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Growing Soursop or Guyabano (Annona muricata) Soursop (Annona muricata L.), also known as graviola, guyabano, guayabano guanabano and babana, is a shrub or small tree 3-10 meters in height. It is adapted to warm, humid tropical climate, and can tolerate both drought conditions and partial shade. This fruit crop grows in any kind of soil but prefers loose, fairly rich, deep loam and well drained soil with pH ranging from 6.1 to 6.5. It thrives well from sea level up to 300 meters above sea level although it is known to grow up to 1000 m. It has numerous uses. The young green fruits with seeds that are still soft can be cooked as vegetable. The fruit consists of about 67.5% edible white pulp with a pleasing fragrance and flavor. This plant is relatively safe from grazing animals. The plant also has a short juvenile phase. To grow soursop in commercial scale, the following farming methods are recommended: 1. Choose either of the two types: sweet or sour. 2. The seeds are sown in seedboxes or seedbed with sandy soil. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Vertical Veg – how to grow vegetables – salads – herbs in containers – small spaces. DIY Greenwalls. Venelin.Petkov said... "Can you post a list of the plants you used and what nutrients are you using (I imagine you are not using pure water, since there are no minerals in the felt substrate). Thanks" Llazar said... "It would be great if could list the plants you used. Also, isn't there a problem of light? Don't the plants need natural light in order to survive? " People have asked me a few times now what plants I used and how I care for them. Each wall builder will need to decide how much light, water, and nutrients they want to provide. Light I have pretty good light in the room but I decided to add some supplemental light from compact fluorescent bulbs.

Water I water my wall 4x a day for 10 minutes a day (by drip tube on a timer). Nutrients I added fertilizer to my wall once in the time I have had it (just because a friend gave me some to try). Work with your local plant dealer to determine the plants that are right for your wall. Philodendron (35%) Pothos (35%) Fern (15%) Nephthytis (10%) Vertical Garden. 10 Killer DIY Garden Hacks | greenUPGRADER - StumbleUpon. Gardening is one of the most rewarding home hobbies you can do.

It's fun, sustainable and you get healthy, tasty results. A lot of people like the idea of gardening but find excuses like it's too time consuming, it's too expensive, they don't have enough space, blah blah blah. There's no room for excuses when going green, all you need is a little initiative and a little ingenuity to overcome these so called excuses. Here are 10 killer garden hacks that can help you save time, space and money while satisfying your green thumb... 1. Vertical Gutter Garden When Suzanne Forsling moved to Juneau Alaska from Iowa, she found that it was a little bit harder to get her garden to grow. 2. Reclaimed Tire Garden If you have some old tires laying around that you don't know what to do with, you could burn them... if you hate the environment, or you could put them to work as cool looking raised garden beds. 3.

DIY Earth Box An Earth Box is more than just a box with soil. 4. Self-Watering Garden 5. 6. 7. Make It Do.


The Story of Stuff. Treehotel...Sleep in Nature! The Mirror cubePhoto © Peter Lundstrom, WDO | Treehotel In a heavily wooded country like Sweden, it comes as no surprise when one comes across a hotel deep in the forest. However, the Treehotel is something beyond the ordinary.

Located in Harads, a village in the northern part of the country with only 600 inhabitants, the hotel has made the forested region a touristic attraction. Designed by some of Scandinavia’s leading architects such as Martin Videgård and Bolle Tham as well as Mårten & Gustav Cyrén, the hotel promises to reconnect its guests with nature. The hotel, which first opened in July 2010, consists of five tree-rooms and the owners Britta and Kent Lindvall, expect to build a total of 24 tree-rooms by 2012. The Mirror cube (interior)Photo © Peter Lundstrom, WDO | Treehotel The Mirrorcube includes a queen size bed designed by Martin Videgård and Bolle Tham and blends into the forest surroundings due to the mirrored walls, which reflect the surroundings. Sources: Treehotel. Rosenbaum » ROSENBAUM RESPONDE: LDL #48 – Horta vertical. Amigos, Recebi muitos e-mails e comentários em todas as nossas redes (Blog, Twitter e Facebook) perguntando sobre como fazer a horta vertical de garrafas PET, da casa da Família Rodrigues, no Lar Doce Lar #48, em Itaim Paulista, SP.

