office Costing You? 5 Ways Creativity Leads to Productivity. Kill Your Performance Ratings. L'expert en réunion. A Conference Call in Real Life. Lean Coffee Staff Meetings. Professional webinars and videos. 2012 Towers Watson Global Workforce Study. 2012-2013 Global Talent Management and Rewards Study. Global Talent 2021. 2012-TW-Global-Workforce-Study. Les entreprises ont peur des profils atypiques. Smarter-Than-the-Usual-Stupid-Interview Questions for Managers to Ask Job Candidates - Human Workplace. Être trop doué, un frein pour sa carrière.

Values - Vision. Top 10 Ice Breaker Activities. Team building activities, ideas, games, business games and exercises for team building, learning organisations development,training, management, motivation, kids activities and childrens party games. This Revolutionary Tool Can Help Keep Employees Happy, Engaged, And On Your Side. Helping employees embrace change. Processexcellencenetwork.