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A history of global living conditions in 5 charts - Our World In Data. This is the introduction to Our World in Data – the web publication that shows how global living conditions are changing.

A history of global living conditions in 5 charts - Our World In Data

This text was previously titled "A history of global living conditions in 5 charts". A recent survey asked “All things considered, do you think the world is getting better or worse, or neither getting better nor worse?”. In Sweden 10% thought things are getting better, in the US they were only 6%, and in Germany only 4%.

Very few people think that the world is getting better. [Site du CNMHE, Comité national pour la Mémoire et l'Histoire de l'Esclavage] : Images, objets et esclavage : expositions et pages d'histoire en ligne. Expositions universelles.


Napoléon. Un atlas historique multimédia constitué de cartes animées pour mieux comprendre l'Histoire. Géographie. Histoire de France, et du Monde (Histoire pour Tous) Dino. WWI. WWII. Renaissance. Esprit(s) de mai 68. Moyen-âge. Religions. Jeux de princes, jeux de vilains. Livres carolingiens, manuscrits de Charlemagne à Charles le Chauve. L'Histoire par l'image. Jalons Pour l'histoire du temps présent.