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Monkee Design - Competitions. Truffle08. 18 Weird and Wonderful Places To Live: Churches, Bunkers, Water Towers and Caves. Lars Tunbjork for The New York Times The New York Times Magazine did a photo spread of some rather extreme conversions of churches, shipping containers and water towers and even caves, like the happy family shown above with an umbrella over the pool table to control the sand. We do our own roundup of TreeHugger favourites: Churches Chapel Converted to Residence by ZECC Architects ZECC Architects, beloved of their conversion of a water tower into a residence, are at it again with this conversion of a Dutch chapel into a single family residence.

Record Houses: A Modest Little Reno Christopher Wren's Christ Church was bombed out in WW2 and is now a roofless rose garden; its tower survived and got into private hands. Church House, Kyloe, England in New York Times One we missed: "Ian Bottomley and his partner, Sally Onions, take in the sun in the graveyard of their home, a converted 1792 church. " Church Converted into Bookshop Next: Water Towers, Caves and Bunkers.

Truffle | Beautiful Warehouse Conversion in Melbourne. By Eric • Feb 14, 2011 • Selected Work Spotted on MBP, here is a completely renovated apartment located in a historic building in Melbourne, Australia. This three bedroom, two bathroom residence is on sale and according to the agent, “this superlative warehouse conversion in “Leicester House”, an historic 1880′s building, provides privacy and vast spaces. It features soaring warehouse ceilings, huge original arched timber windows, exposed red brick walls, imposing brick archways of 65 cm depth and high gloss timber floors. By day it is imposing and by night dramatic.” The exposed brick walls and the high concrete ceilings make this apartment feel like a loft.

Update the interior with contemporary furniture and make this apartment a real winner! Sold! Photos courtesy of MDP Click any photo to see a larger image - Use buttons or j/k/arrow keys to navigate through the articles. Fascinating Underground Homes. Future Homes. Earth-sheltered home. Also known simply as an earth home, a dwelling that is partially or totally underground (see underground home) or that has earth berms around some or all of its exterior walls (see bermed earth-sheltered home). Earth-sheltered homes can be tailored to a wide range of climates and a variety of types of building sites – even flat ones. Combined with passive solar design, an earth-sheltered home can save tens of thousands of dollars in fuel bills over a lifetime. Earth-sheltered homes are comfortable, affordable and energy efficient.

And, if thoughtfully designed, they allow in plenty of natural light and are far less of an imposition on the landscape than conventional above-ground houses. They also led themselves to innovative ideas in design and, in particular, the use of organic architectures including curving walls and ceilings that are more satisfying and harmonious as human dwellings. Advantages There are many advantages to earth-sheltered construction. Disadvantages Soil. Earthship Biotecture Green Buildings - Earthship Biotecture. Ultimate Underground Home: Converted Nuclear Missile Silo « Dornob. Like something straight from a science fiction or horror movie scene, this underground nuclear missile silo was once a dank, dark and deserted structure of interest to no one – until man saw past the pooled water and cracked concrete and began to build by hand the ultimate underground dream house for himself in the family.

Occupying only a third of the nearly 20,000 available square feet of total military base, Ed Peden and his family live in a world of weird wonder purchased for a relative pittance at $48,000 and derelict for decades when he went to buy it. On the surface, former escape hatches now look like castle turrets and a shack-like structure is about all there is to mark the entrance to this domain. Fortunately for the family, the gigantic missile bay was an early model set horizontally in the ground – a parked rocket-loaded truck was designed to drive out, angle the rocket and fire if needed. Shelters and Small Houses. Chinese Student Lives In Tiny Green Egg House. Images credit Zhao Kang Rents in Beijing are high, so designer Daihai Fei built himself a wonderful little green home that may well become a new icon for the Tiny House Movement.Tipster Spooky writes: Daihai Fei built his amazing egg-house on a bamboo frame, covered with various insulating materials, and topped with a layer of stitched bag.

The bags themselves are filled with sawdust and grass seeds, which he sprays with water regularly, to help the grass grow faster. Inspired by the grass-covered roofs of Norway, he knows the grass will over greater protection for his home. On the inside, he has all the necessary facilities, including a bed, a small sink, a lamp powered by a small solar panel and even a tiny bookshelf. It looks quite comfy, and it is parked right across the street from where he works so that he saves on time and transit. I am not certain what keeps the water out; burlap bags do not exactly work like shingles. The solar panel is nicely integrated into the roof. Living off the grid: simply prefab at TRENDWATCH DAILY. Incredible Space Maximization in a Small Studio Apartment. You’ve seen a lot of ingenious ideas on how to decorate small studio apartments on Freshome. Here is another tiny apartment that manages to maximize space and create a cozy living environment as well.

