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Digital humanities

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IsisCB Explore. Digital Humanities Toulouse | Journée d'études des doctorants de l'Université Toulouse 2 – Le Mirail. JURN : search over 4,000 free scholarly ejournals in the arts & humanities. PLOHSS: A PLOS-style Project for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Portail UOH - Université Ouverte des Humanités. IRSB - Documents à télécharger. - Héloïse - Politiques des éditeurs en matière de dépôt des articles. CFL-French. Humanities Researchers and Digital Technologies: Building Infrastructures for a New Age. 2. November 2011 09:33 New report from the European Science Foundation assesses Research Infrastructures in Humanities research Europe's leading scientists have pledged to embrace and expand the role of technology in the Humanities. In a Science Policy Briefing released today by the European Science Foundation (ESF), they argue that without Research Infrastructures (RIs) such as archives, libraries, academies, museums and galleries, significant strands of Humanities research would not be possible.

By drawing on a number of case studies, the report demonstrates that digital RIs offer Humanities scholars new and productive ways to explore old questions and develop new ones. Despite the advancements of recent decades, some Humanities researchers have been reluctant to realise and acknowledge the advantages that the application of computing technology to Humanities can bring. -end- Notes to editors. Les carnets du SID. ThatCamp Paris 2010 | Non-conférence sur les Digital humanities (Paris, EHESS, 18 et 19 mai 2010)