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Free YouTube App for Kids. 7 Tech Tips for Your Next Read-Aloud. Reading aloud to children is an essential part of the school day.

7 Tech Tips for Your Next Read-Aloud

Experiencing stories as a whole class or in a small group can help students learn essential reading skills. Educators who read aloud to children understand the importance of modeling thinking, providing opportunities to talk about books, and encouraging students to respond to reading with their own thoughts and opinions. As schools increase the amount of technology available to teachers, educators are presented with unique opportunities to incorporate tech tools into their instruction.

When teachers thoughtfully integrate technology, they make clear connections to learning objectives. Technology can enhance learning experiences by increasing the frequency and quality of interaction with a text. Beam in a Guest Reader With free video conferencing technology like Google Hangouts and Skype, it's easy to bring a parent, librarian, or author to your classroom.

Use the Big Screen Set Up an Online Exit Slip. 11 Google Tricks That'll Change the Way You Search. Google Search's learning curve is an odd one.

11 Google Tricks That'll Change the Way You Search

You use it every day, but still all you know is how to search. But the search engine has plenty of tricks up its sleeve. Here's an overview of some of the most useful Google search tricks, from basic tips to new features just recently released. 1. Use quotes to search for an exact phraseThis one's a well-known, simple trick: searching a phrase in quotes will yield only pages with the same words in the same order as what's in the quotes.

10 Most Engaging Uses of Tech Integration. Digcit Daily. 44 Smart Ways to Use Smartphones in Class (Part 1) - Getting Smart by @JohnHardison1 - This week an online article grabbed my attention.

44 Smart Ways to Use Smartphones in Class (Part 1) - Getting Smart by @JohnHardison1 -

Its title read “94 Percent of High School Students Using Cellphones in Class.” I immediately scoped out the heading and thought to myself, “Finally, teachers are beginning to embrace the powerful little gadgets.” However, it did not take me long to realize the researched article took quite a different slant. One quotation in particular caused serious professional introspection on my behalf. The article quotes the researchers as stating, “‘The potential damage stemming from heightened cell phone use during class casts a pall on the entire educational system, on the school atmosphere, on the educational achievements of the class, on the pupil’s own learning experience and on the teacher’s burnout having to cope with discipline problems in class.’” I understand the tougher task of using regular cell phones in class versus internet ready smartphones, however , I could not disagree more with the above quotation. The best tools for your paperless classroom.

Whether you’ve had a paperless classroom for awhile, have tried to go paperless but have made it only halfway there, or if you’re just taking your first baby steps into emptying your classroom of its paper piles, selecting tools that will take the place of your papers.

The best tools for your paperless classroom

If you’ve already gone paperless (or partly paperless), you’ve likely already tried out a few tools or more, to varying degrees of ease and success. Part of the issue may be offerings – there are about a bajillion (yes, that’s a real number, and it is a really really big number). How do you decide which of these tools, nearly all of which are marketed as a ‘must’ and the ‘best’ for your classroom, will work well and be worth your time and effort? You have other people try out the apps for you, and recommend the best ones. iPad Classroom Visit Look-Fors. I think we would all agree that a classroom with iPads looks and functions very differently than a classroom without iPads.

iPad Classroom Visit Look-Fors

While many administrators and support staff complete standard walk-throughs, some of them struggle with what to look for beyond the basics when it comes to evaluating a classroom infused with iPads. Recently, our district started offering iLEAP academies, which blend classroom site visits and in-house professional development for districts all over my state. Many of the attendees are administrators, support staff, and teachers that have limited familiarity with 1:1 classrooms but are seeking best practices to take back to their own schools and campuses as they implement a 1:1 iPad initiative or pilot. When I began searching for ways to facilitate this type of classroom visit, I happened on an excellent list of observation tips for a traditional classroom but found nothing specifically tailored to iPads. Student Behavior. 20 Google Apps activities for classroom innovation. Google Apps for Education is a powerful toolbox that opens up exciting possibilities in the classroom for students and teachers.

