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FAZENDO ARTE COM AMOR. (34) Como empalhar cadeira com palhinha indiana (Passo 9 - Final) (34) Como empalhar cadeira com palhinha indiana (Passo 8) (34) Como empalhar cadeira com palhinha indiana (Passo 7) (34) Como empalhar cadeira com palhinha indiana (Passo 5) (34) Como empalhar cadeira com palhinha indiana (Passo 4)

(34) Como empalhar cadeira com palhinha indiana (Passo 3) It's Easier Than You Think: A Simple, Straightforward Guide to Getting Started in Leatherworking. (944) Pinterest - Best Homemade Clay: It's better than cooked Cold Porcelain Clay - YouTube. Tiny Gift Boxes with We R Memory Keepers Envelope Punch Board. This post is brought to you by We R Memory Keepers.

Tiny Gift Boxes with We R Memory Keepers Envelope Punch Board

Easy DIY Pendant Light with Beautiful Origami Lampshade - A Piece of Rainbow. Upholstered Parsons chair. This month I am putting up an upholstered Parsons chair.

upholstered Parsons chair

This is a good all around chair to have and easy to make. These are Nancy's beautifully executed patterns. Please refer to the "Things to do, Things to see" list at the left for directions on "HOW TO RE-SIZE THE PATTERNS". I cut out my seat base and cushion pattern to trace onto 3/16" foam core. Free DIY Watercolor Painting Lessons and How-to Demonstrations. TAPISSIER D'AMEUBLEMENT. Weaving A Cane Seat Using the 7 Step Method. Pinterest. Crochet Pattern Model. Woodworking Session. Natural Soap Making Ingredients. This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience.

Natural Soap Making Ingredients

Thank you for supporting Lovely Greens Learn how to make Natural Soap This is the first article in a four-part series on natural soap making. We begin the process of natural soap making by learning about the ingredients you’ll use. Oils, butters, essential oils, botanicals, and of course Lye. The series continues with an introduction to the equipment you need and soap making safety, a few basic recipes, how to formulate your own recipes, and finally a piece showing how to make handmade soap. Pinterest. Gmail. The Life of Jennifer Dawn: Lavender Sugar Scrub. For a sweet smelling scrub that will leave your hands feeling soft and smooth, try this recipe that you can mix up at home.

The Life of Jennifer Dawn: Lavender Sugar Scrub

12 Ways to Use Distress Inks. Wrapping ideas, Christmas wrapping and Xmas wrapping paper. Simple Wood Projects- Use up your Scraps - Sawdust Sisters. DIY Barn Door Hardware for $20. You read it right!

DIY Barn Door Hardware for $20

$20 Barn Door Hardware We love adding barn doors to just about anything, lately, and I have been determined to figure out how to make a DIY version of hardware for you guys. The hardware can be so pricey and when you are trying to build budget-friendly pieces, sometimes it just can’t be done. It took me a full two days of work and four trips to Home Depot to get this hardware just right! And, I’m so excited to finally be able to share it with you! Adding Color to Homemade Soap -Simple Life Mom. So now you’ve made the basic soap recipes and you want to add some color and fun to your soap.

Adding Color to Homemade Soap -Simple Life Mom

Adding Color to homemade soap is not difficult. It’s a matter of finding out what to put in. There are a lot of ideas on the internet that I would not recommend simply because of toxicity…a big thing! In my mind, why go to all the hard work of making soap if you’re going to ruin the whole batch by adding fragrance oils and dyes. The Basic Soap Recipe. De la Sweet dans les Idées. DIY Wood Burning: How To Tips & Project Patterns. Plaid has this really cool craft tool ... called 2-n-1 Craft Tool!

DIY Wood Burning: How To Tips & Project Patterns

It's both a wood burning tool as well as a stencil burner all wrapped in one handy dandy package! When you say the words, "wood burning" or "pyrography" what often comes to mind is "man crafting" and burned wildlife such as eagles, bears, and wolves, or cabins, and landscapes on a log slice or simple board. Today, I'm sharing with you a couple fun wood burning tips while creating a super fun, more "lady-friendly" project. Did you know that wood burning can really be very relaxing and is a lot of fun? And did you know you can apply a light wash of acrylic paints to your wood burned project for a "pop of color," pretty cool, eh?

How To Upholster a Drop-In Seat From Scratch. One day I’m sure I’ll attempt a proper BIG upholstery project.

How To Upholster a Drop-In Seat From Scratch

Ya know…an armchair, a settee, a sofa. I mean, really, with a piece of cheap second-hand furniture and some bargain fabric there’s really not too much to lose (possibly bar my sanity) though for now I find the idea kinda definitely daunting. Proper BIG upholstery projects require certain traits and skills; patience, sewing, the proficient use of scissors and possibly even some mathematics (gulp – none of my strong suits).

