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Personal Purpose

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« Be the change that you wish to see in the world. » Ghandi

It’s worth considering what you value in life and then making an intention and plan to live alongside those values.

Finding The Why To Find The How: Why Purpose Matters More Than We Think. Ordinary Meaning: Finding Your Purpose in Life. If you secretly cringe at the suggestion that you need to find your capital-P Purpose in life, you’re not alone.

Ordinary Meaning: Finding Your Purpose in Life

Ask a hundred guys on the street to tell you their life’s Purpose and, chances are, you’ll get a hundred blank stares. Nevertheless, the idea that each of us has some unique and specific reason for being permeates the whole of our culture. We’re taught that until we discover our Purpose and devote our lives to fulfilling it, we have no hope of living a truly significant or life. Happily, new research by University of Missouri psychology professor Dr. Laura A. You’re Not Meant to Do What You Love. When people learn that I’m a writer, more than half of them will immediately tell me about how they have an idea for a book, or that they need an editor for their autobiography, or that, though it sounds crazy, they are certain they have this one idea that would be a mega-bestseller.

You’re Not Meant to Do What You Love

Like, one of the biggest books in the world. Most of them haven’t published anything — nor are they working on their (supposedly brilliant) bodies of work. Practice the Change You Wish to See in the World. Life is a practice and what you choose to practice is what will make up your character.

Practice the Change You Wish to See in the World

It’s worth considering what you value in life and then making an intention and plan to live alongside those values. This is the direct back to living Ghandi’s words, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Consider how simple it really is: If you want to be more grateful in life, practice being grateful.If you want to be confident, practice confidence.If you want to be more mindful, practice mindfulness.If you want to be more loving, practice loving yourself and others.If you want to be more forgiving and let go of stress-laden emotional burdens, practice forgiveness.If you want to live essential happiness ingredients such as compassion and generosity, practice compassion and generosity.

With this said, no one said it’s going to be easy. Why Being "In Between" Is The Black Hole of Productivity. Human Needs. Subjective Well-Being. Self-Achievement. Calling. Achievement. Purpose.

Metaphor Of The Journey

Tree of Life. How to Find Your Purpose and Do What You Love. “Find something more important than you are,” philosopher Dan Dennett once said in discussing the secret of happiness, “and dedicate your life to it.”

How to Find Your Purpose and Do What You Love

But how, exactly, do we find that? Surely, it isn’t by luck. I myself am a firm believer in the power of curiosity and choice as the engine of fulfillment, but precisely how you arrive at your true calling is an intricate and highly individual dance of discovery. Still, there are certain factors — certain choices — that make it easier. Gathered here are insights from seven thinkers who have contemplated the art-science of making your life’s calling a living. Every few months, I rediscover and redevour Y-Combinator founder Paul Graham’s fantastic 2006 article, How to Do What You Love. What you should not do, I think, is worry about the opinion of anyone beyond your friends. More of Graham’s wisdom on how to find meaning and make wealth can be found in Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age. 16. 28. This is your life. Frankly Speaking: How I Found Purpose. The problem was that most of what I read didn’t really apply to a 20-something young professional.

Frankly Speaking: How I Found Purpose

These books were written by people who were at the apex of their careers, light-years removed from their early days of climbing the proverbial corporate ladder, and a little out of touch with folks like myself who were still on a journey to make an impact at work and in the world. So I decided to take a stab at writing my own “success” story — a story that is still being written. Instead of a polished retrospective from the mountaintop, so to speak, I’ve drafted my own personal playbook of tested, real-time observations along the way.

The resulting five-part publication is Frankly Speaking, bite-sized chapters with anecdotes, data and inspirational takeaways that tell it like it is. These frank, sometimes unorthodox tips are meant to cut through the noise of career clichés. How I Learned to Be Heard. Rule #13 Tell A Tale Share a personal story with emotional appeal “The universe is made of stories, not of atoms.” — Muriel Rukeyser According to West Wing Writers, a speechwriting and communications strategy firm in D.C., 63 percent of people recall stories a speaker tells, yet only 5 percent can remember a single statistic — even when the speech includes vastly more statistics than stories.

How I Learned to Be Heard

Since I work in a news company, I often share my personal story to tell people why I am passionate about the industry. The story goes like this: my Italian father was on a train in Paris when he noticed a group of soldiers bothering a Portuguese woman as she was trying to read a newspaper. THE TAKEAWAY: Tell a story about yourself that evokes emotions. Rule#14 The Rule Of Three Build arguments around three facts. How I Got Started. There was no elevator to success…so I had to take the stairs.

How I Got Started

Growing up I was fascinated by stories of famously successful people.I read about artists like Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci, inventors like Gutenberg and Edison, politicians like Margaret Thatcher, businessmen such as Steve Jobs and Warren Buffett. I wanted similar success, to create something from seemingly nothing, and find a sense of purpose in the process (see part one). Inspired by these tales of triumph, I determined I would strike it rich by 21. Not surprisingly, at 21 years old I was no millionaire. Actually, I was unemployed. I needed to recalibrate my goals, so I began investigating how these great men and women launched their careers and distinguished themselves early on. Rule #7 Steal Greatness Imitate successful people “Through others we become ourselves” — Lev S. Adam Leipzig only needs five minutes to help you find your life purpose. Adam Leipzig @TEDxMalibu (photo: LyVell Gipson) Adam Leipzig’s 2012 TEDxMalibu talk lasted around 10 minutes but more than three years later, it still resonates with viewers.

Adam Leipzig only needs five minutes to help you find your life purpose

“It has been so overwhelming and so flattering to see the way so many people have watched the talk and responded to it,” he said. “I get easily 20 emails a week from people who have seen it; either giving me feedback about it or asking me questions.” Leipzig said he feels a responsibility to answer everyone who writes to him about his talk titled “How to Know Your Life Purpose in 5 Minutes.” Logotherapy. Self-Concept. Happiness Quest. Inhabit.