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Идеи Швейной феи! Декор детской одежды.. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников. La couture gratuite ! Tuto-couture: Le patron gratuit de la cape poncho. Salut les filles!

Tuto-couture: Le patron gratuit de la cape poncho

Que diriez-vous de fabriquer une jolie cape pour cet hiver? A porter juste comme ça en demie saison ou drapée par-dessus une veste en cuir, elle vous tiendra bien chaud quand les températures vont chuter... Je vous propose un tuto facile à réaliser, même pour les débutantes en coutures! Les explications en images: Le matériel: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . + Et bien sûr une machine à coudre avec du fil assorti à vos tissus. Comme pour la plupart de mes projets couture, j'ai choisi d'acheter des coupons de 3 mètres car cela revient beaucoup moins cher que le tissu vendu au mètre. Si vous êtes débutante en couture, je vous conseille de choisir pour votre doublure un tissu qui ne glisse pas trop, comme par exemple du coton.

Comment faire: Installez-vous dans un endroit lumineux où vous aurez de la place, car ce projet couture est plutôt encombrant! Commencez par étaler le lainage bien à plat sur toute sa largeur. Coudre un ourlet invisible à la machine à coudre. Vestido evasê com recortes e manga longa. Esquema de modelagem de vestido evasê com recortes e manga longa para malha de média elasticidade do 36 ao 56.

Vestido evasê com recortes e manga longa

Free Romper Pattern {0-12 months} - Life Sew Savory. Barboteuse / bio Combishort bébé / bébé Body en flamant rose. Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest. 55+ DIY Baby Shoes with Free Patterns and Tutorials - Page 2 of 6 - DIY & Crafts. Ladder Stitch – Embroidery and Arts Creatives. Ladder Stitch is a kind of embroidery stitch used on plain-and even weave fabrics.

Ladder Stitch – Embroidery and Arts Creatives

It has a ladder-like appearance, hence the name, and it is used as a border stitch or to fill a long, narrow shape of varying width. This stitch should always be worked on fabric stretched in an embroidery hoop or frame to prevent it form distorting the fabric. When the stitch is worked in a straight line, guidelines may need to be drawn on the fabric, unless the fabric threads can be counted, to keep the line straight. The rungs of the ladder can be placed close together to achive a solid effect or can be spaced apart to give the stitch a more lacy appearance.It is worked downwards along two parallel lines and consists of a sequence of crossing stitches, which form the rungs, and loops, which build up to create a plaited edge on each side of the row.

A rounded thread, such as pearl or soft cotton, gives a raised appearance to the plaited edges. The breezy tee {free womens sewing pattern in size L} After making about eighty thousand different versions of my free easy tee pattern, I decided it was time for a new free t-shirt pattern.

the breezy tee {free womens sewing pattern in size L}

This one is just as easy and simple to sew as the original easy tee, but it’s even better because it has longer sleeves. The easy tee {the anthropology lace front version + FREE raglan pattern} ***Be sure to read the original easy tee post for basic t-shirt construction tips*** Here’s another version of the raglan sleeve easy tee for you – and this is my favorite one yet!

the easy tee {the anthropology lace front version + FREE raglan pattern}

I don’t always LOVE everything I sew – sometimes things look a lot better in my head or at the sewing machine than they do on my body – but this top’s going to be getting lots of wear. I got the idea of a pretty gray and lace raglan top from Anthropologie’s laced indie pullover, which happens to cost $78. For less than a sixth of the price of the Anthro version I created this lace front raglan, and I have tons of stretch lace left over for other projects.

Pinterest. WobiSobi: No Sew, CrissCross Back, T-Shirt DIY. Tutorial Things you Need T-Shirt * I used a large HanesScissorsChalk.

WobiSobi: No Sew, CrissCross Back, T-Shirt DIY

Beautiful bags: Schemes and Patterns. Sewing Ideas ~ DIY Tutorial Ideas! The Hearty Home: A Japanese Style Apron Tutorial. Japanese utility wear is a current trend right?!

The Hearty Home: A Japanese Style Apron Tutorial

Because if it isn't I'm about to start the trend myself(even if I do say so myself!!!) I have been on the hunt for a tutorial on one of these aprons for a while now. If you follow me on Pintrest you'll see I've pinned a few pictures for inspiration over the past few months but couldn't find a tutorial for what I thought would be an easy make. Maybe I couldn't find a tutorial because it turns out they're so darn tootin easy to make. Юбки с запахом (подборка) / Юбки и их переделки / ВТОРАЯ УЛИЦА. AVENTAL PARA ATELIER. Pt.pinterest. Sisko by mieke: We are all winners...continued! Gratis patroon én Grootse Give-Away. For the non-dutch speaking follower I included a very short summary of this blog birthday post at the bottom of this post!

sisko by mieke: We are all winners...continued! Gratis patroon én Grootse Give-Away

Just because I'm pretty sure that a love for free patterns (!) And give aways (!) Is pretty universal ;). Gratis patroon... Als ik één ding over mezelf geleerd heb in dat jaar dat ik nu blog is het dat ik inzake time management een dikke vette nul ben. Realistisch of niet, als ik iets in mijn hoofd heb, dan zit opgeven niet echt in mijn woordenschat - zo liep ik ooit eens een marathon, ja echt! Ela cortou uma tiras de tecido de uns velhos leggings e... Criou um acessório que te vai ser muito útil.

