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Biblioteca online completa sobre permacultura, bioconstrucción, agricultura ecológica y más. Apreciados lectores, Parece un contrasentido, crear un método en la Apicultura del “no hacer” (Wu Wei, como lo denominó su creador), cuando precisamente esta “cultura” estudia a las abejas, que conforman uno de los modelos asociativos más complejos, organizadas y trabajadoras que se conocen de los seres vivos. Sin embargo, si juntamos las técnicas… En "CSA ENTRANSICIÓN 2.0" Qué es la permacultura y cómo podemos aplicarla La permacultura es una respuesta que entrega herramientas factibles a nivel individual y colectivo, a la inquietud interna de cada ser humano, por querer conectarnos con la tierra. En "Permacultura" Plan the Perfect Homestead. Ever since 1970, when MOTHER EARTH NEWS was founded, readers have been writing in with questions about homesteading and stories about their own experiences with rural living.

We get calls and e-mails every week confirming that thousands of Americans still dream of going “back to the land” to learn to grow their own food, build their own homes, generate electricity from renewable sources and live a self-reliant lifestyle. Often, people ask us “What should I do first? How can I learn what I need to know?” To answer these questions, we’ve gathered advice from people with decades of experience with different kinds of homestead living. Many of their suggestions are included in these pages, and you can read the entire discussion online in our Homesteading forum. Where to Start Although many people dream of buying several acres in the country, you can start homesteading wherever you are. In fact, many aspects of homesteading work as well in the city or suburbs as in the country. Making Ends Meet. Building a Vegetable Garden - No Dig Natural Gardening - Preparing an organic Garden. Your Complete Instructions for Natural Gardening Success Behind every vegetable plant is a person with gardening desires — you!

And behind you there are bees, worms... and millions of other live inhabitants of your garden soil. To keep them happy, here's how to build your vegetable plot. There is no need to wreak havoc and madly dig. Let the microbes and worms etc do what they do best in their own good way and time. Preparing a vegetable garden of this sort is extremely attractive for those sites that start off with poor soil or invasive weeds. Follow the natural gardening no dig diagram below, but first thing of course is to... Choose the site: Make sure it is roughly level and ideally most of the area gets at least 4-5 hours of sun a day.

Is it level: Build any walls: If the ground is on too much of a slope, build some terraces for easy maintenance. Soil: Fix the surface first: How to build a no dig garden Here's a guide following natural gardening basics. Satisfying isn't it? Vermiponic Garden. 5 Secrets to a ‘No-work’ Garden. It took over 20 years of gardening to realize that I didn’t have to work so hard to achieve a fruitful harvest. As the limitless energy of my youth gradually gave way to the physical realities of mid-life, the slow accretion of experience eventually led to an awareness that less work can result in greater crop yields. Inspired in part by Masanobu Fukuoka’s book, One Straw Revolution, my family experimented with gardening methods which could increase yields with less effort. Fukuoka spent over three decades perfecting his so-called “do-nothing” technique: commonsense, sustainable practices that all but eliminate the use of pesticides, fertilizer, tillage, and perhaps most significantly, wasteful effort.

Here are the strategies we used which enabled us to greatly increase our garden yield, while requiring less time and less work. 1. Use the ‘no-till’ method of gardening With ‘no-till’ gardening, weeding is largely eliminated. 2. Once mulch is in place, it doesn’t need to be disturbed. 3. 4. Permies: goofballs that are nuts about permaculture.