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6 Small Business Mistakes When Asking For Email Addresses - Small Time Marketer. Mistake #1: Not Knowing Why You’re Gathering Customers Email Addresses Start out with a plan, so many times I run into a business that may or may not even have a website, but somewhere along the line they were told, you should collect people’s email addresses.

6 Small Business Mistakes When Asking For Email Addresses - Small Time Marketer

This is not a bad idea, unless you don’t know what your collecting them for, and my not be collecting them in a usable way. You see back in the day, you could collect email addresses, throw them into an emailing program and blast out emails all day long and get results, there were no Anti-Spam Laws to contend with or Double Opt-In Rules. 7 Excellent Examples of Email Personalization in Action. If you're anything like most people, you can probably rattle off 100 different things you'd rather do than dig through your inbox.

7 Excellent Examples of Email Personalization in Action

It starts to feel like a chore because what's in there isn't very interesting. In fact, only 21% of consumers reported that they've received a memorable promotional email in the past two months, according to a study by Litmus. To overcome this, many brands are using email personalization as a strategy for creating more engaging email experiences -- ones that feel less like a robot, and more like a friend.

The best part? Email personalization doesn't need to be insanely complicated to resonate with recipients. Learn how to create engaging emails of your own by downloading our free guide here. 11 Examples of Email Personalization in Action 1) JetBlue Oh, JetBlue. How Dynamic Content Makes Your Marketing a Helluva Lot More Personal. The first time Amazon introduced me to the perfect book for me via their recommendation engine, I was completely awed.

How Dynamic Content Makes Your Marketing a Helluva Lot More Personal

The idea that a website could not only recognize a return visitor, but also discern their interests and alter their site experience accordingly, felt like nothing short of magic. Since then, data-driven personalization has become more common, though not entirely pervasive in the marketing space -- perhaps due to a lack of understanding around how it really works. I mean, just what drives all this highly adaptive content? And how does it affect a lead's decision-making process? In this post, we'll break down the concept of "smart" or "dynamic" content -- that's what all this personalization revolved around, after all -- and explain what it is, how it works, and even give you some strategies for incorporating it into your marketing.

Triggered Email Messages: Keys to Success. Jeanne Jennings | April 14, 2014 | 0 Comments inShare90 Sending triggered email messages can be an extremely effective marketing strategy, as they have been shown to produce much higher open and click-through rates.

Triggered Email Messages: Keys to Success

Last week I had the pleasure of speaking at the Monetate Agility Summit about one of my favorite things: triggered email messages. And I'm not the only one who likes them. According to a December 2012 MarketingSherpa survey, 39 percent of marketers cited them as a way to improve email relevance and engagement. There are a number of reasons to like triggered email messages: They are sent (or "triggered") based on an action taken by the recipientThis tends to make them highly relevantAnd the fact that they are highly relevant means they are likely to get higher than average open and click ratesSee the chart below - according to Epsilon, triggered emails have open rates nearly 60 percent higher than non-triggered messages.

In the example above, I've used five criteria: 5 Reasons Why: Your Marketing Fails. Marketing is hard.

5 Reasons Why: Your Marketing Fails

Not just because it’s an incredibly complex topic that involves tons of strategy and planning, but it’s especially hard for small businesses. Most small businesses, especially in this economy, do not have the financial resources or the man power to really integrate creative, innovative and effective marketing. Fortunately, I’ve narrowed down a handful of reasons where your marketing is probably falling short, along with some helpful tips for improving those areas. 1. Your website is working against you. Let’s face it. Think about it: when you have a plumbing issue, who do you call?

More Helpful Tips: 5 Reasons Why You Need a Graphic Designer 2. A website with quality Search Engine Optimization (SEO)Google PlacesFacebookTwitterGoogle+YouTubeFlickrLinkedInRSS FeedsYelpAnd the list goes on… How many of these tools are you utilizing as part of your marketing strategy? 3. This is where time, creativity and technology play a big role. 4. For example: shotgun advertising. 5. NeuroBytes S.A. - Costa Rica - Soluciones Informáticas. Website Review - How To Get More Email Optins. 23inShareinShare We’re starting weekly website reviews on ConversionXL.

Website Review - How To Get More Email Optins

This time I asked on Twitter who wants a review, and picked a few that shared one thing – they all want more email opt-ins. In this ~11 minute video I’m telling 4 sites what I’d do to improve their opt-in rates. Sites mentioned here: Note that none the feedback given is based on historical nor current data, I might make a different call after seeing the numbers. What Will We Be Looking At In This Website Review? When I’m optimizing email optin forms, I primarily look at three things. #1. Do I understand what it is that’s being offered, and do I understand that it’s for me. . #2. Is the offer something I want? Can I instantly understand the value in the offer, and see how it will benefit me?

#3. Do I get benefits right away? Of course, this should go without saying, I look at the design. Website Review 1 – Investing With Options It looks nice! The only thing I don’t like here is the shot on the computer screen. Moving On… Do's and Don'ts of Opt-In List Building. 7 Clever Ways You Can Increase Your Email Opt-ins and Get More Subscribers. While everyone is talking about the growth of social media and all it has to offer let’s not forget about the importance of email. According to ExactTarget , email is the top channel for delivering marketing messages . Improve Your Opt-In Form's Conversion Rates (4 Practical Examples) Hybrid Connect makes split-testing your opt in forms very easy, but what exactly should you test?

Improve Your Opt-In Form's Conversion Rates (4 Practical Examples)

Musicians: How To Amplify Your Email Marketing. Want to make more money with your music? So do I and 1200+ other Musicgoat readers. To stay in the loop, and to get our free Twitter Guide, Click Here to Subscribe. Next to live performances and things like meet and greets, email marketing should be at the top of the list for musicians wanting to build quality relationships with fans and gain their trust. Email Marketing Best Practices. We’ve rounded up the best of the best from our blogs to bring you a collection of email marketing best practices.

Email Marketing Best Practices

Email Design H-E-L-P with HTML Emails Sending HTML emails can be a gamble. Spam filters don’t like them, and unless they’re designed properly, they’re destined for your intended recipients’ Junk folder and may not ever get read. Quick Drip Tips Basics for putting together an automated e-mail campaign. Designing B2B Marketing Emails Creative design elements to keep in mind when creating e-mails.