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Simplify Your Social Media Posting. Juggling all your social media marketing and posts can be a full time job.

Simplify Your Social Media Posting

In fact, for large corporations and organizations, positions have been created within their marketing departments just to handle this time consuming, yet beneficial, aspect of their consumer relations. Increase traffic and conversions with the new Website Card. Marketers turn to Twitter to drive tangible business goals like sales, leads and website traffic.

Increase traffic and conversions with the new Website Card

Over the last year, we’ve enhanced our ads platform with new targeting options, creative ad units, and measurement tools to help our clients better achieve their direct response marketing goals. We’ve launched targeting options like tailored audiences and keyword targeting, creative ad units like Lead Generation Cards, and measurement tools like conversion tracking - all of which are delivering strong ROI to our advertisers.

Today, we’re introducing a powerful creative ad unit called the Website Card — a new way for advertisers to easily surface website content within a Tweet and drive relevant traffic to any page of their site, such as their home page, product page, or an important blog post. The Website Card will start rolling out to all advertisers on both mobile and desktop to all advertisers globally beginning today. Advanced Content Tracking with Google Analytics: Part 1. This is part 1 of a two part series on advanced content tracking.

Advanced Content Tracking with Google Analytics: Part 1

This post is about why you might want to use this technique and how to implement. The next post will cover the reporting and analysis. Do people actually read content? [Facebook] Guide complet des dimensions pour les nouvelles fan pages. 26 conseils pour optimiser l’engagement de votre Page Facebook. To understand Google+ please check out Circle Count. Why You Should Kill Your Robot Twitter Followers. Why You Should Kill Your Robot Twitter Followers. The Most Popular Words in the Most Viral Headlines.

6.3K Flares 6.3K Flares × There is no one way to create viral content.

The Most Popular Words in the Most Viral Headlines

So many different variables go into a viral post—timing, emotion, engagement, and so many others that you cannot control. There is no viral blueprint. The greatest chance we have to understand viral content is to study the posts and places that do it best, figure out what worked for them, and try it for ourselves. Canadian brands ignoring francophones on social media: study. Advertisers spend billions of dollars per year to speak to consumers. So when those consumers take notice, and talk back, it would seem the last thing any company would want to do is ignore them. 25 Awesome Social Media Tools Your Brand Should Be Using [INFOGRAPHIC] Comment créer une publication parfaite sur Facebook, Twitter, Google + et Instagram? Créer une publication parfaite sur les médias sociaux c’est quasiment un art.

Comment créer une publication parfaite sur Facebook, Twitter, Google + et Instagram?

Les gestionnaires de communautés sont, selon moi, oui des artistes en soi (souvent très créatifs), mais aussi des zelés de la vie. Avec tous ces détails à garder en tête au niveau de la rédaction des publications (sans compter le contexte dans lequel le contenu est publié : heure de diffusion, momentum, actualité, journée de la semaine, etc.), il faut, en quelque sorte, être «perfectionniste » un tantinet. Mailing list: comment doubler votre nombre d'abonnés (au moins!) 5 Smarty-Pants Ways to Collect Emails from Facebook Fans. Facebook is constantly changing.

5 Smarty-Pants Ways to Collect Emails from Facebook Fans

Changing its news feed algorithm, its design, its rules, its ad units… And you can’t blame them. In the world of tech, you either adapt & innovate or you die. How to Curate Your Facebook News Feed. Baby photos.

How to Curate Your Facebook News Feed

News articles. Selfies. Advertisements. Job announcements. Guide Complet des Dimensions des Images des Top Réseaux Sociaux [Infographie] 14 Tools To Help You Add Images For Your Social Media Posts. It wasn’t long ago that Twitter added inline image previews to its official apps, including the web view.

14 Tools To Help You Add Images For Your Social Media Posts

Now, Twitter is including more image focus in the latest redesign, as you can see above. On the left-hand side of Twitter’s new web view, your profile and header images are now visible. We’ve done tests on our own Twitter account previously that showed images make a huge difference to engagement: Images aren’t just useful for Twitter, either. Facebook and Google+ posts look great with images in them, and Pinterest and Instagram are all about images. Comment choisir la bonne plateforme pour votre présence sur les réseaux sociaux? Il y a beaucoup de plateformes de réseaux sociaux parmi lesquelles choisir, mais comment savoir quelle est celle qui vous convient le mieux?

Comment choisir la bonne plateforme pour votre présence sur les réseaux sociaux?

Avant d’examiner les plateformes à utiliser, pensez à ce que vous voulez atteindre avec votre plan de marketing. Votre entreprise a un profil personnel Facebook? Voici comment régler cette erreur. Les profils Facebook sont réservés aux personnes.

Votre entreprise a un profil personnel Facebook? Voici comment régler cette erreur.

Si votre entreprise a un profil personnel vous risquez de vous faire supprimer votre compte et perdre toutes vos informations. Sachez qu’il est possible de convertir votre profil en page et que si vous avez les deux, il est possible de les fusionner. Regardons les deux scénarios: Vous avez un profil personnel : Nous allons transformer votre profil en page et tous vos amis vont devenir vos fans. 6 Ways to Enhance Your Email Signature. This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. Whether you want to impress a client or score a new job, it's vital that you stand out.

But that doesn't always require big thinking — sometimes the smallest details can be enough to get noticed. One easy way is to jazz up your email signature. You can spice up your sign-off with different colors and fonts, but it's also important to showcase the many facets of your personality and skill set. Don't make email recipients search for your web presence — provide links to your website and any relevant social media presence.