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Online most comprehensive technology dictionary, high-tech dictionary, online definitions having being compiled for over 30 years. Vocabularies. AAT is a thesaurus containing generic terms, dates, relationships, sources, and notes for work types, roles, materials, styles, cultures, techniques, and other concepts related to art, architecture, and other cultural heritage (e.g., amphora, oil paint, olieverf, acetolysis, sintering, orthographic drawings, Olmeca, Rinascimento, Buddhism, watercolors, asa-no-ha-toji, sralais). CONA compiles titles/names and other metadata for works of art, architecture, and other cultural works, current and historical, documented as items or in groups, whether works are extant, destroyed, or never built; in development, may be used to record works depicted in visual surrogates and for other purposes (e.g., Florentine Codex, Codice Fiorentino, Guernica, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Chayasomesvara Temple, Hagia Sofia, The Great Wave, Kanagawa oki nami ura, Le déjeuner sur l'herbe, Venus de Milo).

Business Terms Glossary - Glossary of linguistic terms. Online Dictionary of the Social Sciences. Glosario de los OSCAR. Terminologia meteorologica. Niebla: Suspensión en la atmósfera de diminutas gotas de agua que limitan la visibilidad horizontal a menos de un kilómetro. Notación de Beaufort: Código de letras realizado por el almirante sir Francis Beaufort, a principios del siglo XIX, para indicar el estado del tiempo. Así, tenemos que: b es cielo azul, c nuboso, o cubierto, g encapotado, u cielo de tormenta, q turbonada, kg líneas de turbonadas, r lluvia, p chubascos pasajeros, d llovizna, s nieve, rs aguanieve, h pedrisco, t trueno, l rayo, tl tormenta, f niebla, fe niebla húmeda, z bruma, m neblina, v visibilidad excelente, e humedad sin precipitaciones, y aire seco, w rocío, y, x escarcha.

Para mayor detalle se añaden letras mayúsculas para indicar intensidad (R es lluvia intensa), mayúsculas repetidas para indicar duración (RR son lluvias intensas prolongadas), el sufijo o para fenómenos de poca duración (ro es luvia ligera) y la i para indicar intermitencia (ir es lluvia intermitente). Óptimo climático: Ver fase atlántica. Glosario - Diabetes y Otros Trastornos Endocrinos y Metabólicos - Comer Children's Hospital at the University of Chicago. [para volver al comienzo de la página] aldosterona - hormona secretada por la corteza adrenal que afecta a la presión sanguínea y al equilibrio de la sal. bocio - agrandamiento de la glándula tiroides. calcitonina - hormona secretada por la glándula tiroides que controla los niveles de calcio y fósforo en la sangre. carbohidratos - tipo de alimento, generalmente derivado de las plantas.

Uno de los tres nutrientes que suministran calorías al cuerpo, que se clasifica en carbohidratos simples (azúcar, frutas) y carbohidratos complejos (vegetales, almidones). cetona - producto de descomposición de las grasas que se acumula en la sangre como resultado de la ingestión inadecuada de insulina o calorías. colesterol - sustancia similar a la grasa que se encuentra en la sangre, los músculos, el hígado, el cerebro y otros tejidos del cuerpo. corteza adrenal - porción externa de la glándula adrenal que secreta hormonas vitales para el cuerpo. glándulas suprarrenales - sinónimo de glándulas adrenales. A Hypermedia Glossary of Genetic Terms.

Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Order Online Last Updated: 11 June 2013 Search the Glossary In the sciences, an essential aspect of recognizing, recalling and communicating something, be it a substance, relationship or method, is the naming of it. To create names for new concepts, methods or items, we invent new words, often using the roots of a Classical language (apoptosis, glycocalyx, isosbestic), and we recruit familiar words and invest them with new meanings (chaperone, kringle, library).

Nomenclature is no trivial matter: it should be a key to understanding new areas of knowledge, but in its complexity, too often it is a lock. Compounding the problem are the inside jokes: the cognoscenti speak in cute acronyms, such as SAAB (selected and amplified protein binding site oligonucleotide method). While fun for the insiders, to the outsider this can be very frustrating. Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms. Glossary Home | Text Version Designed to help learners at any level better understand genetic terms Guided by national science standards Explained by scientists at the NIH The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) created the Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms to help everyone understand the terms and concepts used in genetic research.

In addition to definitions, specialists in the field of genetics share their descriptions of terms, and many terms include images, animation and links to related terms. Enter a search term or explore the list of terms by selecting a letter from the alphabet on the left and then select from the terms revealed. (A text-only version is available from here.) The Talking Glossary At the bottom of most pages in the Talking Glossary are links to help you get the most out of this glossary.

Taber's Medical Dictionary Online + Mobile | Official Site. Diccionario de Gastronomía, Cocina y Alimentación. The Phobia List. Specialty dictionaries. Dicionário jurídico. Remição da pena 07/abr/2014. A remição da pena é um instituto pelo qual dá-se como cumprida parte da pena por meio do trabalho ou do estudo do condenado.

Assim, pelo desempenho da atividade laborativa ou do estudo, o condenado resgata parte da reprimenda que lhe foi imposta, diminuindo seu tempo de duração. " A contagem de tempo referida será feita à razão de: I - 1 (um) dia... Acórdão 07/abr/2014. É a decisão judicial proferida em segundo grau de jurisdição por uma câmara/turma de um Tribunal. Ab-rogação 07/abr/2014. Vício redibitório 04/abr/2014. Carta rogatória 04/abr/2014. Tutela cautelar 04/abr/2014. Bens públicos 04/abr/2014. Aborto Eugênico 04/abr/2014. Adjudicação 04/abr/2014. Exequatur 27/mar/2014. Veja o índice completo de A a Z › Diccionarios en Internet de las Ciencias Económicas y Sociales. Internet Acronym Server. This is not Google. If you want to search the web, try Got a new acronym to tell us about? Use our form. Latest changes 2011-08-13. 2010-12-31. 2010-12-31. 2010-11-22. Who we are and what we do Yes, this is the Internet Acronym Server you know and love; we've just changed location and changed appearance.

Bookmark the new address now: We've been collecting acronyms from all over the Internet for the best part of two decades, and we just reset the counter back to approximately the right number, taken from the logs to 2006 (so we're missing a few million hits but we don't know how many). Urban Legends Reference Pages.

Internet Slang words - Internet Dictionary - More Words - Search Dictionary - Word Games Crosswords and Anagrams. Academic & Science Abbreviations. Acronyms and Abbreviations. Deutsch: Geben Sie ein Akronym ein. (Ein Akronym ist ein aus den Anfangsbuchstaben mehrerer Wörter gebildetes Wort.) English: Type in an acronym. (An acronym is a word formed from the initial letters of the words of a compound term.)

Beispiele / Examples USA - United States of America NMR - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ALA - (mehrere Bedeutungen / several meanings) Hinweis: Die spezielle Datenbank für Abkürzungen von Namen chemischer Verbindungen ist jetzt hier integriert. Note: The special data base of abbreviations of chemical compound names has been incorporated into the acronym database. Disclaimer: The acronym data base was compiled from various sources. Symbols.Net - Directory of Signs, Glyphs and Symbols.