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Majorana fermion: Physicists observe elusive particle that is its own antiparticle. Princeton University scientists have observed an exotic particle that behaves simultaneously like matter and antimatter, a feat of math and engineering that could yield powerful computers based on quantum mechanics. Using a two-story-tall microscope floating in an ultralow-vibration lab at Princeton's Jadwin Hall, the scientists captured a glowing image of a particle known as a "Majorana fermion" perched at the end of an atomically thin wire—just where it had been predicted to be after decades of study and calculation dating back to the 1930s. "This is the most direct way of looking for the Majorana fermion as it is expected to emerge at the edge of certain materials," said Ali Yazdani, a professor of physics who led the research team. "If you want to find this particle within a material you have to use such a microscope, which allows you to see where it actually is.

" "It shows that this signal lives only at the edge," Yazdani said. In Saturn's Rings 5.6k Saturn Cassini Photographic Animation - Expanded, Improved. The Most Amazing Thing About Trees. Double Cone and Plane. Cream On experiment - Watch cream and Tia Maria react. 19-year-old inventor finds way to clean up the world's oceans in under 5 years time. Previously the idea of cleaning up the world’s oceans with their vast accumulations of disposed plastic material was considered an impossibility. Now a 19-year-old inventor says he and his foundation has a way to clean up the world’s oceans, and not only does he say we can do it, but that we can do it in five years time and produce a profit from it. It is called the ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ or sometimes the “Pacific Trash Vortex”, and it is a massive collection of plastic particles accumulating in the Pacific. Other oceans have their own collections of plastic wastes as well; furthermore, most of the debris in our oceans are plastic materials that accounts for approximately 90% of all the waste debris.

Scientists have considered all manner of ways how the debris could be retrieved but there was no clear answer for it. Now a 19-year-old inventor by the name of Boyan Slat says we can remove nearly 20 billion tons of plastic waste with his concept he calls an ocean cleanup array. E=mc² is wrong? - Sixty Symbols. That's Why Carbon Is A Tramp: Crash Course Biology #1. Chinook ground resonance - side. Sean Carroll - The Particle at the End of the Universe. Walter Lewin, MIT professor: "All of you have now lost your virginity... in Physics!" (interview) World's Roundest Object! 2.2 MegaVolt Lightning - Lichtenberg Figures. Pelicans and Flying Rays (Narrated by David Tennant) - Earthflight - BBC One. The BEST Science Online (Henry's List) Make Plasma With Grapes In The Microwave! What's In A Candle Flame? Non-Newtonian Fluid on a Speaker Cone.

The Sound of Sacred Geometry - Alexander Lauterwasser. Sand Jets. Revealing the real Sun Close up Video. Russian Tsar Hydrogen Bomb Explosion. Piled Higher and Deeper. Stunning Images of Saturn's Rings in Crisp Detail - Kasia Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg - Video. 'Through The Wormhole' Host Morgan Freeman: 'We Can't Be' Alone In The Universe. Are we alone in the universe? That simple but deeply provocative question about the existence of extraterrestrial life lies at the heart of a new episode of the Science Channel series Through the Wormhole. Hosted by series regular Morgan Freeman, the episode tackles topics ranging from the creative ways scientists are honing their search for extraterrestrial life to the possibility that aliens might prove to be warriors or ruthless predators. Could E.T. be a ruthless predator?

It's a scary thought. What does Freeman make of that possibility? "Whoever shows up here may be a totally benign force looking for life in the universe," he told The Huffington Post in an email. But Freeman seems convinced that extraterrestrial life exists. "The question of if we’re alone only occurs to you every now and then, when you look up and say, 'Oh goodness, this can’t be all there is,'" he said. Of course, before we meet any aliens, it's likely that we'll first communicate with them from a distance.

Science News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - io9. Here Are The 17 Radical Ideas From Google's Top Genius Conference That Could Change The World. John Bohannon: Dance vs. powerpoint, a modest proposal. 150mph golf ball impact recorded at 70,000fps. High speed video reveals the bizarre physics of an ordinary water droplet.