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Links to other Online Technology Tips - 180 Technology Tips #180. Technology Tip Number 180 Life Long Learning is for Everyone You may have heard the phrase before.

Links to other Online Technology Tips - 180 Technology Tips #180

It's the challenge new technology gives to all of us. The challenge of becoming life long learners. Hopefully these 180 technology tips are part of your learning, but they certainly can't be the end of it. This final technology tip is a reminder to continue learning, experimenting and enjoying new technologies. Exercices en ligne. Outils. (2) Mille Merveilles. Photos du journal. Welcome To Professor Garfield. Technology Tips For All Teachers -TeacherTechBlog. Pedagogie et heuristique. Outils et sites de référence Éducation. Ressources pour les enseignants. Matières. Ressources diverses école. Brigitte Prof - Ressources pour les enseignants du primaire. Online worksheets and puzzle resources - 180 Technology Tips #140. Apprentissage, histoire et tendances actuelles. Cerebra-jeux - Jeux de culture générale.

How stuff works - 180 Technology Tips #131. Ressources pour les profs. Educators. Journal RÉCIT-CS-MELS-GRICS. Museums and the Web 2006: Papers: Bressler, Mobile Phones: A New Way To Engage Teenagers In Informal Science Learning. Denise Bressler, Liberty Science Center, USA Abstract What are our youth using their mobile phones to do?

Museums and the Web 2006: Papers: Bressler, Mobile Phones: A New Way To Engage Teenagers In Informal Science Learning

They text message, play games, listen to music, and take pictures, and that's only the beginning. Teenagers are the ones establishing the rules of this new mobile culture ad hoc. To them, the mobile phone is not a device for making phone calls, but rather, a 'lifeline' to the social network and an instrument for coordinating their everyday life. Keywords: mobile phones, m-learning, mobile technology, teenagers, science education, SMS, MMS Industry Research on Teenagers and Mobile Phones The research on teen ownership and usage of mobile phones is astounding. Teen Ownership Of Mobile Phones For today's teenagers, there is one device that dominates their everyday life: the mobile phone. Mobile Usage Among Teens. Learn AR. Advance Organisers. Isn't it nice to find out that something you have been doing all along has a jargon name?

Advance Organisers

It's like M. Jourdain in Molière's Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme who was gratified to discover that he had been speaking prose all his life. Advance Organizers are like that: they are simply devices used in the introduction of a topic which enable learners to orient themselves to the topic, so that they can locate where any particular bit of input fits in and how it links with what they already know. (The name was coined by Ausubel.) Ausubel's major principle — that the most important determinant of learning is what the learner already knows — calls for an image or example which directs the learner to relevant prior experience or learning (preferably of course live and significant experience) and also points forward to new material. Go here for a more rigorous account (despite it being a wiki, it has a respectable provenance) ...and here At the end of the session, she was very apologetic.



Sciences humaines. Revues pédagogiques. Développement durable. Langues. Mathématiques / Géométrie. Sciences. Finding Report Cards on your School - 180 Technology Tips #119. Accountability is the word that's usually used to explain why online report cards on schools and school districts are being developed nationwide.

Finding Report Cards on your School - 180 Technology Tips #119

Of course federal No Child Left Behind mandates have something to do with it too. TGL: January 2012. MastheadOur mission statement, copyright notice, and cast of characters.

TGL: January 2012

Card GamesSituation CardsMini simulations. Simulation GameTelephone TrianglesAudio without visuals. JoltDecisions, Decisions… by Tracy TagliatiIt all depends on how you frame it. Tweeted TipsUsing Twitter in TrainingYour tweeted contributions. INRP - Écrans de veille en éducation. Ressources diverses école. Teaching with Google+ Stream This is like Facebook's News Feed, where the sharing happens.

Teaching with Google+

Updates, links and other media from the people you follow will show up here. Posts aren't "hidden," but are "muted. "Circles This was a defining feature for Google+ when it was released -- a selling point that allows users to add people to different "circles" as a way of separating content, updates and the general mixing of different areas of your life. Whereas Facebook lumps everyone together in a single feed, Google+ streams allow you far more flexibility. Users are currently split regarding how well this works in application. Most of the differences between Google+ and Facebook are a matter of branding: one company's "follow" is another company's "Add to Circles. " Les réseaux d’enseignants « Isabelle Quentin. Dans la plupart des disciplines scolaires, des enseignants en exercice se sont regroupés en structures associatives (déclarées ou non) avec comme objectifs principaux : La défense d’une discipline et sa représentation auprès du ministère de l’Education NationaleLes réflexions pédagogique et didactiqueL’aide aux enseignants dans l’exercice de leur métierLa promotion des technologies numériques dans l’enseignement.

