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Random Tutorial Generator. Really cool idea. Katherine Really cool idea - hanging a vintage fridge door on the wall to keep and store and display momentos - the door really opens and the inside Things I Adore. Washcloth Puppet Tutorial. Spiral Braids with 12 to 28 Strands.

You can make larger braids from 12 to 28 strands of thread using the same technique as the 8 strand spiral braid. These are woven from brights so you can easily see the structure and pattern, but they could also be worked in muted tones or even solid colored for specific applications. If you’ve ever tried to find a trim to match a fabric at a craft store you know how nice it is to be able to make your own! This technique uses the braiding disk from the 8 strand spiral braid (click here for the download, printing, and cutting info.) This braid can be made in any size as long as the number of strands is a multiple of 4.

It should also be noted that, when small, the braid is very sturdy. Most interestingly, I found that, no matter how many strands I worked with, 12 inches of length per strand made about 7 inches of braid. I cut my strands double length, then tied them all together with a crochet thread scrap at the center. This image has a box drawn around each pair of pairs. 101 Simple Handmade Gift Tutorials. These simple handmade gift tutorials will make any crafty person’s heart sing with joy! You don’t need special skills or a bunch of time because these can all be done super fast! Simple and cute…that works for me! Oh, and think of all the money you will save making these gifts. {At least that’s the story I tell my husband…shhhh!} You are going to love these fabulous tutorials!!!

You can make all your gifts for years from this list! If you love creative links, please subscribe to Everything Etsy! Thanks so much for all your tweets, stumbles, Facebook likes and pins on my Sewing Tutorials and Free Printables posts…you are the coolest crafty friends! If you want to be doubly awesome, try doing handmade gifts that are also eco-friendly! Handmade gifts make people feel special, don’t you think?

~Kim. Festive Stars made from Recycled Drinks Cans. November 1st, 2011 I’m preparing for a couple of craft fairs (details coming soon) at the moment and decided to have a go at making some Festive decorations by recycling some drinks cans I’ve been collecting. I found this tutorial the other day and thought I could adapt it to me own needs. So here goes… What you will need: - Empty drinks cans - Scissors - Craft Knife - Ball point pen or an embossing tool with a fine point - Sharp pointy thing – not sure what the name of this tool is! - Cutting mat - Metal ruler - Sticky tape - Some thick card – I used a cereal box - A pair of parallel pliers - Fine sandpaper - Spray paint and a large box - Cotton Thread Step One First you need to get a star shape printed onto paper or card and cut out.

Step Two Next you need to cut the tops and bottoms off your drinks can and give the insides a good clean – I used a craft knife to do this as well as scissors – be careful of sharp edges! Step Three Step Four Step Five Step Six Step Seven Step Eight Step Nine Step Ten. Most favorited all-time. SaiFou Image | Welcome to SaiFou - Inspiring images.

Crayon Heart Valentines | Lifestyle Crafts.