Antes de dar dicas sobre como construir a sua, agradeço todas as mensagens sobre esta reforma para o Lar Doce Lar. Espero retribuir todo o carinho de vocês com mais um ROSENBAUM RESPONDE. // ROSENBAUM RESPONDE: LDL #48 – Horta vertical A garrafa PET é uma invenção que deu certo em termos econômicos, mas vem trazendo uma dor de cabeça quando pensamos na enorme degradação do Meio Ambiente causada por ela. Buscar alternativas para sua reutilização tem sido um esforço da sociedade em diversos lugares do Brasil, como já constatei nas minhas andanças pelo país. As garrafas plásticas podem ser reaproveitadas para cultivar vegetais de pequeno porte, temperos e ervas medicinais, presas em muros e paredes ou apoiadas em suportes de diferentes materiais.

. - Tesoura - Terra. Home | Daily Dump. Co.Design - Wed, Dec 22 2010. Wind Turbine Bridge Transforms Italian Viaduct Into Public Space. A bridge that repurposes abandoned viaducts, produces energy AND looks futuristically sleek? Yes, it can be true, and it is Italy’s proposed Wind Turbine Viaduct called “Solar Wind.” Southern Italy is dotted with unused viaducts, and rather than spending $50 million to tear them down, town officials near Calabria held a competition called “Solar Park South,” open to designers and engineers asking them to come up with an environmentally conscious way to re-use the existing structures.

Solar Wind, conceived by the design team of Francesco Colarossi, Giovanna Saracino and Luisa Saracino, has an abundance of green benefits. Using the space between the viaduct, the team proposed installing 26 wind turbines, which would produce 36 million kilowatt hours of electricity per year! Additionally, the roadway across the bridge would be densely lined with solar cells coated in clear plastic, producing another 11.2 million kilowatt hours. Manga farming. 12 Apr 2010 Tokyo-based artist Koshi Kawachi recently demonstrated his "Manga Farming" technique -- which uses old manga as a growing medium for vegetables -- by cultivating a crop of radish sprouts in an installation at the Matsuzakaya department store in Nagoya. [Link: Koshi Kawachi] Shak-shuka. Homemade pavement chalk. By Kate on August 2, 2010 Making pavement chalk is really easy, lots of fun and the end result provides you with a brilliant excuse to get outside.

To make your chalk will need: ♥ Plaster of Paris (one cup) ♥ Water (one cup) ♥ Powdered tempera paint ♥ Disposable container ♥ Greaseproof paper ♥ Toilet rolls ♥ Masking tape 1) Get your toilet roll and tape one end with masking tape to seal it off. Line the inside of the tube with greaseproof paper. 2) Pour the water into your disposable container then sprinkle the plaster on top (generally its a 1:1 ratio but check the instructions on the packet). Start by adding 1 tablespoon of powdered paint to the mixture and give it a good stir. 3) Stand each tube, taped side down, on a level surface. 4) Once the plaster has set you can remove the toilet roll and greaseproof paper. TIPS: If the toilet roll tube is a little chunky for your taste then you can split the tube, overlap, then tape to reduce the diameter. The Magnifying Glass. Beautiful Home Built From Recycled Materials | Science Hax. Prefab.

Make Terrariums - How To Build Terrariums. Green wall - fotos - projects - mmw architects of norway. As a stunt project in connection with Skien`s MerSmak-festival we designed a ”green wall” in the back yard of Lundetangen Pub, -one of the sites of the “Mosaikk” project. A bamboo scaffold, measuring 12m x 6m x 0.3m, is mounted onto the existing concrete wall mortised with plastic strips.

Bamboo is for the time being an unusual material in the North, but an interesting one. More rigid than most types of wood, and good resistance towards rot makes it a versatile material. The bamboo can grow up to 15 meters in just six months. The scaffold provides suspension for bags containing plants: humulus, parthenocissus, herbs and strawberry.

Mersmakfestivalen See the video from the opening of the courtyard project “Mosaikk” in Skien.