Here are some concrete, practical and innovative ideas for using them. (Public domain image via Pixabay) Google Apps for Education has made new ideas and activities possible in classrooms all over the world. They’ve allowed for creation and collaboration in ways that weren’t possible in the past. What Happens When Teens Try to Disconnect From Tech For Three Days. Being without a phone can be an incapacitating feeling, possibly worse than leaving a wallet at home.

What Happens When Teens Try to Disconnect From Tech For Three Days

Many adults can remember an analog era of living without a mobile phone. But for young digital natives, taking a break from the phone, where they live and socialize, can induce all kinds of emotions. Recently, a line of teenage boys were frantically sending last-minute texts and posting to Facebook one final time before grabbing a manilla envelope and sealing their devices inside. 8 Ways to Prioritize Learning When Using Technology in the Classroom. How to Cure the Classroom Library Blues. Advice from Real Teachers Series Are you feeling the classroom library blues?

How to Cure the Classroom Library Blues

Whether you have a huge book collection or you're just getting started, the cure is finding a checkout system that works for you. Otherwise, you'll find your book collection dwindling throughout the year. Wouldn't you love to know how other teachers handle classroom library checkout? Read on to learn some tech-savvy methods as well as some tried-and-true ways to manage a classroom library.Today's Question Ally, a fan of the Teaching Resources Facebook page, asked for help with this issue, "I still struggle with my classroom library procedures. Over 100 teachers responded, so I compiled the best answers and removed duplicates. Powtoon Tutorial - Creating Your First Powtoon. Teaching and Learning with Google+ Valencia College #TLSM2.

How to Watch YouTube Videos Safely with Kids. 7 Apps for Student Creators. The top 3 questions teachers ask me about classroom tech. There are a handful of questions I can count on being asked at least once at every school in which I do instructional technology coaching.

The top 3 questions teachers ask me about classroom tech

I’m sure many of you have the same issues, so I thought I’d share the answers here on the blog for you all, too! How to show YouTube videos at school The question: My school doesn’t care if I show educational video clips from YouTube, but the district blocks the site so the kids can’t use it–is there a way I can still show YouTube videos to the class? Pandora in the Classroom. Do you use Pandora in your classroom?

Pandora in the Classroom

In case you don't know what Pandora is, it's a free site that lets you stream music. You do need to create an account though, and the free account does have some inconveniences: it only plays for one hour and then you have to refresh, and there are commercials that are much louder than the music. But my kiddos have become used to the commercials, and we like to laugh at them and make fun of them. Commercial: "Do you need a new ________? " And then I'll shout something like, "NO! I can't stand silence, so Pandora has been a life saver in my classroom. BGruetzmacher: This @plugusin graphic should ... Storytelling With Wearable Technology. Wearable technology is incredibly exciting for educators and students of all ages.

Storytelling With Wearable Technology

In the past few years, mobile devices have found an essential place in the classroom. If you've used smartphones and tablets as instructional tools, you know how powerful these devices can be in the hands of students. Will this also be true for wearable technology? When we think of wearable technology, products like the Apple Watch and Google Glass might pop into your mind. Using New Technology to Rediscover Traditional Ways of Learning. Older, more traditional forms of learning resonate with students because they connect with something deep within our human psyche. They engage the full person, not just the part of the brain that can decipher words on a page. They evoke a time when all of our ancestors were more alike than different in their cultural practices. Learning through movement and the senses is becoming easier to do as bulky, stationary technology has become more mobile. Also, we are seeing the beginnings of a trend in which technology is becoming practically invisible and more integrated into our everyday environments.

Digital technology such as tablets can help teachers and students rediscover traditional ways of learning by using touch, movement, sound, and visuality. Rediscovering Oral Traditions The oral tradition of teaching is not just about speaking out loud, but how one speaks and the narrative style used to convey meaning. Back to the future of school: amazing edtech gadgets. By now, kids across the country are back to school, with gadgets and technology previous generations could have only dreamed of at their fingertips. You could say that 2015 has lived up to the expectations of Back to the Future Part II. Hoverboards? We got ’em. 6 Ed Tech Tools to Try in 2015.

