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Information Architecture. Usabilla - Micro usability tests. Digital Web Magazine. Usability News. Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design. Ergonomie web et logiciel, architecture de l'information, utilisabilité sites Internet – Ergolab. Jesse James Garrett: Visual Vocabulary for Information Architecture (French) Looking for more?

My book The Elements of User Experience puts information architecture and interaction design in context for beginners and experts alike. You can now order the book from version 1.1b (6 mars 2002) Jesse James Garrett (contact) Original English version Traduction libre de Francois Lamotte Table des matières Sommaire Le diagramme est un outil essentiel pour communiquer l’architecture d’information et la conception d'interaction entre les équipes de développement web. Historique des versions 1.1b (6 mars 2002) L'information intégrée pour le support OmniGraffle 2.0 Nouvelle bibliothèque de formes pour iGrafx Flowcharter 2000 1.1a (17 sept 2001) Nouvelles bibliothèques de formes pour Macromedia FreeHand Feuille PDF de synthèse 1.1 (31 janv 2001) Ajout de l'élément de pile de fichiers Ajout de l'élément de sélecteur conditionnel Modification l'élément de flèche pour permettre les flèche multiples Nombreuses améliorations aux bibliothèques de formes 1.0 (17 oct 2000)

UX Booth: User Experience & Usability Blog. User Experience Project. Quick UX : évaluation rapide de l’expérience utilisateur. Pour des professionnels, la nécessité d’effectuer son travail avec efficacité et rapidité est une réalité assez évidente. Les domaines de l’UX (User eXperience = expérience utilisateur) n’échappent évidemment pas à cette règle, d’où l’élaboration de diverses techniques pour mettre en place des processus d’évaluation/conception UX qui prennent moins de temps, donc moins d’argent. Certains experts anglo-saxons appellent ces méthodes « Quick UX reviews« , « Quick UX heuristics« , « the Quick UX way » etc. Check-list ergonomique Les ergonomes ont mis au point divers critères d’utilisabilité et s’appuient sur ces critères, notamment pour concevoir des outils d’évaluation, de type check-list ergonomique. Dans le même esprit, on peut utiliser ce genre de check-list en considérant l’expérience utilisateur globale.

Evaluer l’UX : une vision plus globale L’expérience utilisateur recouvre des problématiques plus larges que l’ergonomie (par ailleurs elle-même étant souvent réduite à l’utilisabilité). The User Experience Wheel. I have used this model for some time now, time to reveal it to the critical eyes of fellow practitioners. It is a model that tries to explain “what is user experience?” PDF Version The Model should be explained from the inside. It starts in the middle. Value is what we want to accomplishFor customers and providers, positive user experience is a win-win situationWe want to accomplish value through positive user experienceThe user experience is a series of phases, we have to focus on positivity in findability, accessibility, desirability, usability, credibility and usefulnessNumerous factors contribute to the phases of user experience, the model shows 30 factors carefully placedTo achieve this we work backwards, starting and ending with search engine strategy, and going through and making a choice about each of the factors I feel the model still is a work in progress.

Ergonomie web, IHM & UX. 11 UI Patterns Resources | Susana Vilaça. March 9, 2011 Below are some UI Patterns resources that I find useful in my everyday wrok life. Hope you find it useful 1. Quince Quince is a beautiful website that allows you to search for patterns in an unusual way. You can search patterns by User Task, Tag Relations and Wireframes. I think their intention is good however I think they’re not very successful at classifying patterns what causes some usability problems. 2. One of my favourites! 3. A really good resource and with a strong rationale behind each pattern. 4. Similar to however I think it has some findability problems. 5. A somewhat different resource, clearly oriented for designers. 6. Very similar to Pattern Tap. 7. This website has been growing and it’s becoming one of my favorites. 8.

Really, really useful when you are trying to describe how a pattern works! 9. 10. 11. Blueprint: A CSS Framework | Spend your time innovating, not replicating. Susana Vilaça - Live Thoughts on the Web. Guidelines, Tools and Resources For Web Wireframing. Today “Web” is very different from what it was few years ago. It is better, but far more challenging – you can no longer ignore things like usability, information architecture and design. That’s why wireframing has received so much attention lately. Wireframing allows you to visually illustrate layout of fundamental elements in the user interface.

It also acts as a way to communicate with clients and other stakeholders (content creators, designers, developers, etc). Wireframing is not one of those ritual that you can perform without thinking. Planning & AnalysisCommunication With Client and/or TeamDocumentation Techniques Depending on your personal preference, work environment and most importantly scope / complexity of your project; you can use one of the following general techniques to develop wireframes: HTML/CSS Wireframing This technique requires you to develop wireframes for your pages in HTML and CSS.

Using Graphics / Wireframing Software Hand Drawings / Sketching Beginner’s Guide. Quince / Home. 40 Helpful Resources On User Interface Design Patterns - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement If there is a commonly reoccurring need for a particular solution, there is a great probability that someone has – by now – solved that need and has finished the legwork involved in researching and constructing something that resolves it. At the very least, you will find documentation on general solutions to related problems that will enable you to gain insight on best practices, effective techniques, and real-world examples on the thing you are creating. A design pattern refers to a reusable and applicable solution to general real-world problems. For example, a solution for navigating around a website is site navigation (a list of links that point to different sections of the site), a solution for displaying content in a compact space are module tabs.

There are many ways to tackle a specific requirement – and as a designer – the most important thing you can do is selecting the option that best reflects the needs of your users. Yahoo! Flickr Collections and Groups. Productive Web Design With… Adobe Illustrator? - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement Admittedly, Adobe Illustrator is often most certainly not the first choice that comes to mind when it comes to Web design. Fireworks and Photoshop are used much more often, and there are some good reasons for that. Still, although Illustrator has traditionally been used for drawing illustrations and logos, you can use it to design layouts and user interfaces, too. In fact, in my opinion, you can utilize Illustrator to solve some regular design tasks better and more easily than you would do with other tools. With the techniques and tips I’d like to present in this article, I am certain that you will be able to build modular, flexible websites in less time and with less work.

Reasons To Use Illustrator For Web Design Design Faster Unlike the layers paradigm in Photoshop (i.e. first select the layer, and then work on it), Illustrator employs an “artboard” paradigm: every object is selectable directly on the canvas. Think Modular How to create reusable components? Add Visual Effects. User Interface Design Framework | 260 free vectors icons, GUI graphic library for web design. Graphic styles Library 200 graphic styles to change buttons, headers or blocks in 1 click Minimal Vector Icons 260 Vector Icons for creatingWireframes and Webdesign GUI Elements Library Hundreds of vector elementsfor designing Interfaces. Jakob Nielsen on Usability and Web Design.

The CSS of Design Storytelling: Context, Spine, and Structure. By Traci Lepore Published: July 18, 2011 “What I’m looking for is our interpretation and vision of the story. I’m missing one of the key components of storytelling: the Context, and it’s throwing my experience for a loop.” I’m working on a new production right now. It’s A Midsummer’s Night Dream. I should be thrilled because it’s one of my favorites, and it was my very first Shakespeare production, so the nostalgia factor is kicking in hardcore. But I find myself having trouble connecting with what is going on and falling behind in my line memorization. It’s taken me a couple weeks to figure out why this is happening.

The Elements of a Good Story “To be a really good storyteller, you need to understand three basic concepts: Context, Spine, and Structure….” Storytelling is an age-old tradition, because it’s one that just plainly and simply works. “We all tell stories. I won’t regale you with research that shows people learn and comprehend better from stories than they do otherwise. The Spine.