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Solteras a los 27, el drama de las "mujeres sobrantes" en China - BBC Mundo. Image copyright SK II "Siempre pensamos que nuestra hija tenía una gran personalidad.

Solteras a los 27, el drama de las "mujeres sobrantes" en China - BBC Mundo

Political-power-single-women-c-v-r. ¿Qué piensan los solteros LGTBQ en América? El sexto estudio anual “Solteros en América” ya sacó los resultados donde se explora las actitudes y comportamientos de más de 5 mil solteros en Estados Unidos.

¿Qué piensan los solteros LGTBQ en América?

“La encuesta, realizada en 2015, permite descubrir cada vez más las actitudes y comportamientos en los que se encuentran envueltos la población”, comentó la Dra. Helen Fisher, bioantropóloga (Antropóloga Física) y asesora científica para



Casarse no es ningún logro 

Lloré de la emoción. Al fin y al cabo, se trata de un momento importantísimo en mi vida, un momento emocionante, especial y digno de celebración. Pero, ¿es un logro? No. Ahora que ya tengo un anillo puesto puedo compartir públicamente mi opinión. Wealthy Women Can Afford to Reject Marriage, but Poor Women Can't. In a Wall Street Journal editorial this week, Bush administration press secretary Ari Fleischer wrote that "'marriage inequality' should be at the center of any discussion of why some Americans prosper and others don't.

Wealthy Women Can Afford to Reject Marriage, but Poor Women Can't

" He cited statistics about the vast income disparities between single women and married women, regardless of race, and argued that these gaps would shrink if women stayed in school and waited until marriage to have kids. At an Atlantic summit on female poverty on Wednesday, the women in the room would have none of that. "When you say to women, to get out of poverty you should get married, my question to them is how many men you have to marry," said Barbara Ehrenreich, the author of well-known book on low-wage workers, Nickel and Dimed. "Marrying a 10-dollar-an-hour man gets you nowhere, so you'd really have to marry three or four. " There was laughter and applause.

Wealthy Women Can Afford to Reject Marriage, but Poor Women Can't. Este libro inaugura la ‘era de la mujer soltera’ – Español. Photo “Throughout America’s history, the start of adult life for women — whatever else it might have been destined to include — had been typically marked by marriage,” Rebecca Traister writes in her new book, “All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Women and the Rise of an Independent Nation.”

Este libro inaugura la ‘era de la mujer soltera’ – Español

“Since the late 19th century, the median age of first marriage for women had fluctuated between 20 and 22. This had been the shape, pattern and definition of female life.” The fact, then, that the median age for a woman’s first marriage has risen to 27 is a momentous turn of events. American women who eventually marry are now left with nearly a decade of single adulthood to forge their own paths professionally, romantically and socially. But in an era that Traister, borrowing a phrase from Susan B.


Readers Respond to the Lonesome Single Men of New York. Photo A storm of readers’ comments — 674 on The New York Times’s site and 214 on The Times’s main Facebook page — followed the posting of “Meet the Bachelors Who Yearn for Something More,” an article by Sridhar Pappu on aging single men in New York.

Readers Respond to the Lonesome Single Men of New York

Back in the day — June 2, 1986, to be exact — a Newsweek cover story offered up a statistic seemingly meant to terrify women: They were likelier to die in a terrorist attack than to marry over age 40. Since debunked, it no longer makes the rounds. Yet articles on the plight of “aging” women (over, say, 25) still proliferate. Many of the nearly 900 readers responding to the article about midlife men panicking because they hadn’t found “the one” expressed relief at seeing the shoe on the other foot. “Finally,” Jane from New York wrote. She added: “My take is that you get out of life what you really want, even if you think you don’t want it. “I lived in NYC from when I was 18 to 32,” HeatherR. from New York City wrote. Single And Proud On Valentine's Day: Futurist Predictions Say Single Is The New Black.

What is it about Valentine’s Day that makes normally out and proud singles suddenly act as if they have a contagious disease?

