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Complementary Currency Resource Center. Colinwebster/welcome-to-the-circular-economy.

Collaborative Economy

Speaker, MC and writer Paul Wallbank describes the future of business and technology. The Great Transformation - Managing Our Way to Prosperity. Global Peter Drucker Forum Vienna, November 13 and 14, 2014 There is a broad consensus among economists that we enter 2014 in a period of limited economic recovery - even though it will be uneven by country and region and fraught with uncertainties.

The Great Transformation - Managing Our Way to Prosperity

A cyclical improvement of the global economy will provide an opportunity to address the huge structural issues that are still looming. They include: unsustainable debt levels, underfunded social security systems in the Western world, currency imbalances, increasing income inequalities, bloated and inefficient public administrations, and excessive short-termism in big business driven by a value destroying and outdated shareholder value philosophy. With unemployment, and in particular, youth unemployment reaching historic dimensions, the idea of progress and continuous improvement of our living conditions is giving way to increasing future-angst. This will be the core focus of the Drucker Forum 2014. challenges. Richard Straub. 1%Club is the do-good crowdfunding platform. Frederic Laloux. Frederic Laloux works as an adviser, coach, and facilitator with corporate leaders who feel called to explore fundamentally new ways of organizing.

Frederic Laloux

His work—and the research for his upcoming book—draws on two strands: - His deep understanding of the inner workings of organizations, which he developed among other during the years he worked as an organization and strategy consultant with McKinsey & Company, where he was an Associate Principal. - His longstanding fascination with the topic of human development and his own joyful journey of personal and spiritual growth. Frederic has worked intimately with people at all levels of organizations. MAKERS: Watch The Largest Video Collection Of Women's Stories. Samasource. Brian Solis - Defining the convergence of media and influence. The Value for Engagement (VFE) Model - Donatella Padua. Building trust in the online economy - Respect Network CEO Drummond Reed.

Manfred Max-Neef on Barefoot Economics. The Money Fix - A Documentary for Monetary Reform. Nudge. Ambassadeurs - Our Common Future 2.0. Adjiedj Bakas "Wie niet kan lachen, moet niet in een winkeltje werken" is het adagium van trendwatcher Adjiedj Bakas.

Ambassadeurs - Our Common Future 2.0

Bakas geldt als een boeiende, prikkelende, deskundige, humoristische, visionaire, entertainende en derhalve veel gevraagde spreker op congressen en andere oploopjes. Hij koppelt kennis aan entertainment en levert daarmee "infotainment".Hij oogst veel publiciteit in toonaangevende media in binnen- en buitenland. Volgens de pers is hij “prominent” (Volkskrant), "inspirerend" (NRC Handelsblad), "prikkelend" (Elsevier), "zijn tijd vooruit" (Story), "optimistisch" (CNN), "provocerend" (TV2 Journaal Denemarken) en "word je blij van hem" (BBC). Hij werd verkozen tot “Trendwatcher van het Jaar 2009” en tot “Zwarte Zakenman van het Jaar 2008”. Jan van Betten "Verandering moet ook van onderaf komen". Peter Blokland Leanne Bogers 'Believe in the magic of your dreams'. Engbert Breuker We verlaten het industriële tijdperk.

Theo Bruijninckx Maurits Groen Rachel Heijne Marga Hoek. Welkom - Our Common Future 2.0. Publicaties - Nieuwe Business Modellen. In het kader van het onderzoek naar Nieuwe Business Modellen zijn verschillende boeken en rapporten verschenen.

Publicaties - Nieuwe Business Modellen

Deze kunt U hieronder direct bestellen en afrekenen door middel van iDeal. Na betaling ontvangt U een factuur. De bestelde publicaties worden binnen enkele dagen per post toegestuurd. N.B. Het boek 'Nieuwe Business Modellen; Samen Werken aan Waardecreatie' verschijnt op 13 11 '14. Voor afname van grote aantallen gelieve contact op te nemen. Document sans titre. VikingCard Prepaid MasterCard ® Volta Ventures. Untitled document. Moving Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Cities. Before Darwin, science tried to make sense of the natural world through a slew of systems of classification.

Moving Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Cities

Linnaeus' taxonomy, for example, grouped living things together based on their appearance, or "morphology," in kingdoms, classes, orders, genera, and species. "All taxa show relationships on all sides like the countries on a map of the world," Linnaeus wrote, grasping threads of evolutionary theory—which is to say, that everything on earth descends from a common relative, and that the divergence of life, driven by natural selection, can be traced through physical traits (and later, genetics).

But evolutionary theory had to come after Linnaeus, and not to mention, after wobbly ideas of species’ “transmutation” and orthogenesis were debated and discarded. Eventually Darwinism eclipsed competing notions of evolution, and in essence remains the foundation of all natural sciences. Take, for example, a headline from a couple of weeks ago. Maybe. Artikelen, kennis, informatie over organiseren in de nieuwe tijd. Instituut Maatschappelijke Innovatie.

The new working

Conscious Business. Axialent. Conscious leaders create an inspiring environment for employees to blossom as professionals and as human beings, enabling them to contribute their best, building trust and eliciting genuine engagement.


Take responsibility for their lives Don’t compromise human values for material success Speak their truth with honesty and respect Listen to others with humility Resolve disagreements attending to all concerns Honor commitments impeccably Accept their emotions and express them constructively These concepts are common sense, but they are not common practice; they challenge deep-seated assumptions we hold about ourselves, other people, and the world, and require a fundamental shift in consciousness. Download “Conscious Business” Chapter 1 ›Listen to Fred Kofman's insights on conscious communication ›