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Shattered Glass Animals by Marta Klonowska. Using carefully broken shards of colored glass, Polish artist Marta Klonowska assembles translucent animals in life-like proportion and size. Almost all of her sculptures are based on animals found in baroque and romantic paintings by such artists as Peter Paul Rubens or Francisco de Goya next to which they are often displayed. Her work appeared most recently at European Glass Context 2012, and you can see many more images over on lorch + seidel contemporary.

(via lustik) 100 Best (Free) Science Documentaries Online. No matter how much you know, there is always something new to learn about science. While your college courses may cover the basics, you can get a more in-depth look at a wide variety of topics from Internet resources such as these great documentaries. These selections will help you explore everything from the inner reaches of the human mind to the outer areas of our universe and just about everything else in between.

Better yet, they’re all free to watch online so you can learn more without spending a dime. Health and Medicine These documentaries cover topics like health care, diseases, nutrition, nursing, and more so you can get great insights into health and medicine. Super Size Me: In this movie, filmmaker Morgan Spurlock attempts to subsist on only a diet of McDonald’s for a full month. His discoveries will make you question your own food choices. Drugs Learn how drugs impact the brain and the variety of legal restrictions imposed upon them from these documentaries. Genetics Physics Space. Wonderful Lord of the Rings Art That Goes On And On. SExpand Have some more. There's always a lot of talk on the net about how WoW is trash, or Blizzard ruined Warcraft, or this or that or blah blah blah, but at the end of the day, they still put a huge amount of love in to their stories.

He also did an absolutely stunning and exact rendition of the story that Blizzard created for the first Pandaren emperor in Mists, the most recent expansion. It's a very neat tale called the Six Burdens of Shaohao. Have some more! Concerning the story of the Blood Elves. The story of Arthas, potentially Warcraft's most compelling character. The 'ancient' lore of Warcraft. 35 Brilliant Advertisements [High Quality Photos. View: 47 (More) Brilliant Advertisements [High Quality Photos] Oh No! Looks like you’re using ad-blocker. Please disable on our site to support RSVLTS. Thanks! VIEW: 47 (More) Brilliant Advertisements [High Quality Photos] Related.

These Photos Are Actually Pencil Perfect Drawings. At just 22 years old, Italian artist Diego Fazo has developed the skill to create photo-realistic drawings using a simple charcoal pencil. His latest creation, pictured below, has drawn hundreds of positive comments on his Deviant Art profile. Don’t tell me you can tell the image below is a drawing and not a high-definition photograph, because I don’t buy it. In fact people were so skeptical this incredible piece of art was drawn by hand that young Diego Fazo had to put up some photos of the work in progress just to lay doubts to rest. And looking at his-mind-blowing masterpiece, can you really blame people for questioning it’s hand-drawn? Like other talented artists who started their careers on Deviant Art, Diego is a self-taught pencil master whose technique matured with the passing of the years.

He started out as a tattoo artist, and developed a passion for creating photo-realistic drawings. Scroll down for more of his awesome drawings, and check out his Deviant Art profile, as well. First-Person Tetris. Before and After Special Effects from Various Notable Scenes. Special effects are crazy and if they’re overused, can be off-putting (I’m looking at your Star Wars Episodes 1-3).

But used right, and special effects can make a scene and drastically reduce set budgets. Check out these before and after shots of rather notable sets that we stumbled upon, including a pair from everyone’s favorite zombie show, The Walking Dead. Related The Best Fstoppers’ Posts From January 2013 Your "Likes", "Tweets", comments and clicks all help us know which are our best posts of the month.

And because we don't want anyone to miss any of Fstoppers' goodness… In "FS News" 10 Novels That Are Scarier Than Most Horror Movies. 03:14. PARIS - panorama | © gillesvidal - photographe. PV3D Depth of Field - Test 5. Top 20 Movies for Philosophy Students. Drinkify.