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Screencasting in the Classroom with TechSmith and Edmodo. Guest post by 7th grade Social Studies teacher Tom Hopper Tom Hopper has been teaching 7th grade Social Studies in Okemos, Michigan for 13 years. He’s a big fan of Edmodo, the social learning platform that he found last year. It’s had a remarkable impact on his day-to-day teaching given the intuitive nature of the site. The Edmodo environment allows for safe and convenient delivery, facilitates discussion among all types of students, and is a motivator for kids hungry to learn more outside of the school day. His classes are more like learning communities now. Tom’s also a screencasting pro, and he frequently puts video content on his YouTube channel or on Students watch the lessons at home and school. What do you like most about using Edmodo in your classroom? For starters, my students write so much more than they did prior to when we were strictly writing on paper.

I love how it’s a “safe” environment. How do you make your videos? My tool of choice is Camtasia Studio. In 'Flipped' Classrooms, a Method for Mastery. Fixes looks at solutions to social problems and why they work. In traditional schooling, time is a constant and understanding is a variable. A fifth-grade class will spend a set number of days on prime factorization and then move on to study greatest common factors — whether or not every student is ready. If student turns in shoddy work in a ‘flipped mastery’ class, she can’t move on to the next level. But there is another way to look at schooling — through the lens of a method called “mastery learning,” in which the student’s understanding of a subject is a constant and time is a variable; when each fifth grader masters prime factorization, for instance, he moves on to greatest common factors, each at his own pace.

Mastery learning is not a new idea. One of the advantages of mastery learning is that the student, not the teacher, leads — and we know that people learn far better when they are actively involved. But some teachers are now reviving mastery learning. Turn to Your Neighbor: The Official Peer Instruction Blog. Technology for Teaching. Made Simple. Faire ses premiers pas vers la classe inversée. Un dossier conjoint Infobourg – Carrefour Éducation Peut-être avez-vous entendu parler dernièrement de la fameuse dynamique de « classe inversée »?

Elle semble être sur toutes les lèvres! Parmi les enseignants qui l’ont expérimentée, certains ne peuvent plus s’en passer et y voient des avantages énormes, notamment grâce aux nouvelles possibilités de personnalisation de l’enseignement entraînée par l’augmentation du temps disponible pour les élèves. Mais tout d’abord, qu’est-ce que la classe inversée?

C’est une façon d’organiser le temps de classe de sorte que la partie magistrale du cours est dispensée de façon électronique (capsules vidéo, lectures personnelles, visites virtuelles, etc.) et le temps de classe est consacré au travail d’équipe, aux discussions et aux activités d’apprentissage actives. Ce dossier conjoint de Carrefour Éducation et d’Infobourg propose de faire le tour de la question et de prendre connaissance de l’expérience de certains enseignants. Plan du dossier : 1. 2. Une idée qui se propage - Site de ecouterlirelemonde ! L’idée de transmettre l’amour de la lecture à nos élèves est présente en chacun de nous. Ce désir est une valeur essentielle en éducation; quel que soit l’âge, l’origine ou la langue maternelle de nos élèves, les moyens pour y parvenir, pour y motiver chacun et chacune sont multiples; vous en utilisez sûrement déjà quelques-uns qui permettent aux élèves de partager et d’enrichir leurs réflexions en collaboration avec leurs camarades de classe.

Ça me trottait dans la tête depuis déjà un bon bout de temps. Comment relier les élèves de mon école et du monde à travers les livres ? Comment inviter les enfants à se réunir selon leurs intérêts et leurs compétences, et non leur âge, autour d’un projet commun de lecture ? Avec la puissance du web en mode 2.0 et sa capacité d’interaction globale, cette opportunité de partage devient sans frontières; nous pouvons aujourd’hui échanger nos idées, nos opinions et nos appréciations avec la planète entière en quelques clics. François Bourdon. A teacher’s complete guide to using Google Voice to collect classwork and homework. This entry will guide you through the process of setting up and using a Google Voice account for the purpose of collecting spoken homework, such as for a language class. After reading this guide, you will be ready to configure your Google Voice account and collect your first round of homework.