The East Village Studio Apartment comes from JPDA Architects, stretches over an area of 46 square meters (500 square feet) and was built as a little “nest” for the owners who also work here. It has all the utilities a common looking contemporary home has and dare we say a lot more. This original crib has storage space and shelves in the most unusual and unexpected places, reducing clutter and contributing to a clean and fresh interior design.

Would You Live In A Shipping Container? | Cannell | Fast Compan. Adam Kalkin isn't the only architect to make homes out of shipping containers. A handful of architects, including Jennifer Siegal and Lot-Ek, began using them ten years ago as a gritty reaction against the tidy white surfaces of modernism. But nobody has employed shipping containers more inventively than Kalkin, a New Jersey architect and artist who has used them to design luxurious homes, museum additions, and refugee housing. In architectural circles, Kalkin is regarded as something of an oddball. He began his talk at the Urban Center in New York Tuesday night by playing the first five minutes of a Jerry Lewis movie, followed by the actor's acceptance speech at the Academy Awards last month.

His website includes lessons on hitting a tennis forehand and a selection of songs to sing after taking antidepressants. For all his artsy provocations, Kalkin's strategy makes some practical sense. "Quik Build" arrives as modernist prefab has begun to lose its bargain appeal after years of hype. Organic Gardening, Modern Homesteading, Renewable Energy, Green Homes, DIY Projects – MOTHER EARTH NEWS.

How to grow plants with a homemade hydroponics system. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY AND SUSTAINABLE LIVING. Gutter Gardens Grow Produce Without Taking Up Space. If you’d love to do a little at-home gardening but don’t have much space to do your planting, a simple gutter garden might be the perfect option. Alaskan news site Juneau Empire features a smart, simple idea for planting a small vegetable garden with very little space: A windowbox garden built from gutters. In Alaska, this idea solves a few problems for the author: We live near the glacier, so the soil is cold and has very little organic matter, there are lots of big trees shading it, and we have all the slugs and root maggots anyone could want, with porcupines, cats, bears and ravens meandering to boot.There is only one side of our house that gets much sunshine, and, of course, that side of the house has the smallest yard. Even if your garden doesn’t face the same problems, the idea behind the gutter garden could be perfect if you’re low on space but would kill for some homegrown veggies.

How does your garden grow? Apartment Therapy DC | Prefab and Portable Living Best of 2008. Dirks diy camper trailer. Holspeed Mk11 a homebuilt camper - on a budget Like many camper trailer owners we started out tenting. After a number of successive wet camping trips late in 2007 our 10 year old tent was showing its age and I figured there must be a better way to stay dry but still retain the camping atmosphere. Friends of ours had a camper trailer and after checking out their setup I concluded this was the way to go.

As the subtitle says this was to be a budget build - sourcing well priced materials, utilising what hardware I already had, and doing as much of the work as possible myself. Like a number of CamperTrailers members have done I simply intended to purchase a complete tent top off the internet and bolt it to our old box trailer. I looked at what the Chinese tents were going for on eBay and figured I should be able to get one at auction for less than $1500 including delivery (we are 450km from the nearest capital), add a few hundred to modify the trailer and fit a kitchen. The trailer the bed. Airstream trailer. ShareThis Airstream, the proud manufacturer of the world's finest travel trailers, has combined creative forces with Victorinox Swiss Army to produce the Victorinox 125th Anniversary Special Edition Airstream.

This limited Special Edition 19 foot travel trailer is unlike any other Airstream ever produced, featuring Victorinox-inspired design elements coupled with Airstream's famous quality construction. The result is a stunning and unique travel trailer that represents the pinnacle of both design and functionality. Like the legendary Swiss Army Knife, the details of the trailer are precise, clean and sure to last a lifetime. From the solid surface countertops, to the cutting-edge cabinets and hardware, to the luxurious custom bedding ensemble with embroidered wool blanket, and much more. Only 125 have been made. Front to back: bath: bed: dinette: wall clock: optional rear awning: The special edition trailer also comes with all these fun Victorinox goodies: floor plan: Tabbert's Paganini Caravan.