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The Emperor's Three Questions - Leo Tolstoy. The Emperor's Three Questions (By Leo Tolstoy) .

The Emperor's Three Questions - Leo Tolstoy

One day it occurred to a certain emperor that if he only knew the answers to three questions, he would never stray in any matter. . 1. What is the best time to do each thing? . 2. Who are the most important people to work with? Rhetorics of the Web: Burke's "Unending Conversation" Metaphor. 20-Year-Old Hunter S. Thompson’s Superb Advice on How to Find Your Purpose and Live a Meaningful Life. As a hopeless lover of both letters and famous advice, I was delighted to discover a letter 20-year-old Hunter S.

20-Year-Old Hunter S. Thompson’s Superb Advice on How to Find Your Purpose and Live a Meaningful Life

Thompson — gonzo journalism godfather, pundit of media politics, dark philosopher — penned to his friend Hume Logan in 1958. Found in Letters of Note: Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience (public library | IndieBound) — the aptly titled, superb collection based on Shaun Usher’s indispensable website of the same name — the letter is an exquisite addition to luminaries’ reflections on the meaning of life, speaking to what it really means to find your purpose.

Cautious that “all advice can only be a product of the man who gives it” — a caveat other literary legends have stressed with varying degrees of irreverence — Thompson begins with a necessary disclaimer about the very notion of advice-giving: To give advice to a man who asks what to do with his life implies something very close to egomania. CHRISTOPHER A LONG - Henry Scott Holland. Death Is Nothing At All By Canon Henry Scott-Holland, 1847-1918, Canon of St Paul's Cathedral "Death is nothing at all.

CHRISTOPHER A LONG - Henry Scott Holland

I have only slipped away into the next room. I am I, and you are you: whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in the easy way which you alway used. Put no difference into your tone: wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let it be spoken without effort, without the ghost of a shadow on it. What is this death but a gateway? Walter Benjamin On the Concept of History /Theses on the Philosophy of History. Live like a mighty river. Krishna Das - Translations, Lyrics & Notes.

ALL ONE - buy this CD My guru always said, “All One”.

Krishna Das - Translations, Lyrics & Notes

One day we were at his temple. We had been there all day mostly waiting in the back of the temple for Maharaj-ji to call us. Now it was late and almost time for us to return to town. The bus had come and was waiting for us out on the road. This is the way it is. Seeking refuge in the depth of our own hearts is the way to conquer this fear, this anxiety, this suffering that we have to live with. The repetition of the Name, is an ancient practice and is found in all religions... in all spiritual practices.

“Each and every revealed Name of the One Reality possesses irresistibly sanctifying power. These Names come from the place in each one of us that is our own True Nature, the Natural State, before thought and emotion... so they have the power to turn us towards our true Home. Buddha said, “Stuff doesn’t make you happy.” By repeating the Name, we are planting seeds that will grow into fruits of true happiness and real love. Hunter S. Thompson WAVE Passage. Huxley Vs. Orwell: Infinite Distraction Or Government Oppression? Posted on August 24, 2010 in Images The Huxley vs Orwell comic is originally from Recombinant Records: Amusing Ourselves to Death, adapted from Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business by Neil Postman.

Huxley Vs. Orwell: Infinite Distraction Or Government Oppression?

When I read this comic, I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes from Brave New World: “It’s curious,” he went on after a little pause, “to read what people in the time of Our Ford used to write about scientific progress. They seemed to have imagined that it could be allowed to go on indefinitely, regardless of everything else. Knowledge was the highest good, truth the supreme value; all the rest was secondary and subordinate. And: There was something called liberalism.