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Happiness & Inspiration

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" Albert Camus "Si tu veux construire un bateau, ne rassemble pas tes hommes et femmes pour leur donner des ordres, pour expliquer chaque détail, pour leur dire où trouver chaque chose... Si tu veux construire un bateau, fais naître dans le cœur de tes hommes et femmes le désir de la mer. " Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "Ceux qui pensent qu'il est impossible d'agir sont généralement interrompus par ceux qui agissent.

" "Il n'y a personne qui soit né sous une mauvaise étoile, il n'y a que des gens qui ne savent pas lire le ciel. " "Celui qui vient au monde pour ne rien troubler ne mérite ni égards ni patience. " "Nul besoin de faire de la Terre un paradis : elle en est un. "La chance est un hasard, le bonheur est une vocation. " "Le difficile, c'est ce qui peut être fait tout de suite. La nature d’une nouvelle entreprise » Et pourquoi pas des citations? Je travaille ces jours-ci à développer un cours destiné à des professionnels qui auront à effectuer de la supervision dans un contexte d’autoapprentissage.

La nature d’une nouvelle entreprise » Et pourquoi pas des citations?

J’ai prévu, au retour de chaque pause, de projeter une citation et de laisser les participants y réfléchir quelques minutes avant d’en discuter. En recherchant des citations intéressantes et pertinentes, je suis tombé sur le recueil de citations du site Graines de changement . Parmi les citations qui y sont présentées, plusieurs ont fait écho aux thèmes qui guident mes pensées et mes gestes ces temps-ci. C’est incroyable de voir comment les préoccupations de l’humain restent sensiblement les mêmes à travers les époques (à moins que ce ne soit notre tendance à chercher l’approbation dans les paroles des autres qui nous laisse croire ceci). Environnement et développement durable. Career Advice: Give - Emily Esfahani Smith. Givers focus on others, takers on themselves, and matchers care most about fairness.

Career Advice: Give - Emily Esfahani Smith

Studies show that most professional success, not just satisfaction, goes to givers. Akintunde Akinleye/Reuters In 1990, Jon Huntsman, Sr. made a business decision that most in corporate America would probably have called insane. He was intensely negotiating the biggest business deal of his life with Charles Miller Smith, the head of a British chemical company. Deep into the negotiations over the acquisition, Smith's wife died. How to Find Your Purpose and Do What You Love. “Find something more important than you are,” philosopher Dan Dennett once said in discussing the secret of happiness, “and dedicate your life to it.”

How to Find Your Purpose and Do What You Love

But how, exactly, do we find that? Surely, it isn’t by luck. I myself am a firm believer in the power of curiosity and choice as the engine of fulfillment, but precisely how you arrive at your true calling is an intricate and highly individual dance of discovery. The Holstee Manifesto: Lifecycle Video. 21 Inspiring Quotes for Social Entrepreneurs. Being an entrepreneur can be lonely.

21 Inspiring Quotes for Social Entrepreneurs

Being a social entrepreneur can be lonely and disheartening. There are social entrepreneurs around the globe (see here, here, and here) who are striving to make the world a better place, but the community is highly fragmented. This can equate to a very lonely path. Please don’t give up. Keep pursuing your mission- millions of people that you have never met depend on the work you’re doing right now. Social Entrepreneurship “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. Tu es, donc je suis : Une déclaration de dépendance: Satish Kumar, Frédéric Lenoir, Karine Reignier. Connecting Dots With Gandhi. There is no doubt in our mind that Gandhi would have eaten organic fruits and vegetables.

Connecting Dots With Gandhi

Chemically grown produce wouldn’t have really been available during his time anyway, but even then we can draw a few connections between Gandhian philosophy and organic farming. While Indian citizens today may not feel like Gandhi’s values apply to their daily lives, we recognize and admire his commitment to the philosophy that led his. This week we think about some of his core values and how they are very much relevant today in this field. Swadeshi (Contributing to the Local Economy) “Swadeshi is that sprit in us which requires us to serve our immediate neighbors before others, and to use things produced in our neighborhood in preference to those more remote. This one might be more obvious than the others because one of the tenets of the organic movement is eating locally and supporting local farmers. S'entourer des gens différents de soi mais surtout meilleurs à soi. Why Good Friends Make You Happy. Phillip Moeller for US News The gravitational pull of individual friendships can have an enormous cumulative effect on the quality of our lives.

Why Good Friends Make You Happy

With growing numbers of people living alone, either by choice or circumstance, friendships can occupy the emotional space that other people fill with spouses or significant others. Friends can link us to broader social networks and help enrich our lives. At the end of the day, a friend can be the emotional oasis that makes all the difference. "Friends are what make us uniquely human," says James Fowler, professor of medical genetics and political science at the University of California at San Diego. After a career studying different types of relationships and their impact on well-being and health, Harvard relationship expert Lisa Berkman has developed a broad view of the relationships people need in order to thrive. To Find Happiness, Forget About Passion - Oliver Segovia. By Oliver Segovia | 12:05 PM January 13, 2012 Several years ago, a friend decided she wanted to follow her passion.

To Find Happiness, Forget About Passion - Oliver Segovia

She loved the liberal arts and academe. She was a talented graphic designer, a great writer, and was the president of a student club. 12 Things Happy People Do Differently. Post written by: Marc Chernoff Email by Jacob Sokol of Sensophy “I’d always believed that a life of quality, enjoyment, and wisdom were my human birthright and would be automatically bestowed upon me as time passed.

12 Things Happy People Do Differently

I never suspected that I would have to learn how to live - that there were specific disciplines and ways of seeing the world I had to master before I could awaken to a simple, happy, uncomplicated life.” -Dan Millman Studies conducted by positivity psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky point to 12 things happy people do differently to increase their levels of happiness. I want to honor and discuss each of these 12 points, because no matter what part of life’s path we’re currently traveling on, these ‘happiness habits’ will always be applicable.

Express gratitude. – When you appreciate what you have, what you have appreciates in value. Jacob Sokol is committed to living an extraordinary life.