Les réseaux d’enseignants « Isabelle Quentin


Sophier. Structuring Personal Learning Environments for Students: Useful Guidance from Wendy Drexler. In the project to educate our students to be digitally savvy and empower them to use the resources of the web to best pursue their own passions in learning as well as to research, evaluate, and use information in their coursework, we could stand to be more intentional in helping them shape their online environment than we have been thus far.

Structuring Personal Learning Environments for Students: Useful Guidance from Wendy Drexler

Truth be told, I could stand to be more savvy in my own organizing of online learning and networking: I’ve been slow to use tools and develop skills for managing online resource, such as the use of vehicles like Symbaloo, Evernote, or Diigo, and I want to take inspiration from the 7th grade student in the video above to move forward in this way and learn and practive better these skills and with these tools. A PLE is the method students use to organize their self-directed online learning, including the tools they employ to gather information, conduct research, and present their findings.

Like this: Répertoire des chaînes vidéos éducatives gratuites. Des milliers de documents vidéo de formation n’attendent que d’être intégrés dans des activités pédagogiques en ligne.

Répertoire des chaînes vidéos éducatives gratuites

Les ressources sont toutes gratuites, quelques unes partiellement seulement. Des professionnels aux universitaires, des enfants aux adultes, des chercheurs aux néophytes, tous peuvent y trouver leur compte... autant en consultant ces vidéos qu'en en produisant de nouvelles... M-learning : Et bien chantez maintenant ! PédagoTIC - le Journal. Compendium Community - Showcase. This is a place to share the many interesting applications of Compendium, and to exchange icon Stencils, Link Groups, and other materials.

Compendium Community - Showcase

Compendium has a place where the community can share maps, stencil set, themes and more. Here we are also developing Compendium training materials. The Compendium Exchange We welcome submissions of your Compendium work here if you would like to share them with others. Send to Simon Buckingham Shum, following the layout used below (full-size screenshot + thumbnail image 200 pixels wide, accompanied by a brief description highlighting the most interesting aspects, and relevant affiliation/contact links).

Summary: Using customized Stencils, created detailed models of the Space Shuttle launch process working with NASA subject matter experts in collaborative sessions. BnF : Tous les savoirs du monde : sommaire. M-learning : Et bien chantez maintenant ! Vendredi 9 décembre 2011 5 09 /12 /Déc /2011 11:31. Online sources news pictures - 180 Free Technology Tip #66. Technology Tip Number 66 Try Picturing the News You've heard the old saying that a picture says a thousand words.

How many words can a picture from a current news story tell you? Originally the internet was text driven but with higher speed connections and new technologies it is becoming more and more image driven. Espace apprendre. La bibliothèque virtuelle d'Allô prof. Apprendre à rédiger un texte argumentatif sur la question de la violence: quel(s) objet(s) d’enseignement-apprentissage en classe de français ? Suffit-il de partir d’une thématique dite « proche » des élèves ou d’actualité pour que des apprentissages complexes tel que celui de l’argumentation se mettent en place?

Dans quelle mesure le débat oral peut-il jouer un rôle de préparation à la rédaction écrite? Le présent article répond à ces questions par le biais de l’analyse d’une séquence d’enseignement sur la rédaction d’un texte argumentatif dans une classe de français du secondaire (élèves de 15 ans) à Genève.[1] L’enseignante alterne un travail sur des contenus thématiques (discussions-débats sur la violence), des exercices sur des notions (arguments, connecteurs, concession) et la présentation de procédures à mettre en œuvre pour la composition d’idées, objet d’enseignement visé.

Online resources for educational TV - 180 Free Technology Tip #73. Technology Tip Number 73 Some Educational TV for a Change You don't have to teach for too long before you realize that television represents some pretty tough competition. As a matter of fact, you probably even have a few favorite TV shows of your own. Dictionnaires & Encyclopédies. Online identity theft scams - 180 Free Technology Tip #56. Phishing is the slang term for using email to get people to divulge their personal information so it can be used to steal their idenitity.

Con artists use phishing emails to literally "fish" for information that they can use to illegally access bank accounts and open credit card accounts. Here are two obvious phishing emails in my mailbox that I thought I’d share with you as examples of Phishing. For some reason Best Buy decided to offer me not just a $500 gift card but also a $1000 gift card this morning. Canal Académie.

Lesson Plan Search Engine.