Single And Proud On Valentine's Day: Futurist Predictions Say Single Is The New Black

“I stay home on Valentine’s Day,” a friend told me last week. “I don’t want to be seen alone with all those couples around.” To all concerned: Quarantine is not necessary just because the card companies conspired with a bunch of chocolate manufacturers to make sure this holiday consistently occupies a place on the contemporary calendar. Just as being single is not an illness, it is also not necessarily the result of a failure of will or the consequence of a faulty moral compass.

Anyone human surely understands that in a mortal world, no one lives forever, nothing lasts forever, and relationships don’t always work out — the overwhelming majority of us, then, will be spending some of our time on this planet single. There’s no need to either pretend you adore being single or fake being thrilled that it’s Valentine’s Day. Situación conyugal en #México #INEGI. San Valentín: 28 tuits que demuestran que no hay nada mejor que estar soltero. El amor está muy bien.

San Valentín: 28 tuits que demuestran que no hay nada mejor que estar soltero

Por supuesto. Solo faltaría. Pero no llores si no tienes a nadie con quien celebrar San Valentín. Estar soltero también tiene sus ventajas, como muestran los siguientes tuits que hemos seleccionado sobre el tema. Why are women discriminated against for being single? With one in five of us living alone, why are women being discriminated against because of their single status?

Why are women discriminated against for being single?

Standing on a beach in Goa and chatting to other wedding guests, travel writer Meera Dattani was having a lovely time. Until, that is, another guest started talking to her. ‘I was one of the very few singles over 30 and, when he found out I was 39 and unattached, he asked me whether I’d “given up”. I was stunned and said, “I’m 39, not dead.”’ For Meera, it was just the latest example of singlism – the outdated attitudes women are often subjected to if they don’t have a husband or partner. Your Status as a Single Person Is a Diversity Issue. Este libro inaugura la ‘era de la mujer soltera’ – Español. There is one group of people that might be happier single than they are in a ... Oh, society!

There is one group of people that might be happier single than they are in a ...

We have such a complicated relationship with relationships. It starts early, with the movies we are plopped in front of as toddlers. GIF from Disney's "Beauty and the Beast. " And continues through adolescence, still through entertainment. "I'd rather die than stay away from you. " La revolución de las solteras y su imparable fuerza social. El número de mujeres solteras ha aumentado en España. Solterona a mucho honor. El primer libro de Kate Bolick, Solterona (Malpaso, abril 2016) fue Libro Notable de The New York Times en 2015 y está causando estragos por su defensa de una soltería femenina voluntaria y glamurosa. Periodista de la prestigiosa revista The Atlantic, Bolick colabora esporádicamente en The New York Times, Slate y Vogue, entre otras publicaciones. Los científicos beneficios de estar soltero -

La ciencia confirma que es mejor estar soltero que mal casado. Una larga vida, apacible y muy satisfactoria, la respuesta es muy simple, quédate soltero. Japón: 70% de hombres y 60% de mujeres no tienen pareja. Poco menos de la mitad de la población joven de Japón aseguró no haber tenido nunca relaciones sexuales Regeneración, 17 de septiembre de 2016.- El último sondeo entre japoneses de entre 18 y 34 años de edad mostró que casi el 70% de hombres y el 60% de mujeres no tienen pareja. El 42% de los hombres y el 44.2% de las mujeres dijeron nunca haber tenido relaciones sexuales, de acuerdo con el diario ‘The Japan Times’.

En la investigación participaron 8,754 personas solteras y 6,598 parejas casadas. Why Single People Can’t Catch a Break. Las mejores películas de 2016, según The Guardian que seguramente no viste. How to Be Single (Christian Ditter, 2016) El resurgimiento de cintas post-Sex and the City y programas de televisión basado en los hábitos de citas de solteronas fueron, en gran medida, envueltos de manera engañosa en comedias románticas basadas en la idea de que el matrimonio debe seguir siendo la ambición final de una mujer. Intentar encubrir una agenda conservadora repetitiva con cócteles y conversaciones sexuales francas era una solución temporal al progreso real. Andar solitos por el mundo. MUJERES ALFA ¿MUJERES SOLTERAS?