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Your Go-To Guide for Choosing Healthier Grains.png (PNG Image, 604 × 9664 pixels) List of companion plants. Dill is one of the few plants to grow with Fennel This is a list of companion plants.

List of companion plants

Many more are in the list of beneficial weeds. Companion plants assist in the growth of others by attracting beneficial insects, repelling pests, or providing nutrients, shade, or support. They can be part of a biological pest control program. Films For Action Presents: The Top 100 Documentaries Inspiring the Shift to a Sustainable Paradigm. By Films For Action / Film offers us a powerful tool to shift awareness and inspire action.

Films For Action Presents: The Top 100 Documentaries Inspiring the Shift to a Sustainable Paradigm

By hosting community film screenings and sharing them online, they offer a method to break our dependence on the mainstream media and become the media ourselves. We don't need to wait for anyone or anything. Just imagine what could become possible if an entire city had seen just one of the documentaries below. Just imagine what would be possible if everyone in the country was aware of how unhealthy the mainstream media was for our future and started turning to independent sources in droves. Creating a better world really does start with an informed citizenry, and there's lots of subject matter to cover. Our society needs a new story to belong to. But most of all, we need to see the promise of the alternatives - we need to be able to imagine new exciting ways that people could live, better than anything that the old paradigm could ever dream of providing.

Community Suggestions. Build a Compost Toilet, Ladies Urinal & Solar Shower from Recycled Materials. Stuart Aylett left his job in the building trade over ten years ago and headed west to find a simpler life.

Build a Compost Toilet, Ladies Urinal & Solar Shower from Recycled Materials

After landing in Somerset, he bought a half acre of land at Stonage Lane in 2009 and attempted to rejuvenate his newly acquired monoculture of rye grass into a yield-producing paradise. In March 2012 he moved into a second-hand caravan on the plot, now known as Stonage Organics, and began work on the new compost toilet system that is the focus of this article. Step one: Building the Humanure compost toilet and hand washing facility Having decided to use the humanure system of composting human waste, Stuart built a compost toilet structure, which also incorporates a ladies urinal and hand-wash facility.

The structural timber and cladding utilises milled wood from a local sustainable woodland project, while pallets and water butts were recycled from a local farm. main structure from locally sourced heavy timbers with simple jointing Step two: The solar shower. Masanobu Fukuoka's Natural Farming and Permaculture. Masanobu Fukuoka is a farmer/philosopher who lives on the Island of Shikoku, in southern Japan.

Masanobu Fukuoka's Natural Farming and Permaculture

His farming technique requires no machines, no chemicals and very little weeding. He does not plow the soil or use prepared compost and yet the condition of the soil in his orchards and fields improve each year. His method creates no pollution and does not require fossil fuels. His method requires less labor than any other, yet the yields in his orchard and fields compare favorably with the most productive Japanese farms which use all the technical know-how of modern science.

How is this possible? I had not heard of permaculture at the time, but I can see now that Fukuoka's farm is a classic working model of permaculture design. Mollison and Fukuoka took entirely different routes to get to essentially the same place. The key word here is design. The idea for natural farming came to Fukuoka when he was about twenty five years old. But where to begin?

A guide for the first-time gardener. Bradford Research and Extension Center: Building a Passive Solar Greenhouse. FreestyleFarm » “Just winging it in the city” Easiest and cheapest green build - Greenville Green Building. Earthbag construction is a type of rammed earth construction where durable bags, usually polypropylene or burlap, are filled with local earth or other materials, laid in courses and tamped down into place to form walls.

easiest and cheapest green build - Greenville Green Building

The greatest advantage is that it is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to construct a green home which with some hard work can be done by the homeowner. Other advantages of earthbag homes are that the walls are so substantial that they are severe weather and natural disaster resistant including earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and even bullets. Architect Nader Khalili under supervision of the International Conference of Building Officials tested earthbag structures simulating seismic, wind and snow loads, and the tests surpassed the rigorous 1991 Uniform Building Code requirements by 200 percent.

Earthbags use local natural materials so are non-toxic and do not offgas fumes or use tremendous amounts of energy transporting building materials. Permies: a big crowd of permaculture goofballs.