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Atelier découpage Noël. Nouveau petit découpage spécial Noël, histoire de s'entraîner encore à découper des formes simples....

Atelier découpage Noël

Document à télécharger sous Word: decouper_sapins_triangles_et_pere_noel Document à télécharger sous OpenOffice :triangles_sapin Document à télécharger au format PDF :père_noël_et_triangles_sapins Quelques triangles de tailles croissantes à photocopier sur papier vert (ou blanc et on colorie) + un petit père-noël au contour assez simple : Après collage, on peut décorer avec des gommettes, des étoiles ...

(1) Déballe ta science de Noël. Reindeer Portraits. My Grade One class painted these reindeer portraits this week!

Reindeer Portraits

I am so pleased with how they turned out! Here is how we drew them: Draw a line from the top of the head towards each of the top corners of your paper. Draw ears at the top of the head pointing to the sides of the paper. Draw a large horizontal oval at the bottom of the face for the nose. Draw 2 vertical ovals at the top of the face for the eyes. Add dots for the eyes and finish the antlers. Draw a rounded square around the neck - there will need to be a bit of erasing here to hide the lines of the neck. Finish the scarf. We then used black oil pastels to outline our drawings and I had them paint the scarf, nose and the background. Then next day we added a bit of peach pastel to the inside of our reindeers' ears, white to add details to the scarf, and went over our antlers and any other spots where we felt needed some more black outlining.

If you liked this post, check out some of my other directed drawing lessons: Marionnette Pere Noel. Bricolage de Noël. Père Noël... à réaliser avec un rouleau... Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. Résultats Google Recherche d'images correspondant à. Free Printables for Kids {Roundup} As part of this year’s 101 Days of Christmas series, I’m sharing a roundup each Sunday with more ideas from around the blogosphere!

Free Printables for Kids {Roundup}

Looking for some inexpensive (i.e., free) Christmas activities for your kids this holiday season? Look no further! I was so excited to find all these great free printables in addition to the many in our collection already (like the color-me Christmas cards in the picture above). We’re going to start with the paper dolls, which I’ve got printed out and ready for our girls already; I know they’ll love those! Here are 10 free printables to keep your little ones busy throughout the holiday season: Christmas Activity Kit Decorate the Christmas Tree Santa’s Little Helpers Paper Dolls Christmas Bingo. Une carte mignonne de Noël Coloriage - Coloriages de Noël: iKids page imprimable - Pour les enfants.

Dessin animé Noël, le conte La nuit avant Noël. Cartes Parlantes Photo Gratuit CyberCartes.

Calendriers de l'Avent

Lutins. Activités à imprimer. Bricolages. Chansons. Village du Père Noël.