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Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein. [Note: This list of Einstein quotes was being forwarded around the Internet in e-mail, so I decided to put it on my web page.

Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein

I'm afraid I can't vouch for its authenticity, tell you where it came from, who compiled the list, who Kevin Harris is, or anything like that. Still, the quotes are interesting and enlightening.] "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction.

" "Imagination is more important than knowledge. " 30DrSeuss_quotes.jpg (620×1900) 26 Moments That Restored Our Faith In Humanity This Year. Hilarious Celebrity Portraits. New York-based photographer Martin Schoeller loves to make us laugh!

Hilarious Celebrity Portraits

Take a look at his celebrity portraits of everyone from Quentin Tarantino to Chris Rock and you'll notice a common theme running throughout his work. They're wonderfully wacky! Having worked as an assistant for Annie Leibovitz from 1993 to 1996, Schoeller has the guts to create dramatic scenes that call for his subjects to work outside the box. He's been a staff photographer at The New Yorker since 1999 and his work has appeared in magazines like Rolling Stone, Esquire, Vogue and Vanity Fair. No doubt it's his unique flair that captures our attention and has us eternally wondering what he's got next up his sleeve.

Shakespeare Insult Kit. Shakespeare Insult Kit Since 1996, the origin of this kit was listed as anonymous.

Shakespeare Insult Kit

It came to me on a piece of paper in the 90's with no attribution, and I thought it would make a cool web page. Though I searched for the origin, I could never find it. In 2014, Lara M informed found the originating author. It appears to be an English teacher at Center Grove High School in Greenwood Indiana named Jerry Maguire. Combine one word from each of the three columns below, prefaced with "Thou": The Best Collection of Memes in One Meme That You’ll Ever See [IMAGE. Fail Compilation November 2012 - TwisterNederland. Krótkie podsumowanie sztuki współczesnej. Spider. Warp Starfield 2 - JavaScript and HTML5 Canvas demo by Kevin Roast #html5 #javascript.

Stripes. 201011191019.jpg (442×700) Animals Photos Videos and Games. Animals, just like humans, have a wide range of personality traits such as laziness, which can gain them quite a reputation.

Animals Photos Videos and Games

As most others have stated being lazy in the animal kingdom can actually be an excellent tool for survival. Being lazy can help save energy. Laziness is a disinclination to activity or exertion despite having the ability to do so. It is common for animals to forage for food until satiated, and then spend most of their time doing nothing, or at least nothing in particular. They seek to “satisfice” their needs rather than obtaining an optimal diet or habitat. Social activity comes in a distant third to eating and resting for foraging animals. Many animals who live in groups also use baby-sitters. iBjggllWTYF0I.gif (500×281)

6 Insane Discoveries That Science Can't Explain. We like to feel superior to the people who lived centuries ago, what with their shitty mud huts and curing colds by drilling a hole in their skulls.

6 Insane Discoveries That Science Can't Explain

But we have to give them credit: They left behind some artifacts that have left the smartest of modern scientists scratching their heads. For instance, you have the following enigmas that we believe were created for no other purpose than to fuck with future generations. These 15 Animated Gifs Will Trip You Out. May 14, 2012 In this Sifter’s 8th installment of the Awesome Animatead Gif Series we explore the trippier side of animated gifs with these 15 eye-jarring examples.

These 15 Animated Gifs Will Trip You Out

For this post, ‘trippy’ is used in a pretty generic sense. I tried to find a wide variety of gifs that may be considered ‘trippy’ depending on what satisfies that term for you. If you have any suggestions please let us know in the comments! 50 Animated Gifs for Every Situation Ever.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then an animated gif must be worth some kind of number I can’t even begin to comprehend.

50 Animated Gifs for Every Situation Ever

If you’ve ever found yourself browsing the Internet and felt compelled to respond with a witty reply, only to come up: wow, mind. blown., golf clap, etc. Then these animated gifs are for you! With the simple copy and paste of one of the images below you can make your feelings resonate while bathing in the adulation of Internet pundits the world over. This is the Sifter’s seventh installment of the Awesome Animated Gif Series. If you’re a fan of animated gifs you may want to check out the other installments for more animated excellence. 1.

15 Ways to Get Past an Awkward Moment. Aug 13, 2012 We’ve all been in awkward situations, our lives are full of them.

15 Ways to Get Past an Awkward Moment

Nobody’s perfect, but how you handle it can turn an awkward moment into a partial win. Below you will see 15 awkward situations and what these people did to try and turn it around. Stuff no one told US..