While doing research for my upcoming e-book, The Teacher’s Guide to Tech, I have come across dozens of tools with pretty awesome potential for teaching and learning. These six are the ones I think are the most interesting and most useful right now. Wherever you fall on the technology spectrum — from newbie to experienced user — there’s probably something here you haven’t tried yet. Although most of these tools aren’t brand-new, they are all steadily growing in popularity, and each one can enhance teaching and learning in a unique, time-saving, or engaging way.

For every tool, I provide a brief overview, my personal rating of its difficulty, a video that demonstrates how the tool works, and a list of suggested ways you can use it. Turn Hand-Picked Content into Your Own Online Newspaper. Infographic_Did-I-Plagiarize1.jpg (JPEG Image, 2550 × 1650 pixels) - Scaled (40%) 20 Chrome Apps & Extensions for Teachers and Students. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Some Notable Teacher-tested Chromebook Apps to Use with Students. 3 Ways to Plan for Diverse Learners: What Teachers Do. In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy and crew are so intimidated by the Wizard's enigmatic personality that they struggle to talk with him on equal footing. Fear and frustration overwhelm them as they blindly accept a suicide mission to slay the Witch of the West. In return, they each receive a treasured prize: a heart, a brain, courage, and a way home. Ironically, they already have these gifts -- which they only discover after unveiling the man behind the curtain posing as the grumpy wizard.

11 of the Best Back-to-School Apps for Teachers. Edutopia sur Twitter : "How to create a safe space for students to take risks: Social Media & Students' Communication Skills. Rusul Alrubail , Edutopia Community Facilitator/ Student Voice & Literacy at The Writing Project Posted 07/14/2015 8:37PM | Last Commented 10/28/2015 1:50PM With social media taking up such a large space in our lives, many of us question whether it’s impacting our communication skills, more importantly, our students’ communication skills. As an English teacher, a writer, and a mom, I am always worried about the repercussions social media will have on my kids’ critical thinking, writing and personal & academic communication skills.

But I had to pause and think.


Teacher Tools for Interactive Whiteboards. Top 10 YouTube Channels to Learn Spanish. SAMR success is NOT about Tech. Quick refresh. Social Media & Students' Communication Skills. Explain Everything iPad app tutorial. 5 Things Every Teacher Should Know About Twitter. Over the past few weeks, several people have asked me how to take the next step with Twitter, whether that meant joining for the first time, or taking their tweeting to the next level.

Assuming you already have an account (if not, go here), here are five things every teacher should know about Twitter. 1. Don’t skimp on your profile setup. How to use Google tools in Project-Based Learning. When you think about some of the key features of Project-Based Learning (PBL), what do you think of? Princippia, Innovación Educativa - colaborativo. Organiza tus tareas con Gmail y Google Calendar. Seguramente muchos de vosotros ya estáis utilizando Gmail para vuestro correo personal o bien en vuestro trabajo, escuela o universidad. El que podáis gestionar vuestros correos electrónicos desde gmail ya no es ninguna novedad para casi nadie.

Sin embargo hay una funcionalidad, que vienen incluida tanto en Gmail como en Google Calendar que quizás pase desapercibida pero que considero muy útil para cualquier usuario de herramientas de Google: La gestión de tareas. Cada vez suele ser frecuente apuntar todas las cosas que tenemos que hacer, no sólo en el ámbito profesional sino también en el ámbito personal.

La mejor manera es poder tener todas esas cosas centralizadas en un único sitio y que la podamos actualizar en cualquier momento de una manera que sea rápida y ágil. En este vídeo os enseñamos cómo podemos usar la gestión de tareas de Google, integrado en Gmail y en Google Calendar para ayudaros a gestionar todas las cosas que tenéis pendientes por hacer. Imágenes y Dibujos con Google Drawings. 18 extensiones imprescindibles de Chrome para profesores y alumnos. Como resultado del fin de semana he tenido la oportunidad de explorar y experimentar con el uso de las extensiones disponibles en Google Chrome para el campo de la Educación. Muchas de ellas proporcionan realmente atajos interesantes que te hacen ser más productivo y te ahorran gran cantidad de tiempo a la hora de leer, investigar, seleccionar, compartir y modificar información online. Aquí tienes una lista de las extensiones más útiles, algunas de ellas poco conocidas, que te abrirán un nuevo mundo de posibilidades.