The focus of this entry is not to give an exhaustive list of all the contexts and ways in which Google Voice can be used in education, however! Use your creativity and share your ideas in the comments. Google Voice is a completely free service which gives you a local telephone number with voicemail service. Students can call your Google Voice number from their own phones, be directly connected to voicemail, and record messages up to three minutes long.

To create an account: Go to into a Google account. To set up your outgoing voicemail message: To share recordings with your students: Things to consider when implementing Google Voice in a language course: Further Reading: Flipped Learning Pace. Home | National Center On Universal Design for Learning. Chez Renée. Get Premium. Edmodo for the Dodo. A Handy Guide to Everything Teachers Need to Know about Edmodo. What is edmodo ? Edmodo is a web-based platform that provides a safe and easy way for your class to connect and collaborate, share content, and access homework, grades and school notices. It is like Facebook but in a safe and controlled environment appropriate for school. How can I use edmodo with my students ? Edmodo provides you with a secure environment where you can create a classroom group for your students.

In this virtual group you can : Place digital resources on edmodo for students to access or download, Create polls for students to vote online.Write short summaries of lessons for students who were absent from class (better yet: get your students to write the summary). What is it that makes Edmodo class a secure environment ? Edmodo explicitly deals with school and teacher concerns about social networking for students in the following ways:Each edmodo class group is managed and controlled by the teacherStudents need an access code to join the class. 2- Edmodo assignments. Thinking About Syncing? Catherine Ousselin: French teacher / Technology Consultant. FlippedPD. French Tag Home. Showing Playlists 1-10 of 80 total: Paris The City of Lights: Discover the treasures of Paris! This playlist includes popular sites to visit By Patricia Gallagher Steps: 8 Views: 2083 France And The Early Cold War 1945-1960 A collaborative project between Mme Gallagher and Mr. By Patricia Gallagher Steps: 9 Views: 2476 Les Déterminants This list offers a series of exercises about the use of "déterminants": - articles - adjectifs démonstratifs - adjectifs possessifs By Guy Vandenbroucke Steps: 11 Views: 30342 Showing Playlists 1-10 of 80 total.

Mme-Dill - home. Fordice, Shelley - Language Arts/French / The Flipped Foreign Language Classroom. Mme Burton: Flip Your Classroom. Here it is!! Introducing my new website to help teachers to flip: Welcome to my Flipped Classroom page! If you are here, you are probably looking for resources that you could use to impliment the Flipped Method in your classroom. My story goes like this: I started flipped to help my level 2 French students improve their scores. I would love to answer any questions that you have. The first thing that I would stress is to use Cornell notes!! Looking for a link to my FLAM Presentation? Watch some testimonials of FHC students who like to flip: Do you want to learn more?

To get more information, check out these links: This link provides lesson ideas in various content areas: One of my personal favorites for Flipped Classroom Information: Research Information and QandA: The 10 Best Web Tools For Flipped Classrooms. While flipping the classroom is still one of the hottest trends in education, it’s got nothing on time-saving and downright useful apps and web tools. In an effort to provide a quick look at some of the best web tools for flipped classrooms, I thought it would be useful to poll the @Edudemic Twitter followers . POLL: What are your favorite apps and tools for flipped classrooms? — Edudemic (@Edudemic) April 5, 2013 Including the tweets, I also got at least 40 emails from friends, colleagues, and administrators from around the world. One thing stood out to me: there were a lot of repeats! Many folks who have tried the flipped classroom model or are currently deploying it have leveraged a lot of the same web tools.

Below is a simple list designed to help get any educator, administrator, student, or parent a bit more familiar with some of the most popular web tools for flipped classrooms. Wikispaces Poll Everywhere Edmodo Screencast Celly Dropbox YouTube About The Tool: It’s YouTube. Twitter. 7 Must-Have Tools For The Flipped Classroom. 7 Must-Have Tools For The Flipped Classroom by first appeared on The flipped classroom uses technology to allow students more time to apply knowledge and teachers more time for hands-on education. It’s a continually changing strategy that evolves with technology.

Innovative educators are usually on the lookout for the latest technology breakthroughs that will help them better organize and conduct flipped classrooms. The following tools are listed from most basic to most sophisticated and can be used alone or in tandem to make flipped classrooms more engaging. Google Drive Google Drive (Docs) has many advantages over traditional word processing programs, including real-time automatic updates visible to all users, a feature that enables robust discussion and sharing.