So, whilst one day I’m sure I’ll attempt a proper BIG upholstery project, for now I’m happy sticking with the smaller, non-nervous break-down inducing variety…ottomans, benches, bed heads and dining chairs. DIY Sliding Barn Door + Inexpensive Hardware. How to Gild with Foils - Without a Machine! Alumen, potássio em pó. Shibori Dyeing Tutorial (Photo Guide) - CLARA NARTEY. UPDATED (Download links working now) I love hand dyeing fabrics and shibori dyeing is one of my favorites.

Shibori Dyeing Tutorial (Photo Guide) - CLARA NARTEY

As I watch the season changing, I realize that I haven’t taken advantage of the nice summer weather and very soon I may not be able to dye outdoors this year. And also my interview with Surface Design Artist, Carol Eaton, last week was so inspiring that I wanted to go dye. So this week, I made time to play with dye. Well knowing how much I love to share with you, you shouldn’t be surprised I decided to write this shibori dyeing tutorial for you. Natural Dyes - All Natural Ways To Dye Fabric. Natural dyes for fabric of many kinds can be made from nuts and berries, and it’s not hard to get fabrics any array of beautiful colors you want, naturally!

Natural Dyes - All Natural Ways To Dye Fabric

Note: Look here if you’re searching for homemade hair dye. It’s January. Cold, windy, snowy and just plain miserable in many parts of the country. During the winter break from school, when I’m cooped up in the house for days on end, I like to have projects to work on. Pt.pinterest. Alisaburke: sun print tote. Sun prints are typically created with special paper or fabric treated with cyanotype (a solution of potassium ferricyanide and ferric ammonium citrate that can be exposed to a UV light source to create a print). Kinda sounds complicated right? While you can buy paper or fabric treated with cyanotype, or even light sensitive paints and dyes, there is a much easier and cheaper way to create the same effect on fabric. If you have spent time playing around with surface design techniques, resists or using leaves on fabric, it is likely that you may have discovered that you can place objects onto a wet painted surface.

Once they dry they will leave an imprint of the object. I discovered this years ago when I was painting outside on a sunny day and leaves and grass got stuck to my wet canvas. Using acrylic paint, cover the surface of your fabric. Organizér Organizadores - Blog Pitacos e Achados - Acesse: – – pitacose. Organizér Organizadores – Blog Pitacos e Achados – Acesse: – – pitacoseachados is creative inspiration for us.

Get more photo about diy home decor related with by looking at photos gallery at the bottom of this page.We are want to say thanks if you like to share this post to another people via your facebook, pinterest, google plus or twitter account. Right Click to save picture or tap and hold for seven second if you are using iphone or ipad.Full size is 736X552 (Link to full-size image) pixels.Source: DIY Branch Shelf - The Home Depot Blog. A truly great gift is one that makes the recipient’s life easier and is used on a daily basis. This DIY branch shelf can do both of those things, and look good while doing them.

Follow along with our step-by-step tutorial to learn how to make this woodsy, minimalist coat rack for you OR someone on your Christmas gift list. Diamond Fold Book Tutorial « Stamping and Stuff. By Emily, on December 20th, 2006 Okay here it goes! I learned to make thesethis summer. I was helping out at a scrapbooking convention and got to sit in on a class that made them. I hope you like them, please let me know if you have any questions! Diamond Fold Book Supplies: 2 coasters 4×4 (or chipboard, bookboard, cardboard, etc) 2 pieces of patterned paper cut 5 ¾ x 5 ¾ 3 pieces of cardstock weight patterened paper that is double sided (thin will not work for this) cut 7 ½ x 7 ½ Adhesive – mono adhesive or double stick tape, and also something stronger – mono multi or red liner tape (o’so sticky strip) 1 piece of ribbon about 22 inches long ( I prefer narrow organdy ribbons for this) Pt.pinterest. Mais de 1000 ideias sobre Costura Faça Você Mesmo no Pinterest.

Patchwork, Gatos and Puertas on Pinterest. DIY Paper Pyramid Gift Boxes. How to Create a Family Heritage Christmas Tree Transformation of the old material – handmade bottle DIY Dog Food Station with Storage Ice Skating {Date} In A Jar ~ DIY Valentine’s Day Gift DIY Cinnamon Scented Ornaments Ginger Snap Crafts: DIY Ornament Display Tree. Idéias Archives - Page 9 of 56 - Blog de decoração - Casa de Firulas. Фотографии и советы на Постиле. Sous-verres de feuille de feutre de laine recyclée par Scissaroo. Mais de 1000 imagens sobre Livro no Pinterest. Pt.pinterest. Mais de 1000 ideias sobre Padrões no Pinterest. Pt.pinterest. Pt.pinterest. Pt.pinterest. Pt.pinterest. Home and Garden DIY Ideas, Photos and Answers. Utilisations du sel pour faire le ménage à la maison.