Experimenta con ellas durante unos días y si no te convencen, puedes desinstalarlas fácilmente. Empieza a utilizar Google Classroom en cinco pasos. Dentro de la familia de aplicaciones que podemos encontrar de forma gratuita dentro de Google Suite para educación nos encontramos con Google Classroom que nos permite establecer una comunicación directa entre el docente y sus alumnos para la creación de tareas, la corrección de dichas tareas y la evaluación del alumno. Me gusta utilizar el término "familia" porque lo interesante de todo es que tienes todas las opciones que cualquier docente pudiese necesitar bajo una única plataforma en donde todas las aplicaciones se interrelacionan y como no podría ser de otra manera, de manera segura. Organiza tus tareas con Gmail y Google Calendar. Powerful routines for the one iPad classroom. 10 Back-To-School Tips For Teachers Using Google Docs.

How to Create a Jeopardy-style Game in Google Spreadsheets. 5 Apps for Reading in Spanish - Spanish Playground. 8 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do With Google Drive. Great Google Drive Add-ons for Teachers - A PDF Handout. Frequently Overlooked Useful YouTube Features - A PDF Handout. 50+ Google Tools Tutorial Videos. 2D_3D_cutandpaste.pdf. iPad uPad wePad; Going 1-1 at St Oliver Plunkett. Inspirational Teaching Videos: Covering Common Core, Math, Science, English And More. 15 Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher. Adventures in Teaching: Four Ways to Maximize Your Cell Phone In the Classroom. Clever Classroom: 30 Back to School Tips to Help you Save Money and get Organized. A Must Have Google Drive App for Teachers. - - Frases tontas - Silly Sentences. Print Giant Letters of the Alphabet. Losing my Interactive Whiteboard - Simply Kinder.

Aprendo las formas by Mª Asunción Cabello. Add digital papers into PowerPoint for professional results. 20 Must-Read Really Good Education Blogs. How to Use Google Search More Effectively [INFOGRAPHIC] Most college students don't know how to get the best ... No-Tech Board Games That Teach Coding Skills to Young Children. Taking Classroom Tech Use to the Next Level: Specific Traits to Look For. A Must Have Google Drive App for Teachers. 20 collaborative Google Apps activities for schools. Google Classroom mobile app update lets teachers grade assignments on the go. All Students Can Shine: Apps For Classroom Management.

60 Smarter Ways To Use Google Classroom. Apps That Rise to the Top: Tested and Approved By Teachers. The Epic BYOD Toolchest (51 Tools You Can Use Now) With Tech Tools, How Should Teachers Tackle Multitasking In Class? Bill Gates on The Verge: Can online classrooms help the developing world catch up?

Teaching Respect and Responsibility — Even to Digital Natives.

iPods in classroom

QR Codes. Using Old Tech (Not Edtech) to Teach Thinking Skills. 5 Best Writing Apps for Pre-School and Kindergarten. Best iphone/ipad apps for kindergarten-aged kids. Using Technology with Kindergarten Students. Digital Kindergarten. Creating a Tech-Savvy Kindergarten Classroom. Education World: What Five-Year-Olds Can Do with Computers. OnOurMinds.pdf. Digital distraction in the modern classroom SmartBlogs. How Can Technology Be Beneficial in a Kindergarten Class?

Research says iPads and smartphones may damage toddlers' brains. Empowering Kids Online: An Important Strategy to Keep Them Safe. Connect Fours - A Fun, New Review Game from @RusselTarr. Future Ready: Roadmaps to Tech Integration. What Online Tools Work for Teaching Language Arts? Social Media for Teachers: Guides, Resources, and Ideas.

Apps That Rise to the Top: Tested and Approved By Teachers.