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Cannabis or Marijuana as Medicine: Should You Opt for This? Marijuana Research Supports Its Safety and Benefits. Soil Microbes And Human Health – Learn About The Natural Antidepressant In Soil. By Bonnie L.

Soil Microbes And Human Health – Learn About The Natural Antidepressant In Soil

Grant Prozac may not be the only way to get rid of your serious blues. Soil microbes have been found to have similar effects on the brain and are without side effects and chemical dependency potential. Learn how to harness the natural antidepressant in soil and make yourself happier and healthier. Read on to see how dirt makes you happy. Natural remedies have been around for untold centuries. Soil Microbes and Human Health Advertisement Did you know that there’s a natural antidepressant in soil?

Lack of serotonin has been linked to depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and bipolar problems. Most avid gardeners will tell you that their landscape is their “happy place” and the actual physical act of gardening is a stress reducer and mood lifter. Mycobacterium antidepressant microbes in soil are also being investigated for improving cognitive function, Crohn’s disease and even rheumatoid arthritis. How Dirt Makes You Happy. Customer Reviews: ProSil Silicone Scar Stick Keloid and Hypertophic Scar Glide on in a powerful easy to use applicator - 4.25 grams. (Quantity 1) Procare Evenup Shoe Balancer - Medium: Health & Personal Care.


Argan oil and Maracuja oil? Maracuja oil (or passion flower oil) is cold pressed in a special process from passion flowers; it comes from the Amzon where people there have been relying on its beneficial properties for hundreds of years.

Argan oil and Maracuja oil?

It's extremely rich in vitamin C and essential fatty acids to nourish your skin, and it's easily absorbed. The fatty acids in the oil are also beneficial to hair as well. Maracuja oil replenishes skin, has anti-aging benefits, and restores damaged hair. It also has additional relaxing properties, making it great for bath products.

It shouldn't make you break out since it does have a lighter consistency that easily absorbed; instead it should help your skin become moisturized, radiant and glowing. Argan oil is derived from the fruit of the Argan tree, native to Morocco, where it has also been used for hundreds of years by the locals. Peace. Beat Cancer Naturally. Grape Seed Extract Effective In Colorectal Cancer Treatment. Topical Application of Turmeric Curcumin for Cancer.


Calcium Bentonite Clay info - uses, history, articles. D Ribose and Fibromyalgia Could Help You to Get Your Energy Back. What's the connection between the dietary supplement D Ribose and Fibromyalgia is something that you will definitely want to hear more about.

D Ribose and Fibromyalgia Could Help You to Get Your Energy Back

This sugar-like substance won't cause diabetes, but it DOES increase energy- and it increases energy where YOU need it, right in your muscles. This connection between D Ribose and Fibromyalgia is something that you SHOULD have heard from your doctor. There ARE doctors who are using D ribose with great success in chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia patients, but these doctors are few and far between- and you don't NEED to see a doctor to be able to use D Ribose to improve your fibromyalgia. Like ANY natural substance, drug or diet that is used for a particular condition, D ribose is not going to help EVERYONE, but in studies and in clinical practice it has been shown to be EXTREMELY safe and effective in reducing the symptoms of fatigue and muscle pain in the vast majority of CFS and FM patients.

The use of povidone iodine and advanced gum disease at Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team. From a dental hygienist...

the use of povidone iodine and advanced gum disease at Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team

"...My second story relates to this column, so please bear with me as I share one of my success stories with an appreciative patient. About two years ago, I saw a middle-aged, male patient for the first time. Mr. Ed (fictitious name) was friendly, but a bit anxious and ready to tell me his woes. I’m a good listener and was eager to find out what was troubling him. I reviewed the recare letters from the periodontist’s hygienist, and she noted that he was maintaining well with good home care on each of about a dozen reports. What shocked me the most, however, was my immediate impression that his home care was poor. Sequim This Week. Q: My husband complained about my noisy breathing during the night because it sometimes kept him up. On your website there is a tip from a man who used the wristbands for seasickness to help with his snoring instead. That has worked for me. The plastic knob on the band presses on the acupressure point on my wrists. My husband says it has quieted my breathing, and I sleep much better.

I never go to sleep without putting them on now! A: These elastic wristbands have a plastic button designed to press on an acupressure point. Q: Your column helped me finally get off Prevacid. A: The connection between acid-suppressing drugs and broken bones remains controversial. There are other approaches for heartburn including ginger, papaya or a low-carb diet. Another reader offered a different success story:“For years I tried to get off Prilosec, but each time after only a day or two, my acid reflux returned badly. A: Many other readers hastened to tell us that we should have mentioned clear iodine.

Iodine. IODINE - new uses for an old mineral!


Written by Tessa Jupp RN for the Post Polio Network of Western Australia We all used iodine when we were kids - a scratch here a graze there - a dab of iodine on a cotton-wool ball made it better. They were right - it does! Iodine was an old stalwart in theatre during my nursing training back in the 1960s. Gowned and masked doctors and nurses liberally wiping the area for the scalpel, with an iodine soaked gauze dab held by artery forceps - to kill the germs. IODINE for SKIN CANCERMy attention was drawn to this recently when I saw claims that iodine, painted on suspicious skin lesions can eliminate the risk of skin cancer. So I tried it! I have lots of potential skin cancer spots, a rare genetic skin condition my skin specialist told me 30 years ago, that may turn into skin cancer. SO HERE’S WHAT TO DO to get more iodine.Every day after your bath or shower, paint iodine on suspicious spots or on an area about the size of a $20 note.
