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Origins of Life. Life uses a system very similar to the four sided coin, but instead of coins and dictionaries, life uses chemicals.

Origins of Life

DNA looks like a twisted ladder. The steps of the ladder are composed of four chemicals, adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine. These four chemicals correspond to the four letters on the four sides of the four sided coin. "Cloning 101" Biology Animation Library. DNA from the Beginning - An animated primer of 75 experiments that made modern genetics. DNA Learning Center. Becoming Human. Evolution: Change. Stem Cell Resources org - Stem Cell Science Education. Microarrays. NOAA Education Resources Website.

Education - Research Overview. Other invertebrates. Brain: The Inside Story. As you read these words, your brain is taking in all kinds of sights and sounds, and zeroing in on a few.

Brain: The Inside Story

It is recalling what you have learned about the forms of letters, the meanings of words, and what information you hope to find on this website. Your brain is making decisions and forming new memories. EchoJournal: Echocardiography Videos and Discussions. Education - Research Overview. Learn.Genetics