Si vous ajoutez une demi-tasse de sel à l'eau que vous utilisez pour nettoyer vos sols, votre carrelage en céramique ne se salira plus aussi vite, et vos parquets seront plus brillants. C’est l’un des élément que l’on retrouve toujours dans n’importe quelle cuisine, et ce depuis longtemps ! Mais il est vrai qu’il y a plusieurs siècles auparavant, le sel était considéré comme un bien et comme une fortune.

Aujourd’hui, on peut le trouver à des prix totalement abordables. Il existe de nombreuses contre-indications à l’utilisation inconditionnée du chlorure de sodium dans la nourriture. En effet, il entraîne souvent de graves conséquences : hypertension, problèmes rénaux et rétention d’eau, notamment. Comment nettoyer votre four efficacement et naturellement. Par Suzanne Meteyer 25 février 2015. Diy geoball. Rakastan geometrisia muotoja. Une double suspension en papier faite maison - Tête d'ange.

Il y a quelque temps, j'ai vu fleurir sur les blogs un petit pliage très mignon pour créer des petits pots en papier. C'est la designer Finlandaise Riikka Kantinkoski qui en est à l'origine. Vous pouvez retrouver son DIY avec ses explications ici. Cours sur le mélange de couleurs. Apprendre à composer et à harmoniser les couleurs - L'Atelier Edisaxe. Typothèque libre. Comment fabriquer soi-même un décapant pour le bois ? Papier recyclé. DIY papier : un abat-jour en forme de fleur - Tête d'ange. Voici un luminaire papier en forme de fleur. C'est une baladeuse à brancher, que j'ai juste enroulée autour d'un bout de tasseau que j'ai auparavant fixé au mur avec une petite équerre. Il existe des vis invisibles pour faire ce genre de choses, mais je n'en avais pas sous la main.

J'avais une ampoule Plumen qui ne servait pas, je l'ai donc mise dessus. Vous ne trouvez pas qu'on dirait le pistil de la fleur ? Et cette fois ci, j'ai fait un petit tuto pour les bricoleuses qui voudraient se lancer. J'ai choisi du calque perlé pour que le lumière soit tamisée, mais vous pouvez bien sûr choisir n'importe quel papier. Lessive de lierre à l’ancienne. Vannerie de papier journal, jeux, tressage de panier, recup, tutorial. 100 Creative Ways to Use Washi Tape. Todos o temos em casa e nem imaginamos a sua utilidade! Limpa o chão, elimina o mofo, o mau cheiro... O sal não serve apenas para a culinária, ele pode ter outros usos surpreendentes.

Neste artigo vai descobrir 10 usos que o sal pode ter, ele pode ser um grande aliado em várias actividades domésticas. 1) Limpar o chão Um bom modo para lavar o piso é a utilização de uma mistura de água, sal e vinagre. O piso será mais brilhante do que nunca, ver para crer. Esta mistura também é ótima para desinfetar os pisos, desde que sejam de mármore.

Faire ses savonnettes maison, recettes pour fabriquer du savon soi-même. Comment Je Fais Fuir les Mouches avec une Astuce Toute Simple. Tutoriel fleurs en filtre à café. LOBZIK - ЛОБЗИК - Розы из осенних листьев. - Идея дня. - Новости. Before & After: A Cool Twist. More Pallet Board & Nursery Pot Planters. Folding Books... - Feathering My Nest. Make Wood Stain - 7 Ways! DIY Topiary Trees From Dollar Store Supplies. Não volte a deitar fora as garrafas de cerveja! É impressionante o que pode fazer com elas! Diy. Le Détergent Naturel Qui Ravive la Blancheur de Votre Linge Efficacement. MON PRODUIT VAISSELLE MAISON (super facile et méga efficace)

Que Faire Contre les Mouches ? Voici Un Répulsif fait Maison très Efficace. Arrêtez de mal nettoyer votre four ! Voici enfin la meilleure façon de le faire ! Savons. Faire ses savons. Je créé mes savons au naturel, de Leanne et Sylvain Chevallier. Simple et pas cher !: Fabriquer sa pierre d'argile, le nettoyant écologique. Recette de la peinture à la farine pour la protection des bois extérieurs. L'adoucissant textile parfumé fait maison.

Truc n°121 : Adoucissant maison. Comment fabriquer son savon écologique et bio ! Toutvert. Aprenda a manter a sua casa perfumada com esta solução caseira super eficaz! How to Remove Yellow Stains from Your Shirts. How To Natural Room Scent. 10 Désodorisants Faits-Maison Pour que votre Maison Sente Bon toute la Journée. Vinaigre en gel pour WC - Trucs et astuces.