As 40 Melhores Dicas de Costura ~ LOJA SINGER PORTO. DIY Tiny Tank Dress. 31Jul It’s been a hot summer here and I have been meaning to make Bella some dresses for a while now.

DIY Tiny Tank Dress

I finally drafted up a pattern for an easy tank dress that is perfect for warm summer days. The beauty of this little dress is it can be made with just about any fabric. I loved my first version so much that I made 6… all out of different fabrics. I bought this regular weight cotton fabric from The Fabric Store in LA. In the spring, I bought a few half yard cuts of some gorgeous voiles from Michael Levine. I used some prepackaged bias tape for the straps on the navy and white tulip print, and made my own for the other two.

Pt.pinterest. Moldes base de roupa feminina e masculina para imprimir grátis. Os moldes base são o ponto de partida para fazer todos os modelos de roupa.

Moldes base de roupa feminina e masculina para imprimir grátis

Nesta página encontra moldes base de blusa, casaco, calça, vestido, macacão, saia e camisa. Também encontra bases de diversas formas, largo, semi-largo e justo. Pt.pinterest. This would be gorgeous trim if done with a heavier metallic thread (gold or silver) on black velveteen ribbon" Capas, ponchos, etc. J'apprends à faire mes patrons - Le site pour apprendre à coudre seul(e)! ! Fabriquer ses propres patrons, ça ne se fait pas en un claquement de doigts... Pourquoi ? Parce que pour avoir de jolies coupes, il faut comprendre comment s'articulent les pièces de tissus pour épouser notre corps en 3D ! Comment, en partant d'une surface plane (le tissu découpé), on va pouvoir envelopper joliment notre buste, nos bras, nos jambes... Le meilleur conseil que nous pouvons vous donner, lorsque vous voulez créer vos propres vêtements, c'est d'apprendre à coudre d'après des patrons déjà existants.

Cherchez, dans la multitude des projets à coudre, ceux qui se rapprochent le plus de vos envies. Ajoutez une poche par-ci, un petit noeud par-là, mettez un joli biais qui contraste, un passepoil pour border certaines coutures, bref, appropriez-vous le modèle ! Une fois cousu, et porté, vous vous dites qu'ici, ça mériterait d'être raccourci, et là, pourquoi pas, un peu élargi, et cette bretelle affinée ? Apprenez à bidouiller, expérimentez, trompez-vous, recommencez.

Bloglovin’ SAIA COM PREGAS - Moldes Moda por Medida. MOLDE DE SAIA COM PREGAS Elegante, confortável e simples, este modelo de saia permanece no tempo e atravessa gerações. A escolha do tecido é fundamental em função da estação do ano e do estilo que se pretende dar ao modelo. O modelo que hoje proponho é próprio para a estação que se avizinha, é um modelo de cinta subida com pregas e bolsos.

Esta soma confere à peça classe glamour. Faça você mesma a sua roupa, molde de saia grátis, basta imprimir, encontra-se com os tamanhos 38 ao 44. Idée de couture récup : modifier une jupe, transformer un pull en gilet et faire des guêtres. La série "voir sa garde-robe autrement" continue ... J'avais : 1- une jupe trop moche !

En fait quand je l'ai achetée, j'avais pas du me retourner ... la taille et le devant me plaisaient pas mal mais alors l'arrière avec 2 fentes et un pli plat ... horrible ! 10 Astuces DIY pour Remettre à la Mode vos Vieux Vêtements. Un site pleins d'idées pour transformer ou customiser vos vêtements... - Del' La couture gratuite ! Apprendre à faire ses vêtements: Les astuces.

Pop Couture - La couture gratuite ! Coupe Couture. 700 patrons gratuits ! DIY Repurposed Denim Checkered Picnic Blanket — SUSTAIN MY CRAFT HABIT. Before taking out my fabric scissors, I had to do some simple math calculations to determine the number of square pieces I was going to need for the blanket.

I knew I wanted to do a quilt-inspired blanket. So here’s the math: 1. I chose the size of each of my finished squares to be 6” . Sugestões De Costura, Padrões De Costura e Tutoriais De Costura. Tutorial: How to sew a blind hem   Sarai Mitnick Founder Sarai started Colette back in 2009. She believes the primary role of a business should be to help people.

Her roles include communication, strategy, and creative direction. She also edits Seamwork magazine. All posts by Sarai More about our writers. Moldes. Olá meninas, tudo bem? Molde Babador abelhinha fácil de fazer! Liste des patrons. Patron à télécharger. Patron couture gratuit. Modèles de couture. Création recyclage vetements. Rien que des TUTOS (de couture évidemment) ;-) pour Bébé et Enfa. Nouer joliment une écharpe. Modèles et patrons tricot gratuits.