YouTube Ideal for first-time flippers, YouTube offers a user-friendly, universally understood platform for taped lectures and other educational videos. Teachem The Flipped Learning Network Camtasia Studio. 30 Tools to Flip Your Classroom From edshelf. Mobile Learning Resources - Flipped Classrooms. Try Wikispaces Classroom now. Brand new from Wikispaces. guest Join | Help | Sign In Mobile Learning Resources Home guest| Join | Help | Sign In Turn off "Getting Started" Loading... TED-Ed | Lessons Worth Sharing. The Flipped Foreign Language Classroom: RESOURCES.

The Flipped Language Classroom RESOURCES Below are resources for exploring the possibilities of the flipped classroom, professional learning networks where educators are discussing blended learning and reverse instruction, and tools for designing your own flipped language classroom! What? Flipped teaching is a form of blended learning which encompasses any use of Internet technology to leverage the learning in a classroom, so a teacher can spend more time interacting with students instead of lecturing. This is most commonly being done using teacher-created videos that students view outside of class time. It is also known as backwards classroom, reverse instruction, flipping the classroom, and reverse teaching (accessed on Wikipedia 11/11/12). Why? How? How? Other Resources BLOG: The Spanish flipped classroomBLOG: What does a good flipped class look like? CamStudio - Free Screen Recording Software.

EmergingEdTech. Education Technology. Internet and instructional technologies for teachers & other educators. Webinars - Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams, Flipped Classroom Webinars. Flipped Classroom Workshop - Cashton Middle/High School. Flipping with Kirch. The Flipped Classroom: Professional Development Workshop. During this module, we will think about, explore, and discuss these areas: Qualities and characteristics of epic learning. Building a community and student engagement as prerequisites for a successful flipped classroom. {*style:<b>Learning Activities: </b>*} Discussion: Discuss an Epic Learning Experience. What is an epic learning experience you had as a learner or facilitated as an educator?

What made your learning experience epic? Add a slide (image and statement) about your epic win to our Google Presentation at Activity: Choose an artifact (photo, symbol) that represents peak learning experience or epic win (as related to #1). Discussion: Brainstorming “What Questions Do You Have About the Flipped Classroom?” The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture for Higher Education ebook The Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture {*style:<b><i>Module Two – Experiential Engagement </i> Characteristics of Engagement Meaningful, Engaged Learning Teampedia. Flipped Learning Workshops 2013.

*Atomic Learning Path - Learn. 21st Century Skills. Pre-Order “Flipping 2.0 -Practical Applications for Flipping Your Class” | Bretzmann Group. Pre-Order “Flipping 2.0 -Practical Applications for Flipping Your Class” Pre-Order “Flipping 2.0 –Practical Applications for Flipping Your Class” Now that you’ve decided to flip your class, you have new questions: How do I do this?

What will students do in class? How will I create learning experiences for students outside of class? What have other teachers done? You need time to check out workable solutions that other teachers have created. Follow practicing classroom teachers as they walk you through their flipped classroom journey; why and how they made the change, what obstacles they overcame, the technology they used, and where they are heading next. There is something for you in this book. Pre-order your copy today and make your decision to flip a reality. Flipping the WL Classroom: My Experience. The Flipped Classroom In the flipped classroom, students do the easy part at home - view the material - and use class time for the more difficult task of learning the material through small-group discussions and guided application. The teacher is present to facilitate success with new learning. This classroom is “flipped” from the traditional model, where students often do the lower-level learning in class and the more complex parts at home.

How I used it: I employed it for teaching about culture or reinforcing grammatical concepts through videos. For each assignment, I created a page on my school website and a worksheet. Activity structure: Students would often have the choice of which videos to watch, selecting two of the three videos on my school webpage. What I liked: These activities were time savers; in class, we would discuss the ideas and concepts in the videos instead of wasting class time while watching them. Online “Viewing:” French Kissing How you will be graded: Videos used:

Popcorn Maker. The easiest way to take notes synchronized with videos! Educreations - Teach what you know. Learn what you don't. Flipping the WL Classroom: My Experience.

Classe Inversée - Libérons l'éducation. Flipping Your Classroom With Free Web Tools - Guest Post. Pros and Cons of The Flipped Classroom